good Ole Dwayne..
Come on admit it everyone has a friend like this. A long time ago in a Forest far far away. Back when technicolor was the rave. We had a hunting trip. It was a good trip. Catfish Hunter had just been busted on the plate with Vaseline on his hat and it looked like the chili was done. Awesome. We were hunting in a forest named after a really old guy. Who's claim to fame was chucking a coin across a river.
Everyone that day had looked at our maps and picked our areas and did a preliminary scouting of the Bambi places. We were set and ready to go.
Morning time.. Early morning. So early in fact it was more like an extension of night time. It met all of the qualifications of a cold winter night. it was dark. and it was cold. Why the hell 3Am is called Morning Ill never now cause its not.
Coffee. lots of it and more coffee with eggs and whatever. and a nice cup of coffee.We stagger out the door of the cabin dropping stuff all over the place. Somebody trips over a ball hitch I can hear the cussing. Someone else runs head first into an ATV. that had to be embarrassing. Tom has a pack of smokes and Dwayne stomps them. Because the day earlier Tom had spiked Dwayne's Chew with Red Hot Pepper seeds from Pizza hut. They get to fighting and I think it was Jim who flashed them with a Polaroid. Awesome-none of us can see now.
Eric had ran away from the scuffle but got racked by a a log sticking out of the back of toms truck. that's a classic. This has the makings of a successful deer hunt. We were all destined to go in Boone and Crockett history that day.
Jim started laughing because I found like the one good cigarette that tom had in a crushed pack and I lit that puppy up and passed it around while we watched the scuffle. Ahh good times. We said crap its too early picked up the gear and went back to the cabin and locked Dwayne and Tommy out .
We crashed and left at a more reasonable 5am. Fer cryingoutloud we are already in the middle of a forest why get up at 3 am to get where we already were. We leave for our respective areas after making sure everyone knew where each other would be.
I make it to my spot in about an hour the sun is still down and I'm on a high perch of rocks. Ready to pounce on a deer with a knife if need be. I had been scouting this buck most of the summer. I decided to name him Snarky as well he was a snarky critter.
So While I am waiting for Snarky I relaxed and watched the squirrels have their annual world domination convention. Its always the same a renewal committee to set up an ad hoc committee and then distractions and fights occur.Snarky was obviously feeling hung over from a stag party because his usual 0730 run to the acorn patch and scratchy tree was delayed.
Noon rolls by and I hear him. He is being very cautious. I think the squirrels told him that people were about. In Wisconsin that would be a boot or a boat. I think he smelled the other hunters in the party probably tom or Jim as they so got ripped on beer the night before.
I finally see Snarky all 16 points of deer meat coming my way. Hot dog its almost go time. I also hear sneaky steps on the trail behind me. Great I say to myself its another deer coming to sit up here on the rocks and act as LP op I know that if this deer smells or sees me Snarky is going to get away. I stayed calm and the sneaky steps stopped. Snarky would take a few steps and listen. And then sneaky steps would take a few. Back and forth this played until Snarky was finally in full view. I bring my trusty 7mm to bear and had just acquired a good sight picture when 30 feet behind Me I hear in a loud and Clear voice. Hey Its time to head back to the cabin and eat lunch and play poker. Snarky heard that to.
With a Snort and a Kenecheewaa Mofo and he was gone. I tried everything to stay calm and be nice to Dwayne that day.He made it really hard to do so though as he kept telling everyone that he had just seen the biggest deer ever and that I almost had it.... more to follow. Dwayne as a deer dog. Pros and cons...