Dwayne as a deer dog the good the bad and the confusing.
Part of Dwayne's penance for the aiding and abetting of Snarky and Split toe is that he had to be our deer dog for the remainder of the day the evening hunt. Therefore, here is how that went. First, we put a blaze orange dog Collar on him. Second, he was handed a bag full of flashlights to carry and the bag had snacky treats and water and camping stuff.
Conditions were that he had to loop around the left or right and then head towards us driving any deer our way. We did not make him bark or bay that was all on him.
Pros being slightly smarter than a Bluetick worked in his favor when picking terrain. His opposable thumbs worked in his favor when navigating Obstacles. His height allowed him to see farther.
Cons he cannot hear worth poop and his sense of smell is lacking. He cannot run as fast or as far as a Bluetick either.