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Covid News #176744
10/07/2021 02:10 PM
10/07/2021 02:10 PM
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Sweden, Denmark Restrict Use Of Moderna Jab Over Risk Of Heart Inflammation, Other Side Effects
The Moderna jabs were found to be more likely to cause dangerous inflammation in the heart by at least one study

By ZeroHedge Wednesday, October 06, 2021

As Dr. Fauci and other top public health officials in the US (along with their Big Pharma allies) continue to push for mandatory vaccinations for increasingly younger patients which could soon extend to babies as young as 6 months), health authorities in Sweden – which saw fewer excess deaths than its neighbors despite avoiding lockdowns during the initial wave of the COVID pandemic – have decided to stop giving the Moderna jab to anyone born in 1991 or later.

The Swedes were joined a few hours later by health authorities in Denmark, who suspended the use of Moderna’s jab in patients aged 18 and younger.

For context, the Moderna jabs were found to be more likely to cause dangerous inflammation in the heart by at least one study – to patients born in 1991 (meaning anyone 30 and younger).

“The Swedish Public Health Agency has decided to suspend the use of Moderna’s vaccine Spikevax, for everyone born 1991 and later, for precautionary reasons,” it said in a statement.

“The cause is signals of an increased risk of side effects such as myocarditis and pericarditis. However, the risk of being affected is very small.”

But the Swedes aren’t limiting use of all the mRNA jabs. Instead of the Moderna vaccine, the Swedish health agency says it’s going to recommend the Pfizer jab for people in this age range instead, as those in the age range who have already received one Moderna jab will not be receiving a second (it’s not clear whether they will be receiving a dose of Pfizer instead).

The EMA, the EU’s medicines regulator, first approved the Pfizer jab for young people back in May, while the Moderna jab was approved for children over 12 in July.

The news sent Moderna shares even lower in premarket trade.

Generally speaking, the EMA, along with local European health authorities, have been far more cautious about approving vaccines than their American counterparts, and have also imposed more restrictions related to age.
Visit our store now before the sale ends!

The news will likely prompt other Scandinavian health authorities to review their stance on Moderna and other jabs. After the announcements, shares of Moderna turned even lower premarket.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #176745
10/07/2021 02:39 PM
10/07/2021 02:39 PM
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COVID Link Roll-Up #8

by Patriotman | Oct 7, 2021 |

“THEY KNOW” – Dr. Peter McCullough bombshell (MUST WATCH – World leaders know that we have a vaxx disaster on our hands, they just don’t know how to stop it! I’m not sure how long this will remain on YouTube! If you only look at one thing in this email, look at this!):

Excerpt (at about 1:40:30):

“I made a presentation for the Heritage Foundation in Washington’s Open Meeting. The Heritage Foundation gives a lot of advice to the House and Senate, NIH and others, and I gave basically a lot of this (the same talk he gives in this video from Michigan), and you could hear a pin drop afterwards. And finally one of the former AMA (American Medical Association) presidents came up and said ‘Dr McCullough, we have the largest biological product catastrophe in human history going on right now. We’ve had two Administrations buy into it, the House and the Senate, the major media, the entire medical establishment, and no one knows how to stop it.’
“To me that was a stunning admission from leaders in Washington – some people know! People know! It’s not just us. In the last two weeks I’ve been called privately by the Federal Reserve. I’ve been called privately by two people pretty high up in the Vatican. I’ve been called and I’ve had conferences with some official leaders of other countries, like THE leader of the other country, and they want to talk with me. Okay? I’m telling you, we are not the only ones who realize that we’re in the middle of a major biological catastrophe. And these (certification) boards though are going to hunt us. And the question is, how far are they going to go and how much are we going to lose. I can tell you personally, I am willing to lose it all.”

My Jaw DROPPED when I Tested Someone’s Immune System After the 2nd Jab (MUST WATCH – Illinois doctor conducts immune system blood tests before and after his patients get the jabs – finds that these vaxxes almost completely wipe out your innate immune system – white blood cell counts destroyed – compares vaxxed people to AIDS patients – this would also explain the hugely elevated cancer rates that Dr. Ryan Cole has found in vaxxed people):

What the Vaxx Did (Related):

Related Note: These are the blood tests that I think people who decide to get the jab should take before and after each one to assess the vaxx damage (I think it would be eye-opening):

Immune system blood panel (similar to what this doctor ran):
Teloyears test (measures telomere length, which is an indication of remaining lifespan – early studies have suggested that these covid vaxxes drastically shorten your telomeres):
C-Reactive Protein (measures inflammation):
D-Dimer test (measures blood clotting):

EDIT FROM A READER: Here is a video most of you have probably see the long version. It features Dr Malone and Dr Vanden Bossche. The long version is kind of challenging to understand. These guys are talking a bit over my head. In this shortened version Del Bigtree narrates it and gives it some context. I got a lot more out of that. If they get the kids, and they’re going after them now, we are all screwed I think.

Ivermectin + Alternative Treament Updates

Ivermectin – Truth and Totalitarianism:—truth-and-totalitarianism/article_2e03f334-252f-11ec-a086-eb72bc65ec02.html

Bill Maher Decries Politicalization of Ivermectin:

India govt. declares most populated state officially COVID free after widespread use of ivermectin (MUST WATCH – only 5.8% fully vaxxed out of 241 million people and covid completely wiped out by ivermectin):

India’s Ivermectin Blackout – Part V: The Secret Revealed:—part-v-the-secret-revealed/article_9a37d9a8-1fb2-11ec-a94b-47343582647b.html

WHO scientist may face death penalty for advising against ivermectin: ‘Deleting the tweet won’t save her: https://americasfrontlinedoctors.or...mectin-deleting-the-tweet-wont-save-her/

Nigerian Study Shows Ivermectin (IVM) Monotherapy as Efficacious as Hydroxychloroquine HCQ, IVM and azithromycin AZM (HIA) Combination Therapy in Treating COVID-19 Patients:

