Join the Real ID rebellion
Things are looking more-and-more likely for repeal of the REAL ID Act. The Maine legislature got the ball rolling, and now as many as 34 others states are threatening to pile on.
It’s important to note that the resolution of the Maine legislature was limited. They informed the federal government that they weren’t going to embed RFID chips in their state driver’s licenses. But Maine may go even further before all is said-and-done, because many other states are contemplating more vigorous opposition.
For instance, a committee of the Arizona Senate just voted unanimously to prohibit that state from complying with the REAL ID Act. And Missouri State Rep. James Guest, a Republican, has formed a coalition of lawmakers from 34 states to file bills that oppose Real ID.
Now is the time to turn-up the heat on Congress to repeal the REAL ID ACT.
Here’s where this issue hits you the hardest: If you do not have a REAL ID compliant state driver’s license, you will not be able to even enter a federal building, or board an airplane! And privacy experts contend that REAL ID will make identity theft easier, rather than more difficult.
Please add fuel to the fire: Tell Congress to repeal the REAL ID Act.
Pressure on Congress can work. It IS working. Send your message to Congress now.
Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.
Jim Babka, President
Be part of the Electronic Lobbyist project at Encourage those who do not have access to the Internet to contact state legislators by letter, FAX or phone. Though it is for different reasons, patriots and state leaders are opposed to Real ID: The state is opposed because the project is an unfunded administrative nightmare and we oppose the idea because it’s the national ID we have all been fighting and because its justification has come through the recommendations of the fraudulent 9/11 Commission.