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Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150117
07/19/2006 03:32 AM
07/19/2006 03:32 AM
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Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids

Cato Institute

Cato study and interactive map document bungled SWAT-style raids

Interactive map:

WASHINGTON -- The last 25 years have seen a 1,300 percent increase in the number of paramilitary raids on American homes. The vast majority of these are to serve routine drug warrants, including for offenses as trivial as marijuana possession, according to a new study by the Cato Institute.

"These raids, 40,000 per year by one estimate, are needlessly subjecting nonviolent drug offenders, bystanders, and wrongly targeted civilians to the terror of having their homes invaded while they're sleeping," writes Cato policy analyst Radley Balko, "usually by teams of heavily armed paramilitary units dressed not as peace officers, but as soldiers."

"Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America" provides a legal, historical, and policy background explaining the trend. Balko offers a critique of "no-knock" and "short-notice" raids, explains how such confrontational tactics cause violence rather than lessening risks, and offers recommendations for reform.

The paper has an appendix of nearly 150 examples of documented botched raids, including: the case of Alberto Sepulveda, an 11-year-old boy shot in the head during a bungled raid in Modesto, California; Clayton Helriggle, a 23-year-old shot and killed when an inexperienced SWAT team raided a house of college-aged men guilty of recreational marijuana use; Sal Culosi, an optometrist in Fairfax, Virginia mistakenly killed by a SWAT team that had come to his home to arrest him for betting on sports games; and Mississippi police officer Ron Jones, shot and killed when Cory Maye, a man asleep at home with his daughter and who had no criminal record, mistook Jones' raid team for criminal intruders.

Balko has found more than three dozen examples of completely innocent people killed in mistaken raids, twenty cases of nonviolent offenders who've been killed, and more than a dozen cases of police officers killed by suspects or mistakenly targeted civilians who thought the police were criminal intruders.

Accompanying Balko's report, Cato is releasing also an interactive Google Maps application that plots nearly 300 examples of mistaken raids since the mid-1980s. Users can zoom in to street level, and sort raids by their end result (death of an innocent, death of a police officer, etc.), and the year of the raid. The map is available at .

Balko concludes that these policing tactics "bring unnecessary violence and provocation to nonviolent drug offenders, many of whom were guilty only of misdemeanors, they terrorize innocents when police mistakenly target the wrong residence, and they have resulted in dozens of needless deaths and injuries, not only of drug offenders, but also of police officers, children, bystanders, and innocent suspects."

White Paper:

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150118
07/21/2006 02:13 PM
07/21/2006 02:13 PM
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I went over the entire Interactive Map, & it simply serves to assure me that my original convictions about these "S.W.A.T.T."[Special Weapons Armored Tactical Teams]is SPOT ON. In the VAST majority(spell that 99.9% of the time) this type of Tactical SOP is UTTERLY & ABSOLUTELY UNCALLED FOR!

Now, that said, there are DEFINATELY exceptions. Such as the L.A. S.W.A.T.T. They have, indeed, BY deeds[NOTE: they are not once mentioned in ANY of the Maps errors] proved themselves BOTH needed & PROFESSIONAL,(to the HIGHTEST DEGREE). When you're dealing with the likes of MS13; Asian Mobs; Russian Mafia; etc., (not to mention "Al Queda" Ops); well, you HAVE to take a more Militaristic tact.

But, generally speaking, (especially in the SMALL TOWN dynamic), S.W.A.T.T. is not the needed formatt. Better training of the Detective & Investigative Branch [AND the street Officers] of the Police Dept.'s is the ANSWER!

BUT! There I_S a SERIOUS WARNING here for A_L_L of us! Note that these S.W.A.T.T. Officers are NOT necessarily "cherries". They are USUALLY experienced Street officers, or ex-mil types.

Now, if men with a GREAT DEAL of DAILY experience with BOTH firearms, as well as leathal circumstances, can make these types of assnine mistakes, then what are YOU & I going to do under the stress of COMBAT...S_E_R_I_O_U_S LEATHAL activity?

To avoid such erroneous activities, the old saw: "BLOOD, SWEAT, & TEARS on the practice field, avoids BLOOD, SWEAT & TEARS on the battle field" applies! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRATICE!...and, btw, did I mention PRACTICE?