Ivermectin: a multifaceted drug of Nobel prize-honoured distinction with indicated efficacy against a new global scourge, COVID-19 (New paper):

Ivermectin Opposition Depraved – Big Pharma Ready to Market Expensive Copies of It:

Committed to Medical Evidence, a Prominent Ivermectin Group is Eradicated from the Memories of Cyberspace:

San Juan Summit: Undertreatment Cited as Cause for Deaths:

Pfizer Launches Final Study For COVID Drug That’s Suspiciously Similar To ‘Horse Paste’:

On Vaccines and Side Effects

So much for vaccine-generated herd immunity (From former NY Times science reporter: In an Israeli hospital outbreak, 96% vaccination rates (and universal masking) made no difference. And guess who had mild cases? Hint: not the vaccinated):

University of WI-Madison & Public Health Study Indicates Vaccinated People May Spread Delta-based SARS-CoV-2 as Much as the Unvaccinated:

Vaccine Effectiveness Hits as Low as Minus-66% in the Over 40s, New PHE Data Shows (Higher Covid infection rate amongst most working-age vaccinated populations than unvaccinated population disproves the “prevent infection” justification for vaccine mandates):

Spike Protein, a Dose Dependent Killer? (Fatality rate from Moderna is much higher than Pfizer – Moderna has much higher mRNA dose):

570k Reported Instances Of Adverse Effects From Covid Vaccine:

Hiding the Bodycount (ER doc blows the whistle):

UK Scientist Find S Protein May Contribute to Microvascular Disease Independently from SARS-CoV-2 Infection (H/T to a friend):

Sinister BBC-Ad programming the population for sudden-deaths of young people (myocarditis and clots from the vaxx):

Why “Natural Immunity” Is A Political Problem For The Regime:

SARS-CoV-2 infection aided by antibody-dependent enhancement (H/T to a friend):

As Reports of Deaths After COVID Vaccines Near 16,000, CDC Urges Pregnant Women to Get the Vaccine (Latest VAERS numbers):

Clearing up misinformation about the spike protein and COVID vaccines (MUST READ):

Dr. Ryan Cole on the Vaccine and Potential for Unwanted, Even Dangerous, Reactions and Side Effects (MUST WATCH):

Pathologists’ Shocking Finding from Deaths after COVID-19 Jabs:

J&J Vaccine Possibly Linked To Two More Serious Health Conditions, EU Regulator Finds:

Myocarditis deception (Steve Kirsch – recommends running a blood test for troponin levels on vaxxed to detect heart damage):

On Tyranny and Fraud

They All Lied. Throw Them All Out NOW (MUST READ – Denninger):

Supply Collapse: Inevitable? (Denninger – Vaxx mandates causing supply chain collapse):

Fauci Suggests Unvaccinated Should Not Work Or Go To School:

Fauci Isn’t Sure You Can Gather For Xmas, But Is Sure You Must Give Up Your Individual Rights:

US Drug Regulator Advisers to Meet on Moderna, Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters:

Another suit challenging Biden’s vaccine mandate for military:

Federal Agency: Biden’s Vaccine Mandate for Federal Workers Can Be Enforced Next Month:

Watch: Rand Paul Warns Health Authoritarians “Are Hysterical About The Unvaccinated”:

Human Resource Giant ADP Is Now Sorting Vaccinated from Unvaccinated in Employee Profiles:

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #176756
10/12/2021 01:00 AM
10/12/2021 01:00 AM
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Natural Immunity & Covid-19: Twenty-Nine Scientific Studies to Share with Employers, Health Officials, and Politicians

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #176783
10/15/2021 10:39 PM
10/15/2021 10:39 PM
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COVID Link Roll-Up #9

by Patriotman | Oct 14, 2021 |

COVID-19: Points to Ponder from a Pathologist’s Perspective – Ryan Cole, MD (MUST WATCH – Goes into the serious pathological damage that the vaxxes cause):

Note: For those who do get the vaxx, Dr. Cole suggests getting the following blood tests before and after, which will document the damage (then you might be able to have your doctor write a medical exemption for you for subsequent shots, or even possibly sue your employer if you only got it because they mandated it):

D-dimer (blood clots)
Sedimentation Rate (inflammation)
C Reactive protein HS (inflammation)
Troponin (heart damage)
CBC (complete blood count)
CMP (comprehensive metabolic panel, organ damage)

Last week I already posted a couple of these, along with a couple of extras — here they are again:

Immune system blood panel (white blood cell counts):
Teloyears test (measures telomere length, which is an indication of remaining lifespan – early studies have suggested that these covid vaxxes drastically shorten your telomeres):
C-Reactive Protein (measures inflammation):
D-Dimer test (measures blood clotting):

Ivermectin + Alternative Treament Updates

Major law firm confirms FDA deceived America with its ‘approval’ of Pfizer vax | Principia Scientific Intl:

“Immunity As A Service” – The Snake-Oil Salesmen & The COVID-Zero Con (MUST READ):

Report, 100 to 200 Congressional Reps and Staff Were Treated with Ivermectin Protocol From Front Line COVID Critical Care Doctors:


Excerpt: FACT: Between 100-200 members of Congress and their families & staffers have been treated with IVM & our I-MASK+ protocol for COVID. NO hospitalizations. Not one of them reported that to the people. Saved themselves & stayed silent as IVM was torched.

If This Is True…. (Karl Denninger about the Congressional hypocrisy over Ivermectin):

NIH Lists Ivermectin as Targeted Antiviral of Interest for COVID-19:

Emergency doctor says authorities are ‘standing in the way of life-saving medications’:

Ivermectin – Truth & Totalitarianism:

The Research Is Clear: Ivermectin Is a Safe, Effective Treatment for COVID, so Why Isn’t It Being Used?

