Taking a third look at what I posted, I guess I should have rephrased it, but I did not go into any details and the reason I posted what I did is due to what I have seen posted on this board.

I am just tired of all the posts on Winning their Hearts and Minds and Morality and how Stopping Shipments of Food or Turning Off the Power to a Enemy Controlled City will lose us support of the people.

Now as to what is posted here being read by Government Agents well what did I really say.

I just stated that we have to do everything that Needs to be done, I did not go into details or even suggested what these Needed Things were. And I didn't because I do not know what all of these needed things will be and I am not going to mention what the things I do know are for a very obvious reason.

Compare my post to posts I have read on the topics of Taking out a Helicopter or Battle Tank or just being a good Sniper plus a lot of other war related things.

One sentence and I am being accused of posting Fed Bait, interesting.

I did not post it looking for any entrapping comments, when I posted it I figured I would get comments more in line with:


Vader when you lose your morality you lose you support base. morals are beacons for your supporting populace. collateral damage did not work for Che. Or us.
Since I know how the minds of some of the members work as to the issue of Morality in War.

I am getting tired of people wanting to fight for freedom but who refuse to accept the reality of fighting a war.

War is Hell on Earth and a Civil War or Revolution is the Worst Kind of War since it is Citizen vs Citizen or for the coming War Neighbor vs Neighbor and that is just the Truth.

In War shit happens and there is nothing that can be done about it.

Now I will go into a few facts and what if's.

When two sides are shooting at each other it is not only possible but very likely that some of the bullets will miss their intended target.

And since this exchange of gunfire will not be occurring at a shooting Range with a nice safe backstop there is a chance that there will be some thing or some one you don't want to get shot as in an innocent person or non-combatants behind your intended target or the Enemies intended target meaning a freedom fighter. If a Patriot or the Enemy miss then an innocent person who is behind the target may get hit.

So if lets say some Militia gets fired on and behind the Enemy is a School Yard or School Bus with Innocent Children what should that Militia do. Return Fire and and risk Innocent lives or Not Return Fire and risk themselves being killed or captured?

And what if the Innocent Children are behind the Militia and it would be Government Bullets that would kill the Innocent Children?

Somehow I have a feeling that the Government Shooters would not give a Rat's arse for the lives of Innocent Children.

And if Government Troops and their bullets that did do the dirty deed the Media would still put the full blame on the Militia.

We will be damned if we do and damned if we didn't.

These are some of the things we need to seriously need to think about before we decide to actually fight a War, a Shooting War for our Rights and to restore the Constitution.

This is the point of what I posted if you are not willing to go all the way then stay home and leave the fighting to those who have the balls for War.

If you personally are not willing to risk Innocent Lives being lost, then you should forget about Fighting and instead pick up your Bible and Pray that God will win the War for us.

As for me while I have the Balls to do what is needed I will most likely sit this War out.

I have no Family so what happens after I die, is not my concern and right now all I care about is getting my business started, making a lot of money and moving to Arizona and having some horse property and a couple of horses and living in peace for the few good years I have left.

So as long as the Government leaves me alone so I can have what I want they will not have any problems with me.

Another reason I do not intend to fight, is I don't want to put up with the BS of the Militia and what will inevitably happen.

Can anyone say extreme Infighting.

Now if I was in the area and certain members of this board needed help I would be willing to risk it all to help them.

And if I was in the area I may have helped the Bundys but considering it is passed I will not say for certain since now it is too easy to say it, what with no consequences involved as in my death.

Also it is too easy to be a online Hero.

Now Leo on to you.

Leo I did not insult you, but I feel you insulted me. Nice real nice. Maybe I will just start a Do Not Reply To List and you can have the honor of being first on the list.

And I am going to do just that but before I do.

Internet boards are very good protection, since if someone said to me in person that I didn't pass the stink test which infers that I am working for the Government I would tell him �It's plain your looking for trouble, trouble is what I try to shun if that's what you want that's what you�ll get cause Cowboy Were Both Packing Guns

Just in case you misinterpret my meaning which you have done before, I will state that what I stated does not mean I am going to look you up and I am not going to Gunfight you and I am not going to fight you in any other way. I just want to completely avoid any contact or communication with you in any way, that should be enough said on this topic.

One reason I post on this board is to vent some of my anger, which is a good thing and if I can't do that, without running the risk of one of the members stating that my post doesn't pass the stink test or insulting me in other ways, then why bother posting anything on this board. I might as well just type it up and then sherd the paper or since I am using a Computer just file it securely away and never post it which I do quite often.

Now here is some truth for everyone to digest.

In a real War people on both sides get hurt and killed.

Some of these people will be totally innocent.

Some of these people while not totally innocent, they will be non-combatants.

Sometimes to take out an objective the lives of innocent people or non-combatants will be put in jeopardy.

In a War of Freedom Fighters vs the Forces of the Government, if any innocent people or non-combatants get killed, the Government will put the full blame on the Freedom Fighters, regardless of who is actually responsible i.e. which side fired the shots.

And the News Media will make sure the Government's version is what the people are told and the people will believe it.

Now lets think about the Morality of Collateral Damage and of innocent people or Non-combatants being injured or killed.

One issue is, exactly who or what is an innocent person?

My opinion on this is very simple. Everyone who supports the Enemy or actions of the Enemy in any way especially their War effort is NOT an Innocent Person e.g. the German non-combatants who were on the side of Hitlers War, the Japanese non-combatants who worshiped Hirohito.

So in the war that is coming, all the Liberals who believe in the Government's Policies and everyone else who supports in any way the Government in a war against Patriots and this especially includes all the Liberals who have no problem with the Government Banning all guns or even killing all the Gun Owners.

Another issue, is protecting the lives of Non-combatants more important then Winning the War?

One more issue, would we be condemned to hell for permitting Non-combatants to be killed?

Most of us believe that killing children is wrong and against God's Will but yet God Himself ordered the killing of not only Adults both men and women but also women, children and infants.

1 Samuel 15:2-3, God commanded Saul and the Israelites, �This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.'"

I will end this now, I have wasted far too much effort and time on this, which puts no money in my Bank Account.

I have more I could post but if this doesn't make my position clear then nothing will.

Oh Taking a Break from Posting on the Board may be the best thing. But I will continue to read it.

Also there are a few Threads I still have to finish posting on and a few other things I was planning on posting, so I may be around for a little longer but not for too long. Of course things can change so like Bond Never Say Never.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)