Husker " Conjecture" became a liability to the .gov
on 9-11. Conjecture after that became PC. PC equals FISA warrant and NSL's. What is said and typed as Falsarge and many others found out used against you. Even what others type is used against you. In Virginia judges love guilty by association and the Commonwealth attorney goes by the rule of you are judged by the company you keep.
In this state we are under the all seeing eye of the surveillance monster.
Conjecture as you put it is known as a Predicate precursor. and it is one of the 6 points needed to open an investigation. Let me tell you about how that works. After a while of finding nothing they will make something up and "Find" you guilty of that.They have to validate the cost of the man hours to the OMB and the bean counters.
We had a mass exodus on these boards and no they didn't go to face book or you tube they went dark from the practice of using forums. I have spoken to many of our former posters and they did not like the idea of what they posted being used against them. They took wise advice and left.
Real ID who cares its a done deal work locally and find the roads they wont be on take those roads. dont fly just drive. Be smart and plan smart. you are in an occupied country and now is the time to act like it.
What is an important battle to us ? wasting our time worrying about an ID.
Or caching away class 1 thru 10 items? The gov is going to do what the gov is going to do. If its what the corporations want then it will be. Focus on the one thing that you can do well and learn to do it better. And keep your mouths shut about it.
Locally to put a wrench in the works of those who try the rutherford check. have the community cease to do any business with the Law enforcement agencies and the cops who work within these agencies. sell no gas,food,water, provide no electric or phone services. sell no oil or tires to them in effect the whole town blacklists them.
Sell nothing to the department or the employees of the department from the individual badge right up to the politicians. No coffee from the 7-11 no diapers from the wal-mart. Basically an economic lockout or embargo.
Store owners and landlords have the right to refuse service to anyone.Business is a lawful and voluntary transaction.If every town did this then it would make a quick and effective difference in the attitude of the police and feds.
Laws are what the police and PTB control. the food and service and oil/gas/water / electric are what we the people control. and we can control it very effectively.