Oh, boo-hoo. Steny Hoyer 'estimating' that there 'might be as many as 10' who have been threatened?

How about the outrage when Democratic party operatives slashed tires on GOP get out the vote vans? Shot up Bush/Cheney campaign offices? Vandalized GOP offices?

How about when SEIU/Democratic Operatives beat up Ken Gladney at a Teaparty event? When the 'new' Black Panther Party used physical intimidation (with weapons displayed) to prevent whitey from voting?

Hoyer better find out what intimidation is.

Emergency Medicine - saving the world from themselves, one at a time.

"Thou shalt not be a victim, thou shalt not be a perpetrator, but, above all, thou shalt not be a bystander."

I make the ADL soil themselves. And that makes me very happy smile