This country is better than the other countries, in my opinion. But the reason why the USA is better, is because it is full of law abiding citizens. How can a country continually be great if a huge group of people coming over are breaking the law at the onset?? Then, for just being here illegally, are stealing the financial resources of this nation at local, state & federal levels.
Someone please let me know which law I can break..or do I get to choose?? Can I drive 95mph in city limits..drunk..stoned..running from the cops?? Nope!! No free pass for me!! I wouldn't do this anyways, but if laws are OK to break, which one is OK for me to break?
Our country became great because we set-up a set of rules that the government followed, until recently. In this process, "We the people.." vote for the direction that the local, state, & federal levels of government can tax & govern. We are currently in a tough rut, but I believe it will be straightened out very soon. Hey, I have an idea; why don't those illegal folks go back to THEIR country & fix it as they desire instead of coming here & ruining MY country??
My thoughts & ideas are similar to SNIPER's & Archangle1's