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National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2012. What does it do, or not do? More importantly, does it constitute a declaration of war on the people?
Ever since Bill St. Clair mirrored this declaration of a State of War by Anonymous, I have been asked to comment upon it. Now, being rather experienced about chest-thumping "Declarations of War" in the 90s, I am a bit jaded by, and more than a bit suspicious of, the genre. Consequently I have been trying to find out what the NDAA actually says, as opposed to what folks say it says. It is important before you go to war to find out exactly what it is you are going to war about. I am not alone, it seems. Ranger Rick forwards this NDAA FAQ: A Guide for the Perplexed. I am still a bit perplexed after reading it through twice, but less perplexed than I was.
The cut-to-the-chase comment is here: "No federal statute can repeal the Bill of Rights. To the extent any provision of the NDAA is found to conflict with any provision of the Bill of Rights, it will not survive constitutional scrutiny."
Yeah. And its application to American citizens on American soil won't survive this guy, either. Him and a couple-three million of his friends.
Here's my conclusion: If anybody in the government, at any level of government, starts raiding American citizens' homes, putting black bags over their heads and carrying them off without due process, then the shooting begins whether they have a law that says they can or not. That's just a fact. Nothing repeals your natural, God-given and inalienable rights. No more free Wacos.
So, my advice? Until you actually see the whites of the raid parties eyes, don't start shooting. No Fort Sumters. Nothing's changed. Whatever somebody SAYS they are going to do you is only a damn good reason to get ready to repel his tyrannical intentions. When they cross the line to DOING it? The answer is obvious. If you do a good enough job at the first, maybe he'll lose interest in the second. Then again, maybe not.
In the meantime, do what you should have been doing all along -- preparing. Training. Fitness. Logistics. Planning defensive strategies for your local area.
Got militia?
Dutchman State of War Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 19 Dec 2011
I found this in the 1 Billion AGAINST Indefinite Detention without trial law Facebook group, and posted as comments in a number of other places on the web. I copied the version below from this entry. HR 1540 is the "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012", the "Public Print" version. The sections in question are 1031 and 1032, under "Subtitle D--Detainee Matters".
We are anonymous
We ask that you post the following in public places
Whereas, on the 14th of December, 2011, the House of Representatives of these United States voted in favor of indefinite military detention, without charges, of any American, anywhere, anytime, without due process of law, at the discretion of the government alone;
Whereas, on the 15th of December, 2011, the Senate of these United States voted in favor of the same bill;
Whereas, the proscription against the use of military force to police the populous has been an essential feature of American civic life and civic liberty since the arrival of our civilization upon this continent;
Whereas, the wanton violation of this proscription was one of the chief causes of the separation of the American peoples from their government in Great Britain;
Whereas, the Constitution so chartering the government of these United States does not grant this power;
Whereas, the Constitution forbids the addition of any power not enumerated to the general government;
Whereas, the use of such draconian measures has been an essential feature of the enforcement of tyranny by totalitarian governments of the 20th century, including, but not limited to, the Nationalist-Socialist government of Germany, the fascist government of Italy, the government of the United Soviet Socialist Republics, and the government of Vietnam;
Whereas, the use of such draconian measures is carefully calculated to quash all political dissent amongst a captive people;
Whereas, the codification of such draconian measures effectively nullifies all civil liberties the people may hope to hold;
Whereas, the codification of such draconian measures are the last act in the quest to hold a people captive to the rapacious will of their government without recourse;
And whereas, the codification of such draconian measures is an act of war against the populous at large;
Therefore, be it declared that a STATE OF WAR formally exists between the Government of these United States and the People of these United States.
We, the People of these United States, declare any and all attempts to enforce the provisions of HR 1540 to be unlawful, void, and of no force.
We, declare ALL WHO voted in favor of HR 1540, and ALL WHO attempt to enforce HR 1540 to be traitors to these United States, punishable under law.
We, SHALL DISOBEY, APPREHEND, OR RESIST WITH DEADLY FORCE, in our discretion, any person who attempts to enforce the provisions of HR 1540.
We, SHALL NOT aggress against any employee of any American government who shall not attempt to enforce or aid and abet the enforcement of HR 1540, they being as trapped as the rest of the populous.
Such STATE OF WAR shall continue until HR 1540 is stricken from the code of law, and all who had hand in HR 1540 are brought to justice under due process of law.
Signed and witnessed by we, the individual citizens of these United States, below:
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861