Vaccines, Ivermectin and the Physicians’ Rome Declaration:

On Vaccines and Side Effects

Veritas Records Pfizer Scientists: “Your Antibodies Probably Better Than Vax” After Infection (MUST WATCH – Project Veritas):

Whistleblower Goes On Record, Reveals Internal Emails from Chief Scientific Officer & Senior Director of Worldwide Research Discussing COVID Vaccine … ‘We Want to Avoid Having the Information on the Fetal Cells Floating Out There’ (MUST WATCH – Project Veritas):

Natural Immunity: an Alternative to Vaccines?

All you need to know about vaccine failure – not in Israel, in the US – in one incredible chart (Rate of covid is worse for the vaxxed than the unvaxxed!!!):

Studies confirm waning immunity from Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine:

76% of September Covid-19 deaths are vax breakthroughs (Vermont):

COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations Plummet in Southern US, Rise in Northern States:

Reports of Serious Injuries After COVID Vaccines Near 112,000, as Pfizer Asks FDA to Green Light Shots for Kids 5 to 11 (Latest VAERS numbers):

Doctor on COVID Vax: “We Screwed-Up. We Didn’t Realize the Spike Protein Is a Toxin” Does This Mean Everyone Vaxinated Is Manufacturing Their Own Spike Protein Toxins in Their Own Bodies? https://www.australiannationalrevie...O4sGqctot6iuGcwwE2YiNivMFJoYYiX2uDUJqAHg

The Killer in the Bloodstream: the “Spike Protein”:

A Silent and Dutiful Massacre:

Waning Immune Humoral Response to BNT162b2 Covid-19 Vaccine over 6 Months (New paper in NEJM):

60% of senior citizens hospitalized with COVID were ‘fully vaccinated’: Medicare report:

‘Not Supposed To Happen’: US State With Highest Vaxx Rate Sees Record Surge In COVID Cases:

On Tyranny and Fraud

Taibbi: The Cult Of The Vaccine (MUST WATCH / READ):

Letter To A Covidian: A Time-Travel Experiment:

Dr Malone Deserves The Nobel Peace Prize For What He’s Revealed On Vaccines:

The illegality of mandated COVID-19 vaccinations (MUST READ – Judge Andrew Napolitano):

A Message To Fauci: You Are In No Position To Dictate The “Greater Good”:

Doctor Says Physicians Are Being “Hunted” For Speaking Out by Press & Medical Boards:

Inventor of mRNA banned by the New England Journal of Medicine (H/T to friend):

FDA never really approved Pfizer COVID vaccine, Sen. Ron Johnson tells Tucker Carlson:

If You’re Consenting to Coercion, You’re the Problem:

We Got Access to 700+ COVID-19 Death Certificates. Here’s What We found (Non-covid deaths fraudulently classified as covid):

The Emerging Totalitarian Dystopia: An Interview With Professor Mattias Desmet:

‘Intimidate and overwhelm’: The global predators behind the COVID ‘reign of terror’:

It’s Time for Civil Disobedience: Here Is How We Stop Biden Vaccine Mandates:

The Deep Politics Of Vaccine Mandates:

It’s Coming Apart…. NOW (Denninger on the collapsing narrative):

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #176786
10/16/2021 11:44 PM
10/16/2021 11:44 PM
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“A Miami school that made headlines for saying it would penalize teachers who got the COVID-19 vaccine is now requiring students who get vaccinated to remain home for 30 days after each dose ... ‘Because of the potential impact on other students and our school community, vaccinated students will need to stay at home for 30 days post-vaccination for each dose and booster they receive and may return to school after 30 days as long as the student is healthy and symptom-free’ ... The school owners said the reasoning was over concerns on side effects and fears that those who get the shot will infect those who don’t get it.”

Originally Posted by ConSigCor
COVID Link Roll-Up #9
Doctor on COVID Vax: “We Screwed-Up. We Didn’t Realize the Spike Protein Is a Toxin” Does This Mean Everyone Vaxinated Is Manufacturing Their Own Spike Protein Toxins in Their Own Bodies? https://www.australiannationalrevie...O4sGqctot6iuGcwwE2YiNivMFJoYYiX2uDUJqAHg

This is the referenced paper:

Liberty and Prosperity, by Right or Might
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #176803
10/20/2021 12:05 PM
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Almost all Los Angeles public school teachers have now been vaccinated, which the Los Angeles Times credits to [url=]the requirement that they get the jab or lose their jobs[url].

Here's an idea: Since threatening to fire teachers seems to work so well, let's threaten to fire teachers who don't improve their teaching skills.

Maybe I should run for the Tulsa School Board after all.

Onward and upward,

Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #176879
10/29/2021 03:56 PM
10/29/2021 03:56 PM
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by Patriotman | Oct 22, 2021 |

Job Sites Listing Open Jobs w/ No Vax Mandates

Amish Covid: ‘No hospitalization, isolation or vaccines = herd immunity’:

Vaccine pioneer says ‘rules don’t apply’ to unaccountable, ‘corrupt’ Fauci, FDA (MUST WATCH):

“This Is War”: An Interview with Pierre Kory (MUST WATCH):

Alex Berenson (former NY Times science writer) on Joe Rogan #1717 (MUST WATCH / LISTEN – 70% of covid deaths in UK are vaxxed): or

Ivermectin + Alternative Treament Updates

Joe Rogan Crushes CNN Over Ivermectin ‘Horse Paste’ Propaganda, Gets Gupta To Concede They Lied:

Why was this paper on ivermectin retracted? (MUST READ):

Ivermectin: Horse dewormer or lifesaving intervention for COVID-19, with Pierre Kory, MD:

Custom Officials Seize Small Packages of Lifesaving Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine in Chicago While Record Amounts of Fentanyl Continue to Flow Across Southern Border:

60+ Ivermectin Lawsuits as Courts Become Battlefield: Hospital Administrations Against Patients:

AMAZING: COVID-19 Cases in Indonesia Plummet After Government Authorizes IVERMECTIN For Treatment:

Home ivermectin based kits in India:

