Those who talk and clamor for an absolute war are either mentally ill. Or they have never seen war close up and personal. So Vader.. Do you even War bro?
Have you seen what happens when you Call for Close air support on the shadowfire?
Have you walked thru places like Fallujah and Taji and seen parts of bodies and children's feet sticking out of the rubble?
Have you policed up pieces of your battle buddies out of blown up vehicles?
It is not about winning hearts and mind dumbass. The militia already has those. It is about not losing those hearts and minds. Tim McVeigh remember him?
In all honesty, it is like this
Men will not willingly follow another man into battle, war, or even a fistfight. If the man leading has nothing to lose.
In other words
No Immediate family Wife, Kids, Mom, Dad,
No extended family, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Nieces, Nephews
Moreover, the reason is very clear. The man with no family is only in it for themselves..
The man with family is in it for his families' future his children's future and his wife's safety.
Your post said it for you. You don't have a dog in this fight.
15 years you have been in R.I and kvetching about it. Waiting for the stars to align, and for providence to give you that singular shard of serendipity that will allow you off that rock. Dude fuck that.. Sell your shit and Move to Az. and just do it.
You bring up history of people who had short term wins.
Where are they and their governments now?
Fidel was not a brutal dirty war. He actually gave a shit.
Where is Stalin's system now?
Where is Hitler's?
And as far as Imperial Japan it took an extraordinary example of Annihilation to make them see that if the "all or none" is what they want then that is what they would get. Again no victory. No enduring system.
Hell even Mao ZeDong's system has changed. Brutality and Domination only lasts so long.
And yes the War of Aggression did have brutality. But individual families had payback long after the War was over. And America learned to never wage absolute war against fellow Americans.
I do not know anyone who has warred for 20 plus years on a big war, small war, dirty war basis who even advocates it as a solution. EXCEPT when brutality and non discretionary damage is done.
NEVER PREACH WAR TO ME... I spent the last 15 years of .mil time actively and continuously fighting wars on three fronts, in multiple countries.
And you forget that awrm has an audience of people who are a might bit squeamish about supporting any non conventional defense force (NCDF) and when you talk of indiscriminate wholesale slaughter you drive them away.
You talk about denial ops without even thinking about the third order ramifications of your actions. Example
Shutting down power for a short term duration. You do that in a city on a citywide basis and the roll over affects the local hospital. And you cannot restore the so called "Denial" A man who has done nothing wrong to you loses their child because the power was lost to the infancy ward.
You have created an enemy who will hunt you down for the rest their breathing days. Is this what you want. To create an enemy will never show no quarter. Who will deny that you are human who will be so consumed with hate that genocide seems a walk in the park for them?
Maybe you need to drink from the "Well of War" to get an idea of the taste.
So option B for you is..
1. Sell your shit
2. Fly into Ankara, Turkey and I can connect you with someone who will hook you up with the Kurds.
3.Try your hand against ISIL..
But this you will not do. Excuses and no dog in the fight as you said.
Besides pounding keys on your PC what have you done for this movement?
How many face to face meetings and training exercises have you done?
How many units have you helped equip?
How much personal investment into Equipment for units?
No you do not pass my stink test either I smell you out as a poser and a REMF at best.