Everyone refuses to buy the government mandated crap. In the meantime we prepare for their next move by pulling all our money out of the banks, retirement accounts, stock market etc. That way there wont be anything for them to confiscate when they decide to enforce their tyranny. Also, we adjust our deductions so that we have nothing withheld...thus removing more of our money from their grasp.

Then come tax day, everyone fails to file. We don't pay their fines and withhold our taxes because they're being a bunch of assholes.
Did this in 2000.

No bank accounts that matter - only enough to by some stuff online or pay a bill.

Pay 0 to the IRS, and will not ever again.

"To achieve One World Government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, their loyalty to family traditions and national identification."
~ Brock Chisholm, when director of UN World Health Organization