On Vaccines and Side Effects

It gets worse – A comparison of official Government reports suggest the Fully Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome much faster than anticipated (H/T to friend, vaxxed getting AIDS):

Want To Get Covid Many Times? (MUST READ – Denninger on the lack of ‘N’ antibodies in vaxxed people):

are leaky vaccines driving delta variant evolution and making it more deadly? (MUST READ – Raises the possibility that what is happening now is similar to what happened with Marek’s disease in chickens – widespread vaccination drove new, deadlier strains that infected non-vaxxed too):

the vaccinated superspread hypothesis (H/T to friend):

Horowitz: The data is in, and we are now worse off than before the experimental shots (MUST READ):

Academic Study: ‘Mild COVID-19 Induces Lasting Antibody Protection’ in Bone Marrow for Natural Immunity Support:

On Tyranny and Fraud

How Gates, Fauci, and Schwab manufactured the Covid-19 Crisis to usher in a New World Order that will “Build Back Better”:

WTF!? Biden’s USAID Launches $125 Million Project To Find 12,000 New Viruses:

COVID-19: The Weaponization Of Fear & The Loss Of Freedom:

From ’15 Days To Slow The Spread’ To Dragging Thousands From Their Jobs Over Vaccine Mandates:

National security laws may suggest that COVID-19 is a falsified pandemic ‘exercise’:

It All Makes Sense Once You Realize They Want to Kill Us:


The Unvaccinated Are Looking Smarter Every Week:

A Patent Issued for The Purpose of Contact Tracing All Vaccinated Humans Worldwide (H/T to friend):

Mainstream Media Finally Accepts That COVID Lab Leak Is Most Likely Theory:

Dr. Peter McCullough, other top doctors sue FDA for Pfizer vaccine data:

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #176880
10/29/2021 03:58 PM
10/29/2021 03:58 PM
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by Patriotman | Oct 29, 2021 |

COVIDLAND – Episode 1: The Lockdown (MUST WATCH):

Dr. McCullough: Time to Stop Vaccinating | Steve Deace Show (MUST WATCH):

Why is the medical profession letting us die?

Brought to you by Pfizer:

Ivermectin + Alternative Treament Updates

And the Winners Are ..! Three repurposed drugs have shown efficacy in large early COVID-19 treatment trials:

The FDA’s War Against The Truth On Ivermectin (MUST READ):

Is ivermectin safe in long term pre-exposure use?

Repositioning Ivermectin for Covid-19 treatment: Molecular mechanisms of action against SARS-CoV-2 replication (New research paper):

Horse-Bleep: How 4 Calls on Animal Ivermectin Launched a False FDA-Media Attack on a Life-Saving Human Medicine:

Doctors Can Prescribe Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine Off-Label For COVID-19: Nebraska AG:

Dr. Stella Immanuel Hits Breaking Point, Erupts During Ivermectin Interview (MUST WATCH):

HERO: Nurse “Smuggles” Ivermectin to Dying Patient, SAVES LIFE!

Marine Vet Sues Walmart After Pharmacist Refused to Fill His Ivermectin Prescription:

Maryland Congressman Says He Prescribes Ivermectin For COVID:

On Vaccines and Side Effects

Video: Joe Rogan Accuses Google Of ‘Hiding Information’ On Vaccine Deaths:

Proof of VAERS Underreporting and Hidden Vaccine-Associated Hospitalizations:

Whistleblower: FDA and CDC Ignore Damning Report that over 90% of a Hospital’s Admissions were Vaccinated for Covid-19 and No One Was Reporting This to VAERS:

Pfizer Reports Booster Shots 95.6% Effective, Offer “Favorable” Safety Profile (Does anyone actually believe this???):

Pfizer and BioNTech announce their vaccine is USELESS 11 months after dosing… (MUST READ):

Excerpt: “The ABSOLUTE risk appeared at least two to three times higher in the vaccinated people in this trial than in UNVACCINATED people in the initial trial…”

Excerpt: “If you are vaccinated, get ready to take boosters forever.”

Cincinnati Zoo announces COVID-19 vaccination of 80 animals (Finally conducting animal trials of the experimental mRNA injections):

URGENT: Covid vaccines will keep you from acquiring full immunity EVEN IF YOU ARE INFECTED AND RECOVER (MUST READ – Alex Berenson goes over latest UK govt vaccine surveillance report that says people who have taken the vaxx don’t develop N antibodies, even if they get the virus – making them susceptible to getting covid over and over again forever! This is in line with other reports that are showing the vaxx wipes out people’s immune systems):

Related UK Government Vaccine Surveillance Report: https://assets.publishing.service.g.../Vaccine-surveillance-report-week-42.pdf

Harvard Study Finds COVID-19 Surged Most Among Vaxxed Communities:

Covid SURGES Among Most Vaxxed Communities Says Harvard Study (Jimmy Dore):

Mutated Strain Of Delta Variant Causing Panic In UK Has Been Found In US:

COVID Population Fatality Ratios By Single Year of Age:

Is the Delta Variant Spike a RESULT of Antibody Dependent Enhancement?

