If you plan is to survive the coming crisis and do so unscathed. many thing must be taken into consideration.
Yes I know morse code is an old form of communication, but you should learn it.
One easy simple explaination is. What better way to communicate without leaving your voice all over the airwaves.
All the young guys are right now saying, we have internet, and other radio communication, including Sat.
Yes you do... right now, do you really think? The government would not jam any Sat access.
They will leave radios open. but it is the 21st, so expect voice recognition.
So what better way then morse to transmit your alfa code?
We have been thinking we could use all the modern devices, GPS is one example.
They will shut down or block any access to the GPS system and anything else they can. Yes we might find some hackers to help us out.
But you better be prepared to wayfind the old fashion way.
Too many of us are dependent on the GPS.
We dont track. Can't way find. Can't survive in the wilderness with only our wits. Many of us don't know the local plants in our area that are safe to eat or medicinal.
Many of us are out of shape, and some use the excuse they are to old to be out there working out. Well No matter how old we are, we will be tested and pushed to the limit.
so We better prepare our minds and our bodies.
We don't know how to ride a horse or trap, some are not even hunters. We better be expert mountain man types.
Too may here think that we will carry on our live in our confortable houses, while all along fighting for the cause.
The only people who will still have a home will be the traitors or sheep.
Or the occasional patriot who never let his thoughts known.
Yes he or she might be able to do the underground thing.
The rest of us, the people who spoke up or made our views known. We will be in the mountains, cities sewers, deserts,or any other place that allows us some rest time.
No one can fight 7 days a week 24 hrs a day.
I know even my nice retreat I spend years preparing and stocking, will only provide my shelter and protection for a limited time.
Eventually I must move into the wilderness and fight the guerilla fight.
Some have the notion that they will stand toe to toe with the US Military.
No we will hit and run or stand and die.
Oh yes we can inflict damage on them.
But at what cost.
Our job is to figure ways to even the playing field. Make all their FLIR and night vision. Helo's and tanks, excess weight.
That's what we need to be working on.
We must work on tactics and precision.
Don't waste time on things you won't be using in the field.
I am not saying don't make a retreat,
I am saying the retreat is only a safe house for a short time.
Learn to eat things they won't, to sleep in places they can't, learn to never hesitate.
As God is my witness this will be the most evil and cruel battles of history. There is none of the battle field honor of the history books or battles of our fore fathers, just killing and destuction.
We must understand they can't let you live. If you fail, No camps for you, just death.
Tyranny can never continue if one spark of hope is left alive.
So prep for not just a civil war, but for battle for the dream of freedom.
We must be the most capable, well skilled, feared fighting militiamen ever to walk this earth.
So learn all those forgotten skills and physically train ourselve till we can't be whipped.
Being a militiaman is great. being a militia man feared because of his stealth and cunning, and his ability to flourish in any situation.
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no spaces just to make it more fun.