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America�s Gun Grabbers Have Accelerated the Mass Exodus to The American Redoubt #102004
04/19/2018 02:44 AM
04/19/2018 02:44 AM
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America's Gun Grabbers Have Accelerated the Mass Exodus to The American Redoubt

James Wesley Rawles April 19, 2018

Do you live in The American Redoubt? Be aware that you have some friends arriving soon. The great Redoubt Exodus has begun!

For the past two months the newspapers and electronic media all around the country have been filled with headlines such as these:

Florida adopts wide package of gun laws, while Washington stalls
Three States Pushing Stricter Gun Laws After Parkland (Plus 2 States That Want to Make Gun Ownership Easier)
Rhode Island adopts "red flag" gun policy; other states close
Federal judge upholds Massachusetts ban on AR-15, large capacity magazines
Vermont Governor Signs Sweeping Anti-Gun Laws
Bank of America will no longer lend to companies that make "military-style" weapons
Governors Cuomo, Malloy, Murphy and Raimondo Announce "States for Gun Safety" Coalition to Combat the Gun Violence Epidemic
California gun raffle ban won't keep the public safe
Stalled Effort to Ban "Bump Stocks" Illustrates Challenge of Changing State Gun Laws

Voting With Their Feet

The anti-gun rhetoric and legislation is almost certain to accelerate the already vigorous exodus to The American Redoubt. The political and social differences between the liberal coastal States and the conservative interior States are becoming more and more stark. These differences are now so great that traditional God-fearing and gun loving folks are no longer just considering relocating. Rather, they are making firm plans, reserving their U-Haul and Ryder trucks, and counting the days until their planned escape. This trend is particularly pronounced in Northern California.

From some anecdotal indications related to me by my friends, relatives, and consulting clients, the local buzz is: It is the liberal coastal Californians are planning to move to Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, and Texas. But it is mostly the conservative inland ones who are planning to move to Idaho and Montana. A gun owner fleeing California's civilian disarmament laws is not likely to flee to place like Colorado, which is becoming more restrictive. And a liberal one is not going to place that the liberal mass media has warned them is hostile to liberals, like Idaho. (Even though in truth it isn't.)

This is all just common sense demographic settling round pegs fitting in round holes, and square ones in square holes. For several years, it has become apparent that the American Redoubt internal migration movement has been catching on. But now the Redoubt Exodus will be getting into full swing. As the old saying goes: "You ain't seen nothin' yet."

Extrapolating the current societal, media, and regulatory trends, it is now clear that living in the leftist-statist-collectivist States will soon become intolerable for many conservatives and libertarians. Most of these trends seem to pop up first in Europe, in California and in New York. Those are the bellwether locales.

Many Motivations

New gun laws will be the key motivators to flee the coastal States in the Redoubt Exodus wave. But there will be many more motivations. I predict that we will soon see most of the following trends emerge in nearly all of the heavily-populated coastal Democrat Majority States:

Higher taxes on America's most productive citizens
Restrictions on gun shows
Bans on private party sales of used guns (So-called "Universal Background Check" laws.)
Special rights for squatters on both public and private property.
Assorted social engineering experiments
Blatantly leftist and pro-homosexual indoctrination through school curriculum
Rude and abusive urban police forces
Background checks for ammo purchases
Background checks for gun parts purchases
Bans on binary triggers and 3-Gun Match triggers
Registration or bans on pistols chambered for rifle cartridges
Bans on magazines over 10 round capacity
Restrictions on home-made firearms
Bans on a loosely-worded definition of "assault" weapons
Restrictions on rainwater gathering
Restrictions large scale gardening and off-grid living within city limits
TSA-style personal searches at urban concerts and other public events
More intense gender warring and political correctness
Illegal Alien Harboring laws ("Sanctuary" City and State laws for "Undocumented Immigrants")
Disproportionately higher urban crime rates
"Arsenal" licenses for private citizens
Increasing AntiFa violence
Discriminatory restraining orders
A dizzying variety of new bans, fees, licenses, permits, zoning, and regulations
Public humiliation of people who hold traditional values and who practice fundamentalist Christianity
An even more intense surveillance state, with full vehicle and private aircraft tracking
Per-mile road taxes and city street taxes
Increasing attacks on traditional culture and morality
Censorship of anyone who is out of the leftist mainstream
Destruction of all war monuments, not just Confederate ones
Expansion of marriage and "civil union" laws to include plural marriage and even inter-species "marriage"
Lowering of Age of Consent laws in some coastal States
Restrictions on Home Churches
Abandonment of the Presumption of Innocence
Curtailed gun rights for senior citizens
Bans on male circumcision. (They Nanny Staters will surely start calling it: "Male genital mutilation.")
Discouragement of Kosher meat butchering but concurrently encouragement of Halal meat butchering
Further restrictions on homeschooling
Antisemitic rhetoric
Anti-Christian rhetoric
Mandatory collection of sales taxes on out-of-state purchases
Forced registration under "Internet Signature" schemes, thus ending Internet posting privacy
Ubiquitous monitoring of social media and Internet fora.
Demonizing hunting
Demonizing pro-gun groups
Exit taxes on people selling homes and moving out of State
Legislation demanding ongoing in-State taxation of pension income for people moving out of State
Public humiliation of anyone who does not own a television or a smart phone, (i.e. if your child does not have a cell phone you'll be charged with abuse/disadvantaging your child)
Demonizing people who transact their personal business with cash.
Criminalizing thought crimes
Pre-crime profiling and pre-crime policing with restraining orders and/or psychiatric holds that include gun confiscation with no due process. (Or, as Mr. Trump puts it "Due Process, After.")

