I see it as critically important that although we will publicly state we are against the war, we will not sabotage any war effort, encourage or facilitate desertion, act in any manner supportive of the current Iranian regime or carry out any single combat or intelligence gathering action on the part of the current Iranian regime.

What I want to make distinctly clear on this is the position on this website concerning the upcoming war, and that we have absolutely no alliance with the government of Iran. Sebastian Junger gave an "expert opinion interview" with Connie Chung in 2001 shortly after 9/11 stating that he had numerous intelligence sources verifying a long term alliance between the American Militia movement and Al-Queda, and that it centered around some part of South America called "four corners" where right-wing American militias trained in jungle and improvised urban warfare with elements of Al-Queda, FARC and other anti-US government groups, and coordinated attacks within the United States by Al Queda with Militia movement help were "pending", and his "sources" noticed a lot of "resource sharing". The entire thing was a carefully constructed lie, with the most crucial "facts" only being verifiable by those willing to travel to some remote regions of South America to verify or discredit the story. Thus, without being able to conclusively discredit the story, we got stuck with scrutiny for years, even initially blamed for the "DC Sniper shooting spree" when in fact, it was done by self styled Islamic extremists with no connection to us or even the "white racists" over at Stormfront whatsoever. The lie eventually petered out some time in late 2007 to early 2009 when it became obvious that nobody from our side of the fence was going to try and assassinate Bush on behalf of Al Queda or any of the other stupid theories that "experts" were coming up with.

I have been trying to find the infamous Chung/ Junger interview on youtube and not finding it, and since Junger later became a more respected author and "journalist", we need to consider his lies and where they came from to be even more dangerous even though they later were proven to be lies, this guy never went away. He quietly went on to other things to build his credibility, unlike the more pathological liars like Mark Pitcavage, James Vincent Nix and other notable anti-patriot movement "experts". I don't blame Chung for this, I blame Sebastian Junger for directly slandering our movement and misleading the public by his intent. This is, with the new thing with Iran, he will definitely be in the news again. The question is whether or not he will be continuing his career as a foreign journalist or speaking against us with more lies.

I have no doubt that various factions in the radical Muslim world have attempted to romance some corners of the patriot movement, but as far as I know, nobody here has traveled extensively in the Middle East, got secret bank accounts out of Bahrain or been connected with exchanging weapons, training, military intelligence and safe havens for weapons stockpiling with known international drug cartels and communist terrorist groups. The FBI, CIA, BATF and other alphabets cannot truthfully make the same claim.

There is, however, some danger of cross-pollination of ideology when it comes to debates about situations like you have in Israel, and in making other international contacts with people who might be under Iranian government control or sponsorship, in which case I would suggest having some back door contacts with certain .gov agencies just to see what is going on with some of these people who will no doubt crop up as this situation heats up. Obviously consider that you will be getting lied to from time to time, so don't be taking your directives from those people unless the situation is so incredibly obvious that you need to take action anyway. This I mention in relation to some of the Muslim training camps that have been operating in the US and other quite likely "sleeper cell" groups which may be paid to take action by the government of Iran or their allies.

One venue of that to watch closely is RT America. The Russians have been allied with Iran for a long time, but then also have their own problems against the Radical Islamists in Chechnya, so their society is divided on the issue too. Russia has its own unofficial militias forming around Moscow and other parts of their formerly shrinking country which must be taken seriously by all actors involved, if for nothing else their proximity to old stockpiles of Soviet nuclear weapons and an apparent willingness to talk about using them if they can get their hands on any.

I will wholeheartedly agree that the establishment, security, maintenance and eventual sovereignty of the free zones should remain our highest priority.

We are all volunteer in nature at this point, none of us are paid professionals in this, we don't operate with the near infinite resources of a taxpayer supported economic base, so limitations need to be realistic. What they should not include though, is accepting any form of foreign "sponsorship" at this stage when there is no diplomatic recognition or support. Anonymous support from aspiring friends, that's another matter, but for me, that will not include anyone who comes from a government or society which does not respect core American values.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.