I see I ruffled a few of you... I said I regretted it comes to this and don't be so excited about killing your brother citizens... it ain't a game... I didn't say we should bitch for a few more years... you want the truth... I posted the truth in this post in the "Are we targeted for assassination thread"..
Originally posted by Leonidas:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by drjarhead:
One day they will tire of trying to intimidate us by making examples of American Patriots one at a time.
Its already here. Like Im telling you something. We should have rolled out the door years ago, yet here we are talking.
I would go right now, yet I am alone in my assessment. There for I would be just throwing away my life for sheep.
Out here
There is no one standing in your way, You belong to a unit... If you are confronted, do what you must..I am curious to see who come to who's aid..
I am pretty fed up, right about now, with a lot of things..
If you wait for someone else to start the battle, you will be waiting a while.
Many of these guys will run when they are confronted. I am just curious to see who will stand and who will run..
It is almost worth the war just to find out who was full of it.
But if you find out many of them were full of it, It will be a short moment of comfort.
You gotta do what in your AO is necessary when your faced with tyranny.
In other words though the founders sent the Declaration of Independence, and claimed freedom, as we have done many times. It took several confrontations with the British in local locations to bring the revolution to full swing.
Waiting for that one trigger to start the war... means the war will be over before your in it.
I am not saying go out and start it.
just saying you gotta make your stand, before the shooting starts. You gotta stop them from violating your rights locally and stir emotion to your cause...
some of you will die in that effort.
Like the men at concord..or at Ft Sumter...
People said.... "that's it I move no farther", and after they made their stand, They inspired the common folk to stand.
What good does it do to send all the militia against the Federals, when the news media will vilify us?
The Federals need to overstep badly, they almost did it with Waco and ruby ridge, but with the news media on their side , the truth was suppressed.
As bad as it was,
it wasn't enough to cause the people to rally against them.
But it swelled our rolls. Some real Patriots and some not so real.
But, You can't just go out there and start shooting folks, to start a war...
They have to start this war, and to be perfectly honest, we have to set them up to do it.
We have to allow them a chance to over step so badly that the people are disgusted with them...
They are close, they have set up the war machine, and one thing, we Vets should all know is.... When they have their machine set up, anytime in history... They can't help but use it.
It is what they do....
I know your going right about now....
that damn Greywolf is crazy...
I ain't waiting to be sacrificed for the cause..
It is not your choice really...
Let's be honest again... Your on here, you've preached you'll fight... You have talk about making a stand... They know who you are and where you are... Many of you they've even figured out your retreats and bug out locations. They probably have flown over and have the layout of your "compound" as they will call it.
They just this morning, in a single engine plane flew over my place..
now your probably saying Greywolf is paranoid...
But let me explain...
As you know I have been running in the morning to reclaim my physical conditioning, lost after my operation...
" I'm up to 5 miles by the way"
As I was about a half mile from my place I noticed a small plane flying toward my place. No big deal, I thought.
But I watched it any way.
As it approached my place I noticed it climbing higher and starting to turn.
I believe it climbed to gain altitude to circle quietly,
It then cut back it's engine to idle made two circles around my place and then after turning away and losing altitude it raised throttle and flew away toward the way it came.
So if they are scoping me out, I might just be one of the guys they come after in force.
Or it could be many of us at once.
But your chance will come, and soon I predict.
The truth is the fight will come to us, if we start the fight, we will be the bad guys, if we are attacked and innocents are killed by them...
Hearts and minds my friends..
That's the truth,
everyone else can blow smoke up your skirt, but I will tell you the truth...
They are coming and many will die, and appearances are important.
They must be the tyrants, we must not be the domestic terrorists...
Not in their eyes but the people's eyes...
because we can not win without support of the people.
So if your ready to fight your chance will soon come, but war is not like the old war movies, and this one will be like none other ever fought...
Your chance to make your stand is many little stands locally and maybe one big one when your enough of a pain in their A$$ to get their attention.
So you wanted the truth now there it is...
What the F*ck you going to do with it?... You say your don't want 2 or 3 more years of talking...
Then stand the F*ck up, when they put up the road blocks in your neighborhoods, when they tell you you can't speak out, When they go after some one in your AO,
you and your unit should block access to that person...
I ain't saying you gotta travel 600 miles to defend a patriot brother. I can't get some of you to go 5 mile to help a brother or train for that matter.
Stop the violations of your rights in your AO, if you can't do that, your not going to do it nationwide...
Don't tell me how ready you are tell them...
And stand arm in arm and see if they try and crush you...
Then fight back..defend that brother patriot.
PS... I sure, I will get the well what are you doing about it arguments... First.. OPSEC second.. guess what It only matters what you are doing... worry about your AO, that what the militia is all about.. A bunch of different militia units protecting their AO's
Just once after a incident of tyranny by government agents....
I will be thrilled to hear just one time that a road block was busted up by patriots, or a van load of Homeland security agents were pulled form their vehicle and tied to a telephone pole and tared and feathered. TSA agents seen running from the airport naked. IRS agents who tried to enforce Obamacare, found hogtied on the side of a road with 10-40 forms rolled up and sticking out their a$$. Or JBT's found whipped and tied to a cannon in the city square.
your pissed..... GOOD!