
The truth of the matter is these coward cops and all the coward assed lawyers, bureaucrats, banksters and realtors have gotten away with all they've stolen, all the more they're stealing now, and all the rest they plan on stealing is because SUPPOSED Americans are TOO COWARDLY to STOP these COWARDS. By any means necessary.

Of course that's why that truth and the attitude needed to properly exercise that truth against the enemy in the name of Freedom and Justice have been bred out of most 'murikans. Obama's reelection can empty the shelves and racks at the gun shows and gun shops and a junk Remington 770 can go for 3 grand in six weeks, but all that does is make the signers of all the 4473 forms targets in the next round of raids and setups-because they've been BRED TO BE COWARDS.

Blame education. Blame the TV. Blame government created problems and false flags. They're all at fault but when you know about the problem and DON'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT, then you become the biggest part of the problem.

Be your own leader
