Well I'm with Fight-ER-Doc, an army marchs on its stomach. In our modern society (and we aren't just valnerable to this in industrial society is) you just need to cut power, fuel & transportation and you win the war.

Without fuel; nothing gets transportted from supply to demand and that includes power...
Without power; all the advanced technology is as good as a rock, even with back up generators it still requires fuel to run & a means to get that fuel there...
Destory the inferstructure of roads & bridges; no fuel can get in and not one is travelling except on foot. Even planes need fuel...

Thats why the Asians have a beat in a fight; we train for battle drills, they train for battle strategy. Our battle drills are limited to contact between two combatant forces and their battle drills are teach principles of psychological warfare as well. They aren't better just better trained in a few aspects, we are better trained in others. Point is learn to adapt and use other people's tactics...

If an army marchs on its stomach, why are chow halls left so undefended? wink