Troy SOS drug raid targets wrong site

TROY — A search warrant executed by the city Police Department’s Special Operations Section went awry July 3 when officers broke into a woman’s 396 First St. home thinking it was a drug house.

The Emergency Response Team, a highly trained, heavily armed unit of the SOS, shot the locks out of the front door, broke the front window and lobbed in a fake grenade, known as a “flash bang,” which emits a loud noise and a bright light and is designed to disorient residents. The flash bang seared the living room carpet, according to sources.

It turned out that police believed the house was a drug house and the address on the warrant was correct but the occupant was not a drug dealer at all.

Sgt. Pat Rosney heads up the SOS team for the Troy Police Department.

A neighbor, who preferred to remain anonymous, said he was not at home during the raid but said the resident is a “good person” and “doesn’t bother anyone.”

“They could have at least fixed up their stuff,” he said. “They broke her door and her window and really busted the place up.”

The woman living there was placed into custody but was released a short time later. She could not be reached for comment.

By evening, the door had a fresh coat of paint and a new lockset and deadbolt. But the aluminum window frame was dented and the blind covering the window was ripped.

The landlord, Mark Finielli could not be reached for comment.

Warrants, like the one signed by Troy Judge Matt Turner, are requested of a judge if there is probable cause or evidence of a crime.

Most cases involving violent felons or fugitives are of the no-knock variety, in that police do not have to request entry. Many drug crimes fall into this category because the illegal substance, especially when cocaine is involved, can be easily flushed down to the toilet or otherwise gotten rid of.

Through a spokesman, Mayor Harry Tutunjian referred comment to the Police Department.

“As in all major search warrant operations, this is under review by the Police Administration,” said department spokesman Sgt. Dave Dean.

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