Official Narrative Admits Fake COVID Vaccine Gives You Fake COVID Immunity:

17,000+ Reports of Deaths After COVID Vaccines, Including New Report of 12-Year-Old Who Died After Pfizer Vaccine (Latest VAERS data):

PhD Researcher’s Analysis of VAERS Data Reveals 5,427% Increase in Deaths Following COVID Shots Compared to All Vaccines the Past 10 Years:

CDC: 16,310 Dead 778,685 Injured Following COVID-19 Shots – 2.5X More Deaths than Following All Vaccines for Past 30 Years – 2,102 Fetal Deaths:

Child deaths are 52% higher than the 5-year-average since they were offered the Covid-19 vaccine, after previously being 14% down according to ONS data:

The Incidence of Cancer, Triggered by the Covid 19 “Vaccine”:

Now it has Happened: Vaccinated Pilot Dies in Flight. Emergency Landing and Uproar in the Aviation Industry:

On Tyranny and Fraud

CNN Says Independent Research Is MISINFO, Media Discourages Critical Thinking:

Forced Vaccination Was Always the End Game. America’s Move Towards Authoritarianism:

COVID Authoritarians Are The Cause Of America’s Problems, Not The Unvaccinated:

Florida Governor Calls for Special Session to Counter Vaccine and Mask Mandates:

The Frightened Class:

Pfizer’s Power in the COVD-19 Vaccine Space:

Pfizer/BioNTech Fail to Report Low Absolute Risk Reduction in COVID-19 Booster Vaccine Trial Results:

Dewey, Cheat’em And Howe (Denninger – By law employers are liable for vaxx adverse events if they mandate it):

Physicians and the Vaccine Tyranny:

Corporations Pull Out the Long Knives for Their Employees:

The Impending Mass Firing of America’s Unvaccinated:

OSHA Will Not Make Employers Record Worker Side Effects from Forced COVID Vaccine:

Shipping Companies Warn: Biden Vaccine Mandate Will Trigger Holiday Supply Chain Chaos:

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #176939
11/07/2021 12:10 AM
11/07/2021 12:10 AM
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“Inside the emergency department at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, Mich., staff members are struggling to care for patients who are showing up much sicker than they've ever seen ... includes abdominal pain, respiratory problems, blood clots, heart conditions ... ‘It's the highest I've ever seen in my career’ ... The number of ER patients is mostly back to normal, but patients are so much sicker ... ‘The Midwest, the South, the Northeast, the West ... they are seeing this exact same phenomenon’ ... ‘we're seeing more acute cases than we were pre-pandemic’ ... there has been an increase in people coming to the ER with more serious conditions, like strokes and heart attacks ... ‘Even though we're seeing the overall volumes come back to normal over the summer here, we see that the more acute conditions still remain higher’”

I believe we observe vaccine injuries, combined with the healthcare system’s purge of the unvaccinated and loss of work among vaccine injured healthcare workers, increasingly strain the healthcare system. I suspect that as time progresses, we’ll see increasing frequency and severity of vaccine injuries.

Liberty and Prosperity, by Right or Might
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #176940
11/07/2021 04:12 AM
11/07/2021 04:12 AM
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The only good thing about the immune system destroying mRNA spike protein injection they are falsely calling a vaccination is that 92% of sodomites are taking it so soon there will be fewer queers.

www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper
Re: Covid News [Re: Navarro] #176943
11/07/2021 04:01 PM
11/07/2021 04:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Navarro
“Inside the emergency department at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, Mich., staff members are struggling to care for patients who are showing up much sicker than they've ever seen ... includes abdominal pain, respiratory problems, blood clots, heart conditions ... ‘It's the highest I've ever seen in my career’ ... The number of ER patients is mostly back to normal, but patients are so much sicker ... ‘The Midwest, the South, the Northeast, the West ... they are seeing this exact same phenomenon’ ... ‘we're seeing more acute cases than we were pre-pandemic’ ... there has been an increase in people coming to the ER with more serious conditions, like strokes and heart attacks ... ‘Even though we're seeing the overall volumes come back to normal over the summer here, we see that the more acute conditions still remain higher’”

I believe we observe vaccine injuries, combined with the healthcare system’s purge of the unvaccinated and loss of work among vaccine injured healthcare workers, increasingly strain the healthcare system. I suspect that as time progresses, we’ll see increasing frequency and severity of vaccine injuries.

It appears Australia is experiencing the same. Australian propagandists of course have absurd explanations for the circumstances which only the obtuse would find compelling, but the actual cause is obvious:

This is likely a pandemic of the vaccinated.

Bonus information:

Liberty and Prosperity, by Right or Might
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #176986
11/14/2021 12:33 PM
11/14/2021 12:33 PM
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“The leader of the Oklahoma National Guard has released a memo that says no service member will be required to get a COVID-19 vaccination. The move, ordered by Adjutant General Thomas Mancino, directly goes against a federal mandate saying otherwise. There will be ‘no negative administrative or legal action’ taken against members who opt out of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, according to the memo sent last week”

“The Pentagon said it would respond to Oklahoma's Republican governor after the state's National Guard indicated it would thwart a Defense Department mandate that troops be vaccinated against Covid-19 ... ‘We are aware of the memo issued by the Oklahoma Adjutant General regarding COVID vaccination for Guardsmen and the governor's letter requesting exemption. We will respond to the governor appropriately,’ Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said.”

“Austria is placing about 2 million unvaccinated people in lockdown from Monday ... Unvaccinated people will only be able to leave home for a limited number of reasons, like working or buying food. About 65% of Austria's population is fully vaccinated ... The unvaccinated were already barred from visiting restaurants, hairdressers and cinemas but will now be told to stay at home. ‘In reality we have told one third of the population: you will not leave your apartment anymore apart from for certain reasons,’ (Austrian Chancellor) Schallenberg said ... The government says police will carry out spot checks in public spaces to determine their vaccination status ... critics have questioned whether the move is constitutional. The far-right Freedom Party has said it will create a group of second-class citizens. In neighbouring Germany, where Health Minister Jens Spahn has warned of a pandemic of the unvaccinated, the federal government and state leaders are due to meet next week to discus possible new restrictions.”

“The new restrictions in Austria will be enforced on an ‘unprecedented scale,’ the interior minister said, with fines of up to 30,000 euros.”

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Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #176993
11/15/2021 11:10 AM
11/15/2021 11:10 AM
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“Climate Change May Cause Increased Rates of Heart Defects in Babies ... A new study predicts that increases in maternal heat exposure across the United States will lead to 7,000 additional cases of congenital heart defects”

It appears our betters have determined the C19 vaccines indeed cause injuries to include heart damage/defects. This article likely represents an attempt to get ahead of relevant vaccine injury reports, establishing early that “climate change” is the cause of heart damage/defects in children. Note that whatever slight increase in temperature which “climate change” has caused in the United States, other regions of the world average a much higher temperature than that. For example, the region of the equator. Yet, there has been no documented increased risk of any form of harm at all for people living in or born in such regions.

