Originally posted by tigers1011:
Go to some other country illegally & see how fast you get put in jail &/or deported. We need to do the same.
Why? Aren't we supposed to be better than "some other country?" Why should a Mexican immigrant line the pockets of some corrupt official in order to come here? (And the bribes are not cheap, either. Otherwise they wouldn't be paying some coyote/drug smuggler to get them across the border.)

Just as an aside, and this really has nothing to do with the debate, but if I had the choice of paying a corrupt government official or a coyote/drug smuggler to come here, I'd rather pay the coyote. Being a free market anarchist, I value the independent businessman, and I figure the coyote/drug smuggler must have at least a little integrity, which the government official lacks.

Getting back on track here, there is a simple solution to end the problem of "illegal" immigration.

Make it legal.

If you wish, have them sign a guest book as they cross the border. Hand them a visa, which is good for as long as they (or the head of household) are working or searching for work, and say, "Welcome to America, the Land of the Free." Voila. No more illegal aliens from Mexico. And it's a whole lot cheaper than building some 50-foot fence and patrol it with drones. And it isn't nearly as creepy as issuing everyone a national ID card with all of your biometric data on it.

Here's something else that I'll just throw out for discussion. Is the "right to travel" a fundamental, God-given human right? Why, or why not?

Onward and upward,