There is absolutely now way that we can sustain a conclusive "win" by attrition or any other means under the current or foreseeable circumstances.

The only attainable goal I can see is going to be either a host of demands for legal issues that would get met if they are realistic enough, or recognition of much higher levels of sovereignty in some particular regions, states or autonomous zones.

People are not even agreeing on who "the enemy" is, so lining any demographic group up and shooting them because of the way they voted will not be sustainable. Executing any particular identified group of leaders works only so far, until you work out demands and terms with whoever replaces them.

Something will emerge from the chaos, and if whatever it is that emerges is to have any resemblance of a free society, then combat actions will most likely need to have been kept contained to some degree, and negotiations entered into fairly quickly, not saying settled quickly, but without dialogue, there can be no peace agreement. With no peace agreement, there is no stabilization of a post-revolutionary government, and no reconstruction.

Personally, my inclination is still to sit this one out for a while in order to see how the various factions side off on things.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.