Lets think this out.
If Jose' can't get a job because no patriotic american is going to hire him unless he takes that first step and swears to be a good american citizen.
Ha! Jose' gets the job first because the A@#$H$ who owns the company can take out taxes on him and not submit thew, take out SSI on them and not submit it, and take out FICA and not submit it. Jose' don't know so he assumes he is getting a good job for a good price and that nice man is even cashing his check for him so he don't need a bank account.
That should all end on 15 April 2013. The new Obama Care checks and balances will start putting the Patriotic American in jail for fraud around September.
The Illegal immigrant issue is a smoke screen to keep us from seeing the old man behind the curtain. Just as is the 2nd Amendment pushes.
Look at todays Dow and NASDAQ and S&P dropped like a soviet meteor. The bankers are pulling all the income they can shove in their satchels and running for the border.
Times is up!