I believe that we all know the truth and what is needed to stop this crap.

We also should know that peaceful protesting and resistance is garbage and the only way things in this Fu*ked up Country will ever get better is through the use of force. The enemy uses force including deadly force to get its way so the People also need to use force including deadly force.

Fight Fire with Fire, Force with Force, and Violence with Violence, do unto the Enemy what the Enemy does to you and show them NO MERCY.

People need to help their neighbors protect their homes and if that doesn't happen and a person loses their home there should be payback.

The president or CEO of the bank, the corrupt Realtor, and the Basta*d of a Sheriff should have their homes destroyed by any means necessary, their Homes for the Home that they took, and that is the minimum that should be done to those Basta*ds.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)