Aw come-on guys. Ya gotta play by the new rules and fight fair.
If we no longer have any right to privacy, nor any right to be secure in our papers, person or effects; then neither do they.
If they can keep us under constant surveillance and monitor our every word and action then the same can be done to them.
If they can maintain lists and databases of information on us, then we can do the same to them.
If they can trespass, break and enter our homes without a warrant, them we don't need one to do the same to them.
If they can indefinitely hold, detain and kidnap our people without formal charges ever being placed against us, and deny our right to face our accusers, have council or a trial by jury, then we can deny them the same "privileges".
If they can assemble "death squads" to eliminate us, then we can do the same to them.
Those people would do well to remember that we will play by the rules of engagement they have established. After all, that's only fair.