Ah Flick I was wondering when you'd chime in...

If a "fellow patriot" censored you in your hour of outrage-in this hour where we all need to be outraged instead of hemming and hawing and rationalizing Obamacare and it's imposition of more tyranny-if that "fellow patriot" CENSORED you for a "naughty word" when others on this board curse the enemy... and get away with it(have to get away with it-on a patriot board?!)

Okay, if someone billing themselves as a "fellow patriot" censored you for some rough language in this hour of righteous outrage, would you not call him on his BULLSHIT?

I did.

Flick, when you log onto a website, you are NOT at your home. In effect you are out in a more public space and sometimes those you are with are going to be pissed off, mightily pissed off as all hell about some outrage-like Obamacare.

Now, a Patriot can look at the word "cunt" and say, well that woman probably deserves. Or they might say whoa that's hauling out the heavy artillery for a gnat and perhaps that's a issue of taste...


Imagrunt decided to play potty mouth po-lice over a word he personally considered 'tasteless'. He played the same BULLSHIT our enemies like to play-what does that make him?

AWRM is privately owned-but it's not owned by myself, Imagrunt and definitely not you. It is in essence a public space isolated from other public spaces by registration requirements for other Patriots... and I don't see Breacher, Greywolf, DoctorJeep, CSC, or any of the other Patriots having their posts censored by Imagrunt and his sensitive eyes. Mabye because they give the impression they'd make the car trip over to his house and knock his teeth in for pulling such crap-you think that's it? Perhaps I don't exude that, or enough?

You worry about AWRM's image-over me dropping the c-bomb on a cunt? A traitorous cunt who approves-do you remember what this post was about Flick? What was that... oh yes the title: "non-compliance with obamacare will not be tolerated".

We got tyranny being shoved down our throats and we got someone acting like a petty tyrant over some well-earned foul language-you don't see the disconnect?

See Flick, there's this thing in America we call Free Speech; something a Patriot would honor even though calling a cunt a cunt does melt the ears and eyes of those not used to such terms. I typically don't haul out the word, I save it for special occasions and for people that especially deserve the perjorative.

Aren't we already too much divided against one another to act like our enemies over some well-earned foul language?

So, Flick, what's really at stake in your view, and why is it you're the commanding officer of the J. Croft wet blanket brigade here at AWRM?

Be your own leader
