Want to piss off an organized armed force? Attack their comfort logistics...food, water, laundry, latrines. Make them sweat - keep them locked up in armored vehicles. Harassing fire at night to keep them up at night, etc.

Keep them tired, thirsty and hungry (as much as possible), stinky and they'll get demoralized pretty quickly. Then they make mistakes.

Plus, the tail is usually not well defended...

Yes. Especially the last part. Guerillas are best suited for kicking ass... literally. That is to say "The Rear". You want to stop that tank platoon or LAR unit in your area? How about that air presence? If you can take them head on, and win, Im impressed. An IED or mine here and there? Ok. Thats a little more realistic. Anyone got stingers or sa7? Rather than tangle with the front line troops (who are quite prepared to, and fantasize about killing you) on their terms, or fire your FAL into the air with utter futility at the sound of jet engines a mile or two over head, why not sneak into their rear and blow up a fuel depot or maintenance shop? Maybe even catch some of these vehicles at the motor pool or on the tarmac. I know it sounds risky and difficult. Sappin aint easy, but someones got to do it. Is it really any more risky than confronting enemy grunts or armor out in injun country? Deny the enemy his logistics. Starve him. Screw with his mail. Wear him down. Moral is the most important commodity to a unit. The fighting man has one basic mission- "Destroy the enemy OR his will to fight." The last part of this is frequently over looked.

On a side note about the chuck wagon idea... A few years ago while in the Marine Corps I was involved in a deployment in Peru. Their logistics situation was interesting to say the least. They dont have the funds to have MREs or even much in the way of processed "storable" foods in the rear. While in the field they would establish in their "rear" areas no shit butcher tents. This might be a little more Guerilla friendly. Throw up a tent or occupy a building, butch up a cow, pig, deer, whatever, and displace. More of a chuck wagon in spirit.

Let the odds make each heart bolder.