If you actually take a few days and download the Obamacare legislation to your desktop and get a cse of cold _____ and make yourself read it you will find very little healthcare and a bunch of Health Care "Control". There are in and outs in the bills because of terms used.
When I see a State pass legislation to remove The State from the law and I go look at their "TERMS" I see no references to "The People" nor any wordage that says the State will be proactive in protecting the people.
The Bar-Fly lawyers who write this stuff know this. When the feds come after Uncle Edie, and take his farm because he refused to be covered by Obamacare or pay the Taxes the state will probably provide backup Deputies and State police to help arrest him.
People have to learn that the federal Government is a 'Corporation'. The State of ______ is also a "Corporation".
The 14th Amendment prohibits any state from denying any US CITIZEN any right granted by the Federal Governmnet. So these bogus statements of " Non-Compliance " only apply to state requirements to perform and not to you and me unless they specifically state different and I have yet to see one do that.