Originally posted by Sniper_762X51:
[b]airforce and everyone else who believes the illegal scum should be permitted to stay in MY COUNTRY, what if you and your family took a six month vacation to Florida and when you returned there was someone you didn't recognize mowing your lawn and there were a bunch of children walking in and out of your front door and you found out they had moved in.[/b]
Read those two Cato papers. People are definitely stealing from me, but it's not the "illegal" immigrants who are doing the stealing. In fact, they're actually putting money in our wallets.

Just what is YOUR country? Is it a country where everyone looks pretty much the same and speaks the same language, with a 50-foot fence, drones, and a national ID card to keep it that way? Or is it a country of liberty and prosperity? I don't know about you, but I'll take the latter.

Onward and upward,