"KNOW THY ENEMY"..."He who fails to learn from History, is doomed to repeat it's errors"..."For we wrestle not against flesh & blood..."..."Quitters NEVER win, & winners NEVER quit!"
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150119
07/29/2006 03:46 PM
07/29/2006 03:46 PM
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it the Hearts and Minds of Pat...
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it the Hearts and Minds of Pat...

Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150120
08/12/2006 05:00 PM
08/12/2006 05:00 PM
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SWAT is unConstitutional no matter what the results are. They are a paramilitary army amongst us.

I'm not too worried about citizens with guns in stressful situations since they have less then 1/2 the lethal "accidents" police have when using firearms.

Rule #1 - You do not publically bad mouth a fellow patriot.

"Being innocent is simply not enough for the government," Denise Simon
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150121
08/25/2006 02:21 PM
08/25/2006 02:21 PM
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Remember the kid in FLA, I think it was last summer?

Supposedly some snitch tried to make good with prosecutors by giving up a "drug dealer".

Police looked up alleged drug dealer's record, it was clean, but he had a CPL, so instead of knocking on his door with a search warrant, they went DIRECTLY to SWAT.

SWAT busts down door, twenty something kid had a pistol in his hand and probably a load in his pants when they ventilated him. They found something like 10 ounces of marijuana. Kid is murdered for what?

SWAT is unConstitutional, and the current trend is towards developing SWAT teams in more and more cities and using them more and more for increasingly unecessary missions. Hell, they even have a cool TV show, called Dallas SWAT. I've watched it, it made me sick. There wasn't a single situation that called for SWAT in the episode I watched. All the people they arrested had a OH SHIT look on their face and looked about as harmless as children, even if they were guilty of some petty crime.

Maybe for prisons SWAT is great, but DW hit the nail on the head. If they call in SWAT, it should be the last resort. IOW, SWAT is there to kill, and that's it. This way SWAT doesn't have to worry about why they're there, if they kill some poor kid because a snitch sold him out and the cops were skeered of his CPL.

"...anyone hearing but not heeding the warning of the trumpet and therefore slain by the sword that comes against him, shall be responsible for his own death." - Ezekiel, 33: 4
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150122
08/25/2006 03:07 PM
08/25/2006 03:07 PM
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Here's another one that seems, well, just a little excessive:

One student said she was in the middle of shampooing someone's hair when law enforcement barged in and served a search warrant.

"A frightening sight to see all these cars and suv's coming over here this morning and blocking everything off," says neighboring worker Cheryl Bankert.

Bankert watched from next-door to the building that law enforcement raided early Wednesday morning.

She watched people wearing guns and bullet proof vests wondering what happened.

"It really scared me because I didn't know what was going on over there," Bankert says.

What was going on was the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Inspector Generals serving a search warrant for a pell grant fraud.

Don't laugh. A pissed off beautician is a terrible thing to behold. laugh

Onward and upward,

Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150123
08/26/2006 02:23 AM
08/26/2006 02:23 AM
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I had them show up at my house when I was a kid. Scared the crap outta me and my parents. They say they thought I was breaking and entering. Cop saw me enter with a key, and it was a cop that knew damned well that I lived in that house (same guy that harassed me all the time about my Mustang).

I came to the door with red dots on my chest (I know they don't really do that anymore except in the movies, but they did in the 1980's), snipers up in my tree house, all that mess in my front yard. They never apologized. They just chided me for looking suspicious.

And from what I can tell, the police have only gotten worse since then.

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Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150124
08/31/2006 03:36 AM
08/31/2006 03:36 AM
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About the only thing they did right on this last one on my was to knock and ask me to come out. Otherwise it migh have had a different outcome for them.

Outlaw guns of honest civilians, violent crime rises.
Encourage guns of honest civilians, violent crime falls.
(PS: Above includes murders committed by governments.)
(PSS: Including your own.)
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150125
10/19/2006 11:49 AM
10/19/2006 11:49 AM
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SWAT is needed sometimes sure. but when we put civian polcie on the streets in military uniform, we are asking for trouble. most times these situations resolve themselves when the suspect gets tired. If every lawful citizen was armed and part of the militia, crime would fall to all time lows. no need for SWAT. you can go back to the late seventies and eighties and find the abuse of power by some law enforcment agencies. nineties revealed the greatest failure of these agencies. Freedom isn't free folks stand up now before it is to late.

