Again, this is a discussion of why the militia needs to have control of logistics... fighting (today especially) is a lot more than just picking up a rifle and shooting.
Even in the Revolutionary war, it was a lot more than that. The battle at Concord wasn't really about confiscating a couple of cannon, it was about confiscating the powder and shot that were very, very difficult to acquire, and indeed may not have been replaceable. The US won because Cornwallis ran out of supplies, time and land simultaneously, not because the revolutionaries were better fighters (objectively, they weren't).
These days, the US military wins because the fighters are objectively better, AND because the logistics system that supports them is the finest in the world. Making sure that the bullets, beans, batteries and band-aids are where they need to be occupies the majority of the effort of the military.
Food is a big part of that. Asking each militia member to fight with his own rations on his back is unreasonable: Aside from people having various abilities to acquire food, having to carry it to the battle is a waste of energy. Likewise, having to take an hour or two out to cook, eat and clean up is wasteful of time and other resources. Thats why the military has specialists that do nothing but provide more or less wholesome, nutritious, and occasionally even tasty food to the troops.
Since not everyone is a fighter (or can be) having a group of people who take care of this is a good idea. And, it's easy to practice without attracting attention - church or youth group activities, helping out in charitable food pantries, even in inner-city missions all provides a good idea about how to cook for large groups.
Emergency Medicine - saving the world from themselves, one at a time.
"Thou shalt not be a victim, thou shalt not be a perpetrator, but, above all, thou shalt not be a bystander."
I make the ADL soil themselves. And that makes me very happy