Proof: Obama Is Coming for Your Guns
November 9, 2012
While ignorant Obamanoids can�t get past �their� victory in re-electing the president they identify with, our Constitutional republic is quickly crumbling under a second term authoritarian no longer restricted by the prospect of facing another election.
The Obama Administration has openly announced their intent to bring back the Assault Weapons Ban that was �law� for ten years, but this time Dianne Feinstein and the gun-grabbing liberals aren�t just restricting new weapons & ammo purchases, but seeking legislation to require arms be turned in and private sales be barred. Simultaneously, the Obama Administration is helping to revive the United Nations Small Arms Treaty, which will undermine the sovereignty of the 2nd Amendment by putting international control over the flow of weapons and civilian ownership, inevitably affecting gun rights inside the U.S. particularly in border zones.
This is not speculation, this is not hyperbole, this is not myth� but the admitted plan now underway. We must awaken to this authoritarian control measure and stop it through political pressure before it is too late. Get this special report, featuring research by Alex Jones and Infowars reporters David Knight and Aaron Dykes, out to everyone you know!
Obama Calls for Renewal of Assault Weapons Ban�
Globalists Pull Out All Stops to Grab Guns After Obama Victory�
Turn Them Over: Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips�
After Obama win, U.S. backs new U.N. arms treaty talks�
Senator Feinstein looking to introduce new assault weapons ban�
U.N. Celebrates Obama Re-election by Pushing Global Gun Control, says Second Amendment Foundation�
Hours After Reelection, Obama Green Lights UN Gun Grab