Originally posted by Breacher:
The more I think about it, the more I realize we can do nothing to prevent a lot of this, but we can work on tactics that would at least help our own people circumvent it.
The only reason we can't stop things such as these ID checkpoints is because the american people are too stupid and lazy to just say 'Hell NO'. If everyone refused to comply there aren't enough of these NAZI thugs to arrest them all. The militia/patriot movement has talked for years about restoring the Republic, fighting the enemies of freedom blah blah blah. Yet that's all we do. If you wont become self sufficient and independent of the beast system now, don't whine and complain because you live in a police state. If you're not willing to engage in active non compliance, you get exactly what you deserve.
...self-sufficiency, mutual aid and mutual defense are realistic efforts, given the likely short amount of time we have left. The universal vision is right in front of our faces and always has been: to break away from the corrupt mainstream system, to remove our dependency, to provide our own necessities and, thus, to remove our consent. Every liberty proponent in America should be able to pursue this goal without prompting from any centralized leadership, and it encompasses every aspect of the fight against tyranny. Make your family self-sufficient and secure without aid of government. Make your neighborhood self-sufficient and secure. Make your town or county self-sufficient and secure. If the elites try to stop you, fight back and from a position on the moral high ground. If enough communities defend themselves the prospect of martial law or totalitarian control becomes systemically impossible, politically and strategically. I rarely run into liberty advocates who disagree with this plan, yet they do nothing and refuse to even make the attempt because they are still waiting around for someone to give them a plan. Stop waiting around for the next Gandhi or George Washington and do what you already know needs to be done. It is truly as simple as that.