Originally posted by Flight-ER-Doc:
If they had an honest belief that what they did was wrong, they had the opportunity to a) not do it (disobeying an illegal order is not illegal) or b) reporting it after the fact to the chain of command, IG, whoever.
Why wait 2-3 years, and make their 'apology' in a concerted effort at propaganda?
They're as sorry as John Fing Kerry was (and as honest) when he 'testified' in Congress in the 'winter soldier' bullshit....and this is just exactly the same script.
Doc - First off, I respect your opinion. I don't agree with it but that's one of the reasons I come to this site. To hear different opinions and learn. I'll respect the opinion of anyone who is willing to stand up and fight for the freedoms of others - you are obviously one of those people.
Here is how I take that these guys waited so long to speak up: Years ago, during my first marriage, I cheated on my wife all the time. I was young and dumb and full of >>>, as they say.
I also drank like a fish and drove drunk all the time. I didn't give two sh!ts about anyone else. I had enough testosterone and attitude that I'd say f()ck you to just about anyone, any time.
Now, 20 sum yrs. later I look back and think - Man, I was a friggin ignorant fool. I've apologized to my EX-wife for ruining the life she had planned for us and for just plain treating my marriage vows as worthless.
I think people who drink and drive are idiots and if I ever catch a drunk driver on my street, near my kids, I'll beat their ass till it's unrecognizable.
My point is, perspectives change. Time and maturity give people new insight. Two years ago I'd never have thought that I'd see my own government as a threat to my freedoms and liberties. It's not propaganda - it's experience that has taught me that if I don't defend my own freedoms no one will...