Remember the 3s. I'm not even sure if this is appropriate this thread but. You can live 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water, and 30 days without food. You stop being hungry after 3 days of not eating... I fast at times and know this to be true.

You also want to spend some time camping in seasons where it is rough. Freeze you ass off. Worst case scenario you pussy out and climb into the truck and drive back to your warm bed and try again later with better gear. Kill some shit and eat it. Actually start a fire with your magnesium and flint, shit try doing it with shoestrings and a bow. Leave the hotdogs at home and fish. Eat some snails and crawfish. They actually taste great...

Stop eating for a week. It wont hurt you... Unless you are diabetic. After 3 days the hunger should be gone. You wont starve to death.

Familiarize yourself with these conditions. There will be no surprises later and you will be a stronger man....