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150126
10/26/2006 10:00 PM
10/26/2006 10:00 PM
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What ever happened to the term "Peace Officer"?

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. -Thomas Jefferson
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150127
10/27/2006 01:44 AM
10/27/2006 01:44 AM
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Peace officer retierd 25 years ago and Nazi gestopo took over!

Monica Lewinsky- amerikan patriot and militia poster girl. Only person in amerika that blew away a crooked president, never served a day in jail and lived to tell about it.
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150128
10/27/2006 08:46 AM
10/27/2006 08:46 AM
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Yea, I had that basic run in with a "peace officer" Ha! I was in a vehicle that was stopped to help a guy who ran in the ditch. I don't know if this cop was having a bad day, but he was extremely hostile and treated everyone at the site like they were not as good as him. I don't mean like he was afraid for his safety. He was just trying to get some one to show any amount of anger. I was polite and even attemped to shake his hand. His reply was to call us low lifes and refuse to shake hands with anyone. This suprised me because most of the people there look like normal everyday people. I remember how his attitude seem to rub off on the other police officers that showed up. All in military style uniforms. Maybe they knew that some of us were involved in the movement.

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150129
11/07/2006 04:42 AM
11/07/2006 04:42 AM
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Seems they are denying these accused their right to face their accusers if they have two in the chest and one in the head.

II Cor 5:21
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150130
11/07/2006 06:12 AM
11/07/2006 06:12 AM
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I guess in 2006 looking suspicious is a crime punishable by death withno right to appeal.

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150131
11/13/2006 07:33 AM
11/13/2006 07:33 AM
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Oh NO! Grewolf, you're SOOOOOOO, SOOOOO, wrong!

You have E_V_E_R_Y "RIGHT" to appeal...just as they crash in your door, & are lifting their sights up to your chest, you can APPEAL until you're red in the head!

APPEAL that they N_O_T shoot you...that is.

"KNOW THY ENEMY"..."He who fails to learn from History, is doomed to repeat it's errors"..."For we wrestle not against flesh & blood..."..."Quitters NEVER win, & winners NEVER quit!"
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150132
11/13/2006 02:18 PM
11/13/2006 02:18 PM
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good one, I stand corrected

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150133
11/26/2006 01:53 PM
11/26/2006 01:53 PM
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I have been following the raid in Atlanta, It seems that warrants are rubber stamped, with NO investigation. Just when I thought that was as bad as it gets, the New York shooting happens. This time none of the victims were armed. Still LEOs try to justify the unjustifyable.

Friend of the Militia (UnArmed/Infringed)
I hope I can help, my country and my countrymen.
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150134
11/27/2006 06:12 PM
11/27/2006 06:12 PM
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You know, I've been concerned about something we've discussed, & fussed, & created MIStrust, about for awhile...but pcosmar (what the Begeebees does [bu]THAT[bu] stand for!?)brings it back to the table, so let's consider what we've got going on here in our PRECIOUS([bu]NOT[bu] faceciously stated)Country...the SERIOUS PROBLEM of our LEO's & their lack of balance & discretion...(not to mention Constitutionality).

What's [bu]REALLY[bu] going on?

I mean, let's face it...if the [bu]HIGH[bu] percentage of [bu]"Goat Fu*ks"...botched & wrong I.D.'s[bu] OPS were [bu]REALLY[bu] simply "Murphy", then that percentage would carry over into the Military percentages...and it would be easily mathimatically corolate with the two statistics, & therefore, be imperiacally demonstrated.

[bui]NOT[bui] the case! Sooooooooo, WTF??? What's causing out LEO Community to be SOOOOO out of balance...and [bu]DEADLY[bu]???

Any explains out there B4 I give my 2Cents worth?

"KNOW THY ENEMY"..."He who fails to learn from History, is doomed to repeat it's errors"..."For we wrestle not against flesh & blood..."..."Quitters NEVER win, & winners NEVER quit!"
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150135
11/28/2006 01:39 PM
11/28/2006 01:39 PM
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I've got news for all of you. With the new breed of young punks that are being hired as cops and military you have but one choice. This new breed has an axe to grind, and are willing to use you to grind it on. The older folks are leaving at an alarming rate. Remember that 29 palms report. 45% of us military will fire on america citizens. Hell i even corrected one the other day when he said he would turn his own family in.

