Let me state a few things.
I don't give a rat's arse how hard the stinking illegals work, I don't care how corrupt the Mexican Government is, they are still illegal and they should be forced to return to Mexico or whatever part of the Third World or any other part of the World for that matter, they come from. Then they can apply to legally immigrate to MY COUNTRY.
And if I had my way I would stop 90% or more of even legal immigration.
They do not belong here, just by being here makes them Criminals and they should be treated as Criminals.
airforce and everyone else who believes the illegal scum should be permitted to stay in MY COUNTRY, what if you and your family took a six month vacation to Florida and when you returned there was someone you didn't recognize mowing your lawn and there were a bunch of children walking in and out of your front door and you found out they had moved in.
What if these trespassers worked hard to keep where you used to live in good condition, maybe they even did some painting and other repair work.
Would you feel that since they were hard workers they should get to stay in your home or would you want them out of your home even if they had no where else to live.
I would be willing to bet anything that unless you were mentally ill you would not be willing to let them keep your home and you would want their arses kicked out.
The stinking illegals not only are committing a crime by being here a lot of them or most of them committed various crimes, like trespassing on privately owned Ranches, fouling water that was intending for livestock, and crapping and leaving trash on these Privately owned Ranches in the process of them getting into the United States.
So you believe that these Criminals should be rewarded for their crimes by being permitted to stay in MY COUNTRY.
I have a friend in Germany who wanted to move here but he couldn't because of all the Rules and Regulations, but some people believe that these illegals should be permitted to profit from their Crimes.
White, Educated, people, a large percentage of whom already speak English have to go through hell to move here but Dark Skinned, Uneducated people who don't even want to learn English and expect Americans to Speak their Bastardized language and committed crimes to move here and continuing to commit crimes by staying here, should be rewarded by being permitted to stay here and eventually become Citizens that is total Bull Shit.
This is MY COUNTRY not their country and English is MY LANGUAGE not their Bastardized Version of Spanish and I refuse to learn any Foreign Language just to live in MY OWN COUNTRY.
If I moved to France I would learn French and if I moved to Spain I would learn Spanish, real Spanish not the Mexican version of it, since I would not expect the French or the Spanish to learn English, because I refused to learn their National Language.
English needs to be made the Official Language of the United States and bi-lingual education and everything else bi-lingual should be flushed down the shitter like the crap it is.
With luck I will be moving to Arizona this year and I don't want to be forced to learn Mex, and at least at this time I don't have to learn it if I don't want to. But what about ten years from now? Will it be necessary ten years into the future to learn Mex to be able to survive in Arizona.
Even now where I live in New England some jobs require an applicant to be bi-lingual and they don't mean speaking English and German they mean English and Bastardized Spanish. So if this immigration crap continues unabated in the not too distant future everyone who wants a job especially in Public Service, as in Law Enforcement, Fire Fighter, or just working at the DMV or even a job as a checkout person at a grocery store will have to Learn that crappy Language just to be able to get a stinking job.
And the way things are going this crap storm is going to hit Arizona, New Mexico and Texas before it gets near my crappy state. Oh as to California that State seems to have already surrendered.
As I have already stated this is MY COUNTRY I am a REAL AMERICAN I refuse to learn their language because they refuse to learn my language which is English.
Of all the people living in the United States only a small percent of them, Native Americans (American Indians) notwithstanding, can trace their ancestry as far back into American History as I can.
My line does not only go back to the First American Revolution and to the Battle of Concord but it goes all the way back to the Pilgrims. I am a direct descendant of William White who was a passenger on the Mayflower and whose Son was the first person born in the New World. My Family Cradle and William White's Armor and Sword are on display in the Museum in Plymouth Massachusetts and I went there just to see what was once owned and used by my Ancestor.
By the way I don't hate all immigrants even Mexican ones, it is only the ones who are hear illegality that I hate.
But as I previously stated I believe that immigration needs to mostly stop, and one of biggest reasons is population control. There are too many people living in the United States especially uneducated people and it is a fact that a lot of immigrants are not educated at least not enough and for the immigrants from south of the border is almost 100% of them that are Uneducated.
And as to
What happened to give us your poor and hungry masses yerning to be free?
Brother that is a huge pile of stinking crap. It is the same as a used car lot or a property owner putting up a sign they are wiling to accept all the old bald tires, used engine oil and all the household trash that people have.
That shit from the Statue of Liberty in other words says, we want all the Human Trash from the entire world to move to the USA and they will be accepted and that is TOTAL BULL SHIT.
The only people who should be permitted to permanently move here are people who either have sufficient finances and want to invest monetarily in a business here or who have a specific skill that we are in need of. And these skills do not include being a Janitor or other low skill work.
If this is not enough to convince people why illegals should be removed from MY COUNTRY I have more that I can say but I think I have already said more then enough to explain my position on this issue.