We most likely will observe a sharp uptick in heart damage/defects among children, and the actual cause will almost certainly be C19 vaccinations of both children and pregnant mothers.

Liberty and Prosperity, by Right or Might
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #177009
11/17/2021 01:04 PM
11/17/2021 01:04 PM
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“OSHA published an Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) that establishes minimum COVID-19 vaccination and testing requirements for private employers with 100 or more employees throughout the United States. Shortly after the ETS was published, several states and businesses sued ... In recognition of the court‘s ruling, the administration declared yesterday that OSHA has suspended all activities relating to the implementation and enforcement of the ETS pending further litigation.”

Liberty and Prosperity, by Right or Might
Re: Covid News [Re: Navarro] #177010
11/17/2021 03:12 PM
11/17/2021 03:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Navarro
“The leader of the Oklahoma National Guard has released a memo that says no service member will be required to get a COVID-19 vaccination. The move, ordered by Adjutant General Thomas Mancino, directly goes against a federal mandate saying otherwise. There will be ‘no negative administrative or legal action’ taken against members who opt out of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, according to the memo sent last week”

“The Pentagon said it would respond to Oklahoma's Republican governor after the state's National Guard indicated it would thwart a Defense Department mandate that troops be vaccinated against Covid-19 ... ‘We are aware of the memo issued by the Oklahoma Adjutant General regarding COVID vaccination for Guardsmen and the governor's letter requesting exemption. We will respond to the governor appropriately,’ Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said.”

@TheInsiderPaper: “Defense official reportedly says, if the Oklahoma National Guard doesn't comply with COVID vaccine requirements, they will no longer be "maintaining national recognition," thus, state will no longer have a Nat Guard, but rather a militia - VOA's Pentagon correspondent”

Liberty and Prosperity, by Right or Might
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #177012
11/17/2021 06:25 PM
11/17/2021 06:25 PM
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That's good screw the Fed Coats, Oklahoma needs militias.

OSHA Suspends Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Initiative
November 17th 2021, 11:54 am
"OSHA has suspended activities related to the implementation and enforcement of the ETS pending future developments in the litigation," agency says.
Comes after Fifth Circuit ruled workplace vaccine mandate poses "grave statutory and constitutional issues."
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has suspended all activities related to Joe Biden’s workplace vaccine mandate pending further judicial review.
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals stayed OSHA’s vaccine mandate directive last week, ruling the agency wasn’t created to “make sweeping pronouncements on matters of public health affecting every member of society in the profoundest of ways.”

The Numbers Are In: Majority Of New Covid Cases And Deaths Are Amongst The Vaccinated
November 17th 2021, 12:00 pm

www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #177016
11/18/2021 10:22 AM
11/18/2021 10:22 AM
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“president and CEO of the American Trucking Associations, says 37% of drivers responded ‘hell no’ to mandates while just 3.7% leaving would be ‘catastrophic.’”


For clarity, the ATA is a major influencer in the trucking industry. The ATA lobbies the government in favor of the truckers interests, in theory. In practice, the ATA soonest lobbies in favor of the interests of trucking companies, whose interests are frequently contrary to the interests of the truckers themselves. More basically, the ATA is to truckers what the NRA is to gun owners. As such, these statistics gathered by the ATA are credible. What truckers ultimately mean by “hell no” to vaccine mandates is, however, up for interpretation.

Liberty and Prosperity, by Right or Might
Re: Covid News [Re: Texas Resistance] #177019
11/18/2021 12:31 PM
11/18/2021 12:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Texas Resistance
That's good screw the Fed Coats, Oklahoma needs militias.

If we'd known that was all it took, we'd have done it a long time ago.

Onward and upward,

Last edited by airforce; 11/18/2021 12:31 PM.
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #177025
11/19/2021 10:35 AM
11/19/2021 10:35 AM
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COVID Link Roll-Up #13

Klaus Schwab’s School For Covid Dictators, Plan for ‘Great Reset’ (MUST READ – How is it that more than 190 governments from all over the world ended up dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in almost exactly the same manner, with lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccination cards now being commonplace everywhere?):

Director-General of the WHO confirms Vaccine Passports are discriminatory, Children should not be given the Covid-19 Vaccine, and the Jabs are useless at preventing infection and spread of Covid-19:

Dr. David Martin: Heavy but Must See Information (MUST WATCH):

Spike Protein Goes to Nucleus and Impairs DNA Repair (In-Vitro Study) (Dr. Been, who has been pro-vaxx, goes into the DNA damage repair paper that I posted two updates ago – he is very concerned about this paper):

South African Physician Dr. Shankara Chetty Talks about “The Bigger Plan” (MUST WATCH):

Disrupting the Data (MUST WATCH – Long, but Dr. Chris Martenson and Dr. Dave Collum go into detail about the covid vaxx, and what / who is really behind all the mandates and everything crazy that is happening):

Ivermectin + Alternative Treament Updates

New Pfizer drug and ivermectin (MUST WATCH – Dr. Campbell – Ivermectin blows away Pfizermectin!):

Alternative facts (Facebook trying to “fact check” the above video by Dr. Campbell on the mechanisms of action of Ivermectin vs. Pfizermectin):

Judge rules unvaccinated doctor can treat COVID-19 patient with ivermectin at Edward Hospital in Naperville (Illinois):

Vitamin D Papers Top List of Most Popular Studies of The Year and There’s Good Reason for It:

NFL’s Aaron Rodgers defends ivermectin, alternative COVID treatments as ‘woke mob’ ramps up attacks:

NFL Star Not an ‘Anti-Vaxxer’ Shuns Vaccine & Depends on Ivermectin & mAbs:

