J croft, bother

I understand your passion at Obama care..

What is happening in this country, makes my blood boil. I am sure there has been an occasion when I slipped in a word or two that shouldn't be said in front of children, or as We used to say mixed company.

But that's old fashion now.

I can pretty much say though 99% of the time. I write those words with symbols to replace letters leaving it up to your imagination.

Such as A$$ or F#ck...

Is that really cleaning it up... Probably not.

But I feel there in not much need to fill in the blanks and I really try to remember that kids and people, who already have a slightly bad opinion of us may read, what I post.

I try not to feed the trolls with too much they can post elsewhere and make us look bad by taking it out of context.

I mean think about it, we all get mad, we all say how we feel, and if their's an idiot using our posts to prove his point, that we are Racist sexist homaphobs with the desire to kill the president and over throw the government.

He or She can take pieces of our post and paste them together to lean that way...

Fair or not fair, that's how the enemy works...

I do try to check out sites that post things we say, and bad mouth us..I have on occasion even went on their sites and commented.

I did it just recently on The SPLC site and a couple others that were taking posts out of context to say we were planing a war.

So, what I am saying is many of you here, are look on as leaders by younger patriots, and some sheepies come on here to see what we are about, maybe decide to join up.

With that power comes responsibility..

The members who have been here a while and know more, must act with honor and dignity.

They are the guys that back home may be looked for as leaders when the SHTF.

So take it for what it is worth, we all are angry, we all say things that should be removed and we all should do a better job of setting an example.

Back on topic...

We are being tested by this administration..

Not just us, but all the people.

Obama care is not about health, it is about control, power, and how much the people will take before they buck the Feds.

President Obama has systematically put in executive orders and laws to strip rights, as Bush did before him, and the people are not in the streets...

Until they are in the streets, he is emboldened to continue.


I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf