Originally posted by CK:
True story and I wish he was still around to tell it. But really, unless it was a suicide mission, how would you expect to penetrate to a "Mexican" messhall. My thoughts are not that we need to be sneaking around each other's rear area, but that we should concentrate on striking where convinent, withdrawing on our own terms, reforming where viable and organizing where practical.
You are right. We do need to deny comfort to the enemy. But it's wishful thinking to poison and such. Rather we must snipe and engage, disengage and shoot whenever we can.
Well when I was stationed at Camp Casey Republic of Korea; we had someone penetrate our base and release diseased rat into our water tank on post. So we had an NBC situation where no showered for two weeks, all we ate was C-rats and MREs & we had to drink iodined water for a month. We were lucky to get fresh water in the field coming from other posts.
While your shooting I can slip into an AO without notice. Depending on why I'm there I can sabotage anything, food is an easier target then fuel & fuel is an easier target then an AHA (Ammo Holding Area). I can get in because no one thinks about hitting those kind of targets.
Originally posted by CK:
As for mess facilities, that's why I'd rather have a future wife onboard, so she can fry the potatoes and bring them to the foxholes, rather than task me with having to prepare, transport and clean up.
Asher, although I believe some eastern philosophers are correct, I disagree about stealing food from the enemy. What keeps them from staging an assault where we eat poisioned food, or (a la Red Dawn) end up with gunships after us. Isn't it better to plan to support yourself. Just because you're militia doesn't mean we get to rob the farmers for meat and milk.
Well there are two serious problems with your plan there...
1) You're putting your wife in harms way needlessly & 2) your putting your unit in harms way needlessly. If your fighting a guerrilla war the first targets will be your family & if they know you're location it put them in danger (even more so if they know but aren't with you.
As far the whole issue of poisoning their own food, no one ever does. Its bad enough when a whole company has the flu, can you imagine food poisoning or even actual poisoning.
Well imagine if a cook or private on KP gets the food mixed up? As for a red dawn situation; eh its a judgement call. Will die quicker from poison or starvation? You kinda have to let the situation dictate itself there...
I never said to rob anyone and please don't put words in my mouth to justify your stand. I said steal from the enemy, not everyone else. I'm not talking about Eastern methods alone the same can be applied to western tactics as well.
I was a scout, and that meant that sometimes I had to distract or destory something to divert the enemy's attention. Great targets if you were inside their AO was chowhalls, recrational buildings or even camp showers. Why because most people in those places were comfortable & unarmed (or at least unprepared for contact with the enemy). Whats a better target one with plenty of enemy casualties and a low defensive position or armed and ready to fight patrols & check points..?
Originally posted by SBL:
If you can, have one or two of the REMFs designated as cooks and in charge of a chuck wagon. It could be a van, pickup, or SUV, with maybe a trailer with the stoves, tarps, folding tables, coolers, etc.
I can't even justify having a chuck wagon in war. If the militia goes to war its going to be as a guerrilla force unless we are supporting the government military forces; in which case they will have such. Otherwise, its gonna be travel light & live out a pack, maybe live out a vehicle of some kind if situation dictates.
However, a chuck wagon is just a perfect target for a predator drone, artilery, mortars, air strikes or cruise missle. Small infantry squads & smaller guerrilla cells are allot harder to find and hit. That means we will have to use the Asian guerrilla method of "in the field" resupply; such as raiding the enemy, civilian support & growing our own. The militia is not a regular military force, sure some regular combat methods can be applied to use but regular means of supply & especially field operations...