Monica Lewinsky- amerikan patriot and militia poster girl. Only person in amerika that blew away a crooked president, never served a day in jail and lived to tell about it.
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150136
11/29/2006 07:21 AM
11/29/2006 07:21 AM
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PATRIOT...Are you speaking from first hand knowlege? It sounds so, and if you ARE, I'd like to hear more about these "sorts of punks" that are comming into our LEO's & Military.

Can you give some points or places for reference?

I've read several Articles that state that after the Northridge Earthquake, & the LA Riots, that the Gangs (Latinos & Blacks) made an agreement, & have begun infiltrating the LEO's...also the Chicago Gangs are said to be BOTH infil'n the LEO's as well as running for Offices in the City Political System. Of COURSE they're being VERY discrete, & NOT announcing their "colors"...

ANY body got any HARD INTEL on these developments?

"KNOW THY ENEMY"..."He who fails to learn from History, is doomed to repeat it's errors"..."For we wrestle not against flesh & blood..."..."Quitters NEVER win, & winners NEVER quit!"
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150137
11/29/2006 01:51 PM
11/29/2006 01:51 PM
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In my local area that used to be a sleepy little town with 6 Deputies and a Sheriff. ALL were good people and never violated anyones rights. The Sheriff himself saw to it. Now the Sheriff has gone and the deputies have all been replaced but two. We have 15 now all together. Most hve still got the tit milk running down thier chin. All these new ones are arrogant and very disrespectful. They have done dynamic entries that had never been done before. All the older people are leaving town. The incident i was talking about was a 22 year old that said that he would turn his own family in. I told him it wouldn't do any good cause if he did it in front of me i would kill him and when the cop got there i would do him too for showing up.

Monica Lewinsky- amerikan patriot and militia poster girl. Only person in amerika that blew away a crooked president, never served a day in jail and lived to tell about it.
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150138
11/29/2006 02:22 PM
11/29/2006 02:22 PM
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My area used to have a small force too, Now they have 20 something deputies and have sign agreements with the major city to the west and all the surrounding counties to allow them to help in critical situations including drug raids and any gun raids. We also just received major drug intradiction status, means money, check points and raids and federal help when needed. Yea this is going to get out of hand.

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150139
11/29/2006 06:44 PM
11/29/2006 06:44 PM
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GOING TO..........?

"KNOW THY ENEMY"..."He who fails to learn from History, is doomed to repeat it's errors"..."For we wrestle not against flesh & blood..."..."Quitters NEVER win, & winners NEVER quit!"
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150140
11/30/2006 12:38 PM
11/30/2006 12:38 PM
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Yea going to, they usually test these tactics in smaller towns, then move into larger areas. I know they been doing raids and the others in larger cities. But if you think of the scale verses population and fiqure what force size would be needed to acheive this scale in larger areas, that's where they are headed.

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150141
12/03/2006 04:11 AM
12/03/2006 04:11 AM
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It's already out of hand. A few weeks ago I saw a Fox News report stating that gang membership and gang violence and other activities has drastically increased on our military bases (ie US armed forces has a growing gang membership.) Soon large sections of our domestic military (Guard and Reserves) will be staffed and run by gangs. Do we really want the street gang banger to have the use of a tank or M-60? They will bring a whole new meaning to drive by shooting.

I will see if I can find the report.

"Guard well the words you use, for they can be the keys to your freedom or the manacles of your slavery." - me
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150142
12/05/2006 08:21 AM
12/05/2006 08:21 AM
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It's because the kids are taught the most important thing is money and being cool. They know nothing about the history of the states and they don't care. Sad thing is it's our own fault and we have to fix it.We have allowed it to happen.

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150143
12/05/2006 09:53 AM
12/05/2006 09:53 AM
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I agree. Which is why I do my best to undo the brain washing the school system is doing to my boy. I'm doing my best to make sure he knows what is important.

