Originally posted by drjarhead:
Independence Day means less to me every year.

This year, it means NOTHING to me.

Not a damn thing.

Independence from WHAT?

I LMAO'd earlier when Megan Kelly on Fox had a bunch of servicemen and women on. She was swooning about how they fought to protect our independence.

What a f'ing joke.

Independence from what?

From Afghanistan?
Viet Nam?

Even Russia?

The "Enemy" is in control of our Govt for crying out loud.

What has gone on in just the past week and a half?
The last 6 months?

The UNITED States?
A-friggin-men! Just another pseudo-veteran's day?

I may be in the minority of opinions on this, but to me the 4th is about kicking the arse of those that seek to enslave you.....not kissing the ass of the powers arrayed against you and bleating the party line.