Originally posted by Imagrunt:
Originally posted by Breacher:
[b] ...
Watch what happens though, they will demanding to get ammo issued to them out of emergency wartime ready reserve stocks but a lot of that stuff was used up in the sandbox.
Maybe they can "borrow" a few million rounds from DHS, with "no strings attached." [/b]The smaller county Sheriff and police tend to be closer to the people they serve than the big city one's like LA California, so the smaller departments are not trusted.
I know deputies that were coincidentally sent on calls so they would be out of their normal patrol areas when the Fedcoats came in for ops, the deputies were screaming angry mad, on one such drug raid by the feds the neighbor to the house that got raided was a Re-Enactor with a APC the bastards stole the APC even though it had no connection what-so-ever to the alleged drug house.
Much of the equipment the sheriff department got from the feds was locked up under the court house where the eputies can not get to it, this includes the NBC gear they got, a lot of good a gas mask does when it is locked up and not in the patrol vehicle.
Really I am hearing paranoia coming from some of the smaller departments now.