"Guard well the words you use, for they can be the keys to your freedom or the manacles of your slavery." - me
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150144
12/05/2006 07:50 PM
12/05/2006 07:50 PM
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Well now you have a similar situation here in Wilmington, NC where some stormtroopers from the New Hanover County Sheriff's Department "Special Squad" attempting to serve a warrant kicked in a door when a guy went to answer it. They shot him several times including one in the head fatally then shot his dog to death too. Granted he was probably a genuine criminal suspect (he was wanted for stealing Playstation 3's and Assault) but he didn't deserve to be executed by a bunch of thugs nor did his dog. He was unarmed. This kind of thing is getting out of control and the militarization of the police, including their INTEL departments that keep files on all kind of folks, including Patriots, needs to be reigned in.

I was cleaning the interior and exterior of my Camaro last summer with some paper towel, Windex, and a can of Never Dull and emerged from out of my car seat with the can of Never Dull in my hand when a police officer rolled up and asked what I was doing around that car. I replied that I was cleaning my car up. He asked to see my ID. I told him I didn't have to show him any ID and furthermore he was on my property and not invited. He kept asking for my ID and I kept saying no. He said that I looked suspicious with my car. I asked him if he had ever seen anyone trying to steal a car with a can of Never Dull, a bottle of Windex, and some paper towel. He got frustrated and just left. The sad thing is that now the Nazi Supreme Court has ruled that you have to "show your papers" on request by any cop for any reason anywhere at anytime. We are living in Nazi Germany now. The only thing for them to do next is to start putting people in camps.

Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150145
12/06/2006 05:23 AM
12/06/2006 05:23 AM
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Originally posted by NCCMWake:
I was cleaning the interior and exterior of my Camaro last summer with some paper towel, Windex, and a can of Never Dull...
I ran into this problem almost constantly several years ago, when I was a patrol officer working a neighborhood that was being hard hit by car burglars. Sometimes it's hard to tell a car burglar from a car owner (unless the subject takes off running when he sees me, of course).

I usually just asked if he had the keys to the vehicle. Most usually, they were locked in the car, and the guy was trying to open it to get them out. When that was the case, I asked to see some ID to verify ownership, then used my Slim Jim and wedges to help open the vehicle.

Radley Balko and I heard about the kid with the stolen Playstations a couple days ago, and we're still gathering information about it. It's not as cut-and-dried as some others; as you stated, he probably was a criminal.

However, entering without knocking is supposed to be used only under very specific (and rare) circumstances, which don't seem to apply here. The kid did not represent any extraordinary threat to officers, I don't see how he was going to flush the Playstations down the toilet, no one's life or safety was in any immediate danger, and there was no reason to think a felony was currently being committed.

from what I've seen so far, it is just one more unnecessary and tragic death, due to the overzealous use of police powers. I suspect it will soon be added to the ever-growing map.

Onward and upward,

Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150146
12/06/2006 11:01 AM
12/06/2006 11:01 AM
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Very true, without a felony being commited at the time or the fact it was a playstation 3 and was not going to be flushed. They could have used the old knock and show warrent technique. But i seen on a cable show about police use of force. The cop on the program said those days are over.

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150147
01/14/2007 08:00 PM
01/14/2007 08:00 PM
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This is a sad reality. Our police forces, nation wide, are opting for the SWAT teams to go out there and serve the arrest/search warrants.

For the life of me I can only conclude that there is a nefarious purpose for it. Namely, to find whatever they can, whenever they can, and as often as they can. In other words, look for something - anything! This way they can pretty much toss whoever they can into the calaboose at will, and put em on the Ntl database for crooks. Pretty nifty way of doing it, actually!

Just remember this.

Their (the globalists/U.N./whatever you wanna call em) ultimate goal is to put ALL OF US either behind bars to become on-call gvmnt slaves or whores to do whatever they tell us to, or, they simply kill us outright.

I know that the latter sounds rather sensational/conspiratorial but, think about it. Do they really need us "useless eaters" when they own the damn Federal Reserve and it's money creating printing presses? Helllllllll no!

He who makes all the money controls the law/legal system and gvmnt. Anyone who don't recognize/believe that needs to wake the hell up and deal with reality. This world really is a Matrix of sorts.

You gonna take the "red" pill or "blue" pill? One opens yer eyes.....The other keeps you sedated. YOUR CHOICE - as always! wink


"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain - 1904
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150148
01/28/2007 12:18 PM
01/28/2007 12:18 PM
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well, heres a good one. An IRS agent came up to a woman and told her he was confiscating her car for a $545 tax bill she owed. No court order, no warrant, no trial, just confiscation. well, the woman is a hero, she shoved him to the ground, got into her car and ran over his leg, then back crashed her car into the tow truck, and then took off.

