Homeless people living in cars and RVs get pulled over, arrested for things like expired tags or no insurance, and then "homeowners" cheer it on as those vehicles are impounded and auctioned off by corrupt tow yards.

We are not even talking about the poor getting reduced to nothing, we are talking about someone who is middle to upper middle class refusing to deal with reality and thinking that they alone or they and their family will continue to live as an island in a declining economy.

In the late 1800s, there were "penny auctions" when an economic crisis hit. A community would get together and hijack control of the foreclosure auction.

What you are seeing on something like this is all those people pitching in as a community to try and take down a bank for the mortgage money they lent out, but would not take in additional residents on the property to help pay it off, or take that family in on another property and run the remaining place like a village.

Show me surprise evictions in the middle of the night or something like that and then maybe we talk armed response, show me something with several months notice, and cascading levels of 90,60,and 30 day notices, I mean come on. Renters in most states can pay rent for years and at one month plus three days late, its about cops tossing your stuff on the lawn.

The real issues coming up that might be worth fighting for is after people wised up to the modern economy, grouped up, got on property they own, and then greedy real estate interests are trying to take control of property that they have absolutely no right to.

If I remember correctly, that's where FALSarge and his crew heroed up in Pennsylvania after a township decided to to a "public needs asset seizure" on a farm that had a paid for mortgage, but someone wanted to develop it into a golf course without paying market rate for the property.

The sooner the economy does the big crash and rewrite, the sooner we will not be dealing with this absurdity, but since it would be so painful for the slick, sick, lame and lazy, Heaven and Earth is being held back to prevent the economy from the inevitable crash.

In the meantime, young people and those whose personal economies already did crash and are attempting to recover are faced with housing prices based on the speculative values demanded by those who bought during the falsified "boom" years of the late 1990s.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.