Originally posted by Rudy:
Originally posted by airforce:
[b] Bystander killed by one of 71 stray bullets fired by NYPD officers .

The ballistics tests determined that the bullet that killed Ms. Gay, from a 9-millimeter gun, had markings consistent with those made by seven manufacturers� guns, including [b]Glock .

It was doubtful whether the source of the shot that killed Ms. Gay would definitively be determined, even by comparing the slug to those from the Glocks fired by two officers, the police said, because of the generic markings the lead slug picked up as it passed through the gun�s barrel. Also, the round retrieved from Ms. Gay�s body was deformed.
Spray and pray is what gangbangers are supposed to do, not New York's finest.

Onward and upward,
airforce [/b]
I didn't think you were supposed to used bullets with exposed lead in Glocks? [/b]
You are not. You should only use jacketed rounds.