She was being nice.... LOL

The blog has several subjects, so I copied off the relevant one for your review.

How to Deal With Taxmen and Other Thieves

Carjacker Cuticello: Knocked flat on his, um, Cheney by a woman. He got off easy.

Last night, a resident of New Haven, Connecticut was approached by C.J. Cuticello, a tax collector bent on seizing her car because of $536 in outstanding taxes and fees. According to the local NBC affiliate, the woman reportedly “pushed Cuticello to the ground, got in her car and ran over his foot, then backed up into the tow truck before speeding away.”

I admire her restraint.

It's entirely appropriate to use lethal force to repel a carjacking. And horse thieves were often used to stretch ropes in the Old West. Cuticello is no better than a carjacker or horse thief and deserves to be treated that way.

Predictably, the TV station – you know, a local outpost of the “liberal” (“statist” is a much more accurate description) media – described the citizen as an assailant and “scofflaw,” and the would-be carjacker as the victim of a “hit-and-run driver.” And just hours earlier, the station had presented a sympathetic profile of Cuticello, who lamented how difficult it was to shake down local motorists, and the sad duties he performs as a government-licensed car thief

Using a sophisticated plate identification device called a Bootfinder, Cuticello identifies and seizes vehicles, which are held in a city-owned lot until the ransom is paid (the tax plus whatever additional fees the syndicate behind this racket can devise). Using a fleet of three tow trucks, Cuticello and his gang have stolen more than 1,000 cars in the last several months; the local crime bosses expect them to track down a total of 10,500 vehicles and plunder a total of $2 million in revenue.

(Cuticello, by the way, also eagerly networks with other parasite privateers eager to get a piece of the plunder.)

As notes, the New Haven city government claims that it can seize cars from those owing as little as $50 in unpaid parking tickets. Cuticello, who richly deserves to be made acquainted with the decorative uses of hot tar and chicken feathers, has been stealing cars for the local government for several years.

Like a child molester seeking vulnerable prey, Cuticello lurks in the shadows of large gatherings of distracted potential victims: He has prowled Wal-Mart parking lots and student parking areas at Yale University (where he targets out-of-state students). He's even swiped cars during Mass at the local Saint Rose of Lima Church, in the process chewing out the local Priest – who was forced to leave the confessional to deal with the carjacker.

I find it inexplicable that Cuticello had gotten away with this for as long as he did before running into someone willing to push back. And it is delicious to the point of rapture that when he finally got his back dirty, it was a woman who put him there.

Centuries ago, our colonial forebears, who suffered under an absolutist government much more civilized and much less intrusive than ours, would occasionally inflict humiliation of various kinds (including, when deemed necessary, physical abuse) on tax collectors and other agents of official injustice.

The treatment given to Cuticello was squarely in that estimable tradition; my only complaints are that it was entirely too mild, and – given how commonplace corrupt abuses of power like Cuticello's have become – altogether too uncommon.

Some would protest that such sentiments are un-American. In fact, they're more properly described as (read this carefully, now) ur-American.

"When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the
cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect
for the law." ...Frederic Bastiat
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150149
01/28/2007 12:27 PM
01/28/2007 12:27 PM
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Here is another editorial about this issue from Craig Roberts, whom I respect tremendously. He calls it like it is and I believe even mentions the CATO report. Its a great read.

I believe this is just another peg in the social engineering that is currently underway. Its to get us used to the military type behavior as routine so when this nation is taken over by martial law we will be duly intimidated into compliance through fear of force.

they have made it clear they are willing to kill us even if by mistake. There is no accountability for errors and deaths as a RESULT. Get ready, its coming.....

read "The Lawful Path: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars". there is a site as well that is great for getting into this protocol that is out there. Its social engineering at its worst.

"When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the
cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect
for the law." ...Frederic Bastiat
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150150
03/28/2007 11:27 AM
03/28/2007 11:27 AM
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Originally posted by pcosmar:
I have been following the raid in Atlanta, It seems that warrants are rubber stamped, with NO investigation. Just when I thought that was as bad as it gets, the New York shooting happens. This time none of the victims were armed. Still LEOs try to justify the unjustifyable.
Warrants are routinely rubber stamped and very hard to quash even though they are usually so broad that they are unconsititutional. Everyone in this forum will have the SWAT show up if we are ever unfortunate enough to become a traget--Why, because the new data sharing ensures that we are tagged as members of the movement and as having LEGAL guns. None of which means anything except that hey get to break out the full-blow Himmler starter set.

Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150151
03/28/2007 06:17 PM
03/28/2007 06:17 PM
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Cant wait for the fun to start! Been waiting too long.

Tout Jour Prest. (Liberty Tree Radio.
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150152
03/30/2007 04:33 PM
03/30/2007 04:33 PM
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Here's a quote from a man with experiance-

"And how we burned in the camps later thinking: What would things have been like if every operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain wether he would return alive and had to say goodbye to his family? Or if during periods of mass arrests people had not simply sat in thier lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall a half dozen people with axes, hammers pokers or whatever was at hand..."
Alexander Solzhenitsyn

He who endures until the end...
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150153
03/30/2007 06:05 PM
03/30/2007 06:05 PM
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That man is amazing.

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Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150154
03/31/2007 02:51 PM
03/31/2007 02:51 PM
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My wife and I took our 6 y.o. to see the Movie the Last Mimzie. It is an interesting time travel sci fi movie that has children as the heros. Anyway, HLS and the FBI kick in this little families door with the SWAT gear. The dad asks for a warrant and the Chief Fedcoat says he has probably cause so he doen't need one!!!!! This scene scared my son and all of the children in the theatre.

Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150155
04/02/2007 03:06 AM
04/02/2007 03:06 AM
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South East Louisiana
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Local Gestapo in a small Central La town impounded my car last year and left me standing on the side of the road. Claims that due to a rash of car thefts using "Dealer Tags" it was within his right becasue he couldnt call the dealership to verify my notarized bill of sale. Sure feel strange to stand on the road at gunpoint while they take your car away and be unable to do anything about it. Then you have to pay 500 dollars to get your car back after they say "Sorry" These cops are starting to think that just beacuse they have badges, they are above the law they are sworn to uphold. This is entirely wrong, and the more they get away with, the farther they will go.

I dont have a anger problem. I have a problem with stupidity.

There are no problems that cant be solved by the proper application of high explosives.

Just because they call me Paranoid, Doesnt mean what I say is not true.
Re: Time to Curb Rise in Deadly Paramilitary Police Raids #150156
04/02/2007 03:28 PM
04/02/2007 03:28 PM
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The Confederate States of Amer...
alfa6foxtrot Offline
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The Confederate States of Amer...
I’ve been reading a lot about American History lately because my oldest grandson has taken an interest in it (and grabbing books off my bookshelf) I usually don’t have my head stuck in the 18th (or 19th) century but I see similarities between their situation and ours. A power hungry elite can always find people to pay, to impose their will on the general populace (by brute force). I remember reading ( a long while ago) about an incident in (or around) Paoli, Pennsylvania during the American Revolution. I think it was called “Baylor’s Massacre” or something like that. Some of the Pa. Militia (there may have been regulars there too) had taken up quarters in a farmer’s barn to catch some z’s around 2- 4 a.m. British soldiers came in and bayoneted them while they slept. The Farmer said that some of them cried our for “quarter” while being stabbed, but it was denied.

[Imagine that, sneaking into someone’s sleeping quarters in the middle of the night and killing them while they sleep......I’m glad we’re more civilized than that today.]

Any way, I guess the British didn’t realize at the time that there would eventually be consequences for this type of brutality. It was later discovered that several members of the Pa. Militia were wearing socks (leggings) made from the skin of British soldiers. I kid you not! I read this 25 years ago (and I can’t remember the name of the book). Maybe there’s a history buff out there who can fill in the missing parts.

Wow, they were a different breed of men back then. But hey, what do you expect, back then if you insulted a man’s integrity, you would find yourself out in the woods having a duel.
Compare that to today where the free and the brave put up with all sorts of shit.

I wonder if they had to tan the human skin or just dry it out before using it. I wonder what the insulating qualities were. It seems so thin that you wouldn’t get much from it, but I guess they thought it was better than nothing.

Patriot Creed- I WILL NOT be disarmed. I WILL NOT run. I WILL NOT be a POW in my own Country.
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