Regeneron Shares Surge As Antibody Cocktail Cuts COVID Risk By 81.6%:

Regeneron Presents New Phase 3 Analyses Showing a Single Dose of REGEN-COV (casirivimab and imdevimab) Provides Long-term Protection Against COVID-19:

Based on Interim Analysis Pfizer’s PAXLOVID Superior to Merck’s Molnupiravir: COVID-19 Antivirals (Pfizermectin):

On Vaccines and Side Effects

Worldwide Vaccine Failure (MUST READ):

Bill Gates admits COVID-19 vaccines don’t stop viral transmission:

Pfizer’s Clinical Trial data strongly indicates their Covid-19 Vaccine causes the recipient to develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (MUST READ):

CDC Admits No Record Of Naturally Immune Transmitting COVID-19:

Covid “negative” patients are overwhelming hospitals, exactly as predicted with Antibody Dependent Enhancement:

Despite Vaccine Passport Schemes, COVID Cases Surging Across Europe:

“We Must Learn To Live With It” – WHO’s EU Chief Admits COVID Isn’t Going Anywhere:

VAERS COVID Vaccine Data Show Surge in Reports of Serious Injuries, as 5-Year-Olds Start Getting Shots (Latest VAERS numbers):

Govt. data reveals shocking number of deaths, injuries directly caused by COVID vaccines (MUST WATCH):

Over a 60X increase in pro sports adverse events since the vaccines rolled out:

Regulator Reviewing Reports Of “Rare” And Serious Condition Linked To Moderna Vaccine (European drug regulator):

Do mRNA Covid vaccines interfere with the development of natural immunity following Sars-Cov-2 infection? (MUST READ):

Study Reveals ‘Dramatic’ Decline In All Three COVID-19 Vaccines’ Efficacy Over Time (Perpetual boosters it is…):

On Tyranny and Fraud
Welcome to the Revolution:

The Only Choice Left: Slavery or Freedom:

The Hippocratic Oath And Medical Ethics Versus COVID Mandates:

Top NIH Unvaxxed Scientist Willing to Lose Job and License, Will Argue Against Vaccine Mandates in Livestreamed Ethics Review:

Eric Clapton Tells RFK, Jr.: ‘This Has Gotta Stop’:

The Trusted News Initiative – A BBC led organisation censoring Public Health experts who oppose the official narrative on Covid-19:

Vaccine mandates cannot become the norm:

Vaccine Mandate Is Cloward-Piven Plan To Destroy USA and End Capitalism:

Bill Gates: “Germ Games” Needed To Prepare For Bioterrorist Attacks:

When Will The CDC Correct Its COVID Death-Counts, As Italy Just Did?

For Whom Do The COVID “Fact-Checkers” Really Work?

For Moderna, Inventing The Jab Was The Easy Part…:

White House Pushes Schools To Vaccinate 28 Million 5-11 Year-Old Students. Should They?

Ben Carson tells Fox News kids should ‘absolutely not’ get COVID shots: It’s a ‘giant experiment’:

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #177046
11/20/2021 04:59 PM
11/20/2021 04:59 PM
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“The FDA has asked a federal judge to make the public wait until the year 2076 to disclose all of the data and information it relied upon to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.”

It would appear that the FDA endeavored to obfuscate, but has instead transparently revealed itself.

Liberty and Prosperity, by Right or Might
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #177093
11/26/2021 10:52 AM
11/26/2021 10:52 AM
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“Despite Vaccines, the U.S. Has Lost More Lives to COVID This Year Than Last ... This was supposed to be the year vaccines brought the pandemic under control. Instead, more people in the United States have died from COVID-19 this year than died last year, before vaccines were available.”

The implications are simple to grasp, yet are lost on the majority. This is why democracy is a failed experiment, just as Thomas Jefferson predicted should the majority prove ignorant and unprincipled.

Liberty and Prosperity, by Right or Might
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #177098
11/27/2021 03:37 PM
11/27/2021 03:37 PM
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“The new ‘Omicron’ variant of COVID-19 was first detected in four people who were fully vaccinated ... the new mutation was first discovered in four people who had received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine ... ‘all the four had been completely vaccinated for COVID-19’ ... others who had close contact with the infectees ‘have no COVID-19 symptoms and have tested negative for COVID-19’ ... Meanwhile, South Africa’s medical chief Dr. Angelique Coetzee described the panic as a ‘storm in a teacup,’ adding that she had only seen ‘very very mild cases’ of the variant so far”

“The new Omicron variant of the coronavirus results in mild disease, without prominent syndromes ... ‘It presents mild disease with symptoms being sore muscles and tiredness for a day or two not feeling well. So far, we have detected that those infected do not suffer loss of taste or smell. They might have a slight cough. There are no prominent symptoms’ ... ‘ we do not know why so much hype is being driven as we are still looking into it. We will only know after two to three weeks as there are some patients admitted and these are young people aged 40 and younger’”;utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst

Another nothingburger; Mass hysteria over a mild cold variant. Interestingly, however, it appears to have originated from the vaccinated.

“The majority of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies in COVID-19 patients with obesity are autoimmune and not neutralizing ... Obesity decreases the secretion of SARS-CoV-2-specific IgG antibodies in the blood of COVID-19 patients ... Thirty serum samples from individuals who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection by RT-PCR were collected from inpatient and outpatient settings. Of these, 15 were lean (BMI < 25) and 15 were obese (BMI ≥ 30) ... SARS-CoV-2 infection induces neutralizing antibodies in all lean but only in few obese COVID-19 patients. SARS-CoV-2 infection also induces anti-MDA and anti-AD autoimmune antibodies more in lean than in obese patients as compared to uninfected controls”

Meanwhile, scientists appear to have discovered that being fat isn’t healthy.

Liberty and Prosperity, by Right or Might
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #177099
11/27/2021 05:16 PM
11/27/2021 05:16 PM
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Omicron is just a load of crap to scare the sheeple into taking the mRNA spike protein injections. The so-called Covid vaccine is really a mRNA spike protein bio-weapon that will cause a massive die off of the Libtards that believe the lying damn news media's propaganda.
Ten OMICRON “variant” predictions for 2022 and beyond… globalist authoritarian playbook stripped naked
Saturday, November 27, 2021 by: Mike Adams

The omicron “variant” media hysteria is pure fiction. It’s nothing but a 1984-style Orwellian psychological terrorism operation that has been engineered to keep the populations of the world enslaved and obedient while terrorist governments carry out their global depopulation / genocide programs.

The evil genius of this narrative is that it requires no evidence whatsoever. Since no one can actually see a “variant” — and since no isolated omicron viral samples exist anywhere in the world for lab test confirmations — a coordinated mass media hysteria campaign simply implants human consciousness with the illusion of omicron, accompanied by extreme fear.

To date, no one in America has even been diagnosed with the variant, and no one has died from it anywhere on the planet. Yet thanks to mass media journo-terrorism, half of America is now freaking out over something that likely doesn’t exist at all. “Omicron” is almost certainly a coordinated fabrication.

Yet out of nowhere, the media has managed to program the population to lose their minds upon mention of the word, “mutations.” Although random mutations in genetic material take place literally millions of times each day in every human being’s own body, suddenly “mutations” are the scariest thing imaginable, according to the hyperventilating media. (Which is why I call omicron a “scariant,” not a variant.)
Over the last two years, globalists have confirmed that FEAR, not “science,” is their ultimate mechanism of control over humanity

Remember when we were all told in 2020 that if just 60 – 70% of the country agreed to take two shots, everything would return to normal and covid would be over? It was all a calculated lie from the start.

The lie promised freedom if people would just comply, but what it delivered was tyranny and fear… along with never-ending obedience to government-coerced vaccine compliance.

What 2020 and 2021 have now exhaustively proven to the globalists is that fear is their ultimate weapon against humanity. Through the use of coordinated fear, they can convince about half the population of the world to be injected with deadly spike protein gene therapy shots that will kill them over time. Conveniently, all those deaths can be blamed on something else — like cancer — thereby avoiding any blame being focused on the vaccines.

Why is there already a 29X increase in stillborn babies, by the way? As Steve Kirsch writes at

There is a 29X increase in the rate of stillborn babies in Waterloo, Ontario that started after vaccination program rolled out. All the mothers of the stillborn babies were vaccinated…

Yes, this is a big deal. But nobody is listening. Cardiac risk could go up 1,000X after vaccination and it wouldn’t matter. Nobody is listening.

As psychologists know very well, when fear is combined with sensory overload (i.e. too much news, too many voices, conflicting reports, etc.), people naturally default to anything that resembles authority. Their rational mind is completely shut down, and they can no longer engage in critical thinking. Once they are sufficiently pounded into relentless fear, the governments of the world herd them into vaccination centers for their obedient depopulation shots. With a page ripped right out of the Stanford prison experiment, they also transform obedient vax recipients into societal “prison guards” / enforcers who demand that everyone else be injected with the same concoction… or else.

This is why so many vaxxed people have turned into raging lunatics who try to force their death shots on everyone around them. (And just maybe, the vaccine prions are eating their brains, too, causing aggressive personality changes…)
Ten predictions for how omicron hysteria will be exploited by terrorist governments to accelerate their murderous genocide against humanity

Over the last several months, I have publicly predicted the release of a new, scarier bioweapon narrative. The coordinated mass media omicron freakout was easily predicted, and many of us across independent media are on the record predicting exactly this.

But what will they do next? That’s also very easy to see, since it all comes from the same playbook as covid. Omicron hysteria will be aggressively pushed and used in every way imaginable to achieve totalitarian control over the masses, who will then be lined up and taken to death camps for efficient extermination.

Here are my ten predictions for Omicron and 2022:

Prediction #1: Omicron variant hysteria will be used to reset everyone’s vaccine passports to zero, coercing people into a whole new round of vaccines for this new variant. Those stupid enough to go along with omicron variant vaccines will be signing up for a never-ending series of spike protein bioweapons injections, which will eventually kill them.

Prediction #2: Omicron hysteria will be exploited to justify aggressive vaccine mandates, demanding that this “new emergency” overrides all human rights, medical freedom and body autonomy.

Prediction #3: Although the omicron variant has so far only been found in fully vaccinated people, the lying corporate media will blame its origins on the unvaccinated.

Prediction #4: The omicron variant will be used as a cover story by the corporate media to try to explain away all the Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) deaths caused by covid vaccines. Even as vaccinated people die in large numbers, the media will blame the unvaccinated (see #3, above) and demand that unvaccinated people be completely locked down and denied access to society.

Prediction #5: Omicron hysteria will be used to attempt to criminalize dissent against vaccines, mandates, government “authority” or the covid criminals behind the gain-of-function research, such as Anthony Fauci. All such dissenting speech will be designated a “danger to society,” and those who utter such speech will be accused of killing people.

Prediction #6: Mass hysteria pushed by the journo-terrorist media will justify governors ordering more lockdowns, leading to more supply chain failures, product scarcity and price inflation.

Prediction #7: If the media can push the omicron hysteria with enough ferocity, it will be used to either cancel the 2022 mid-term elections or demand universal mail-in voting, citing the “extreme dangers” of anyone going out in public.

Prediction #8: Every economic failure caused by the incompetent, criminal Biden regime will be blamed on omicron. This imaginary “variant” instantly becomes the scapegoat for sky-high energy prices, supply shortages and empty grocery store shelves. The media will blame everything on omicron, and then they will blame omicron on the unvaccinated.

Prediction #9: At some point, either the omicron variant or the next one that’s unleashed will be used to justify door-to-door mandatory vaccines in America, along with the medical kidnapping of anyone who resists, taking them away to covid concentration camps for efficient extermination. (