I suspect that many readers were nodding their heads when reading that list. But more than 70% of the SurvivalBlog readership still lives in the more heavily-populated States, mostly the Eastern Seaboard States, and California. It is just a matter of time until many folks reach the revulsion point, and finally decide to Get Out of Dodge.

Prepare to Receive Refugees:The Good Kind

I predict: In the next three years, the Redoubt Exodus will increase dramatically. The vast majority of those new arrivals will be politically conservative gun-owning Christians and Jews. Yes, Jews. And Messianics, too. Lots of them. With Big City America beginning to resemble 1930s Germany, who can blame them for becoming internal refugees? They have common sense and are perceptive about the accelerating changes in urban society. Oh, and most American Jews also have some painful family memories of Europe the 1930s and 1940s.

It is clear that many of the new gun laws and surveillance laws do not pass the Jews In The Attic test. Anyone who cannot see that is blind. I am convinced that Jews and Christians will both be persecuted in the 21st Century. Many of the Jewish newcomers will be Orthodox Jews from places like New York City (now more than 40% of NYC Jews are Orthodox), Baltimore, Maryland, and Toms River, New Jersey Which is majority Orthrodox. (The missing words on the "Don't Sell" signs posted in Tom's River are of course: "To Jews". Their antisemitism is only thinly veiled. )

We will welcome these Jewish refugees to the Redoubt with open arms. After all, we have a lot in common. At least with the Orthodox Jews and Russian Emigre Jews (both Orthodox and Reformed). Traditional values? Check. Distancing from popular culture? Check. Pro-Second Amendment? Check. Pro-Traditional Marriage? Check. Honoring elders? Check. Belief in moral absolutes? Check. Law-abiding? Check. Television-eschewing? Check. Politically conservative? Check. And what about Parochial Schools and Homeschooling? Check.

There has already been a huge growth in the Messianic Movement in the Redoubt. I'd say that that roughly one-third of the Home Churches in my area are Messianic or quasi-Messsianic. And the Home Church movement in general is gaining ground against the mainline Protestant denomination churches. There are also a lot of Traditional Catholics moving to the Redoubt region. Many of these folks are willing to drive long distances on Sundays, to be able to attend Tridentine (Latin Mass) churches.

I'm also making another fairly firm prediction:

Within five years Eastern Washington and then Eastern Oregon will both formally attempt to partition themselves to become new States within the Union. The folks east of the Cascades now have almost nothing in common with the Left Coasters. I'm hoping that they are successful in their partition campaigns. The Liberty State campaign in Eastern Washington is well underway.
The End Result

I can also predict that the end result of this Redoubt Exodus wave of mostly like-minded folks will be positive. Local economies will strengthen. A wider range of job opportunities will open up. The already conservative legislative majorities will get even stronger. Medical services will probably get closer by and more advanced. Our right to keep and bear arms will be firmly cemented. Democrat Governors will be sent packing. The 10th Amendment will be taken seriously. Road construction and maintenance taxes will decrease, since there will be more people living on each stretch of road. And we'll probably get both faster Internet service and more complete cellular phone coverage, at lower prices.

The downside: The Redoubt Exodus will mean that land prices will surely rise. But the good news balancing that is that most counties in the Redoubt still have a lot of elbow room. When you take a county populated with seven people per square mile and amp it up to 12 people per square mile, it will still be a profoundly frontier-feeling rural county.

Fear not, folks. Friends are on the way. JWR

Last edited by airforce; 07/28/2018 11:12 PM.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: America�s Gun Grabbers Have Accelerated the Mass Exodus to The American Redoubt [Re: ConSigCor] #167586
07/24/2018 09:44 PM
07/24/2018 09:44 PM
Joined: Feb 2005
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In the Mountains
North Force Offline
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North Force  Offline
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While I like the Idea of The American Redoubt, the problem I have with it is that it is 100% land locked.

And don't forget - Burns Oregon is in the The American Redoubt.

"To achieve One World Government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, their loyalty to family traditions and national identification."
~ Brock Chisholm, when director of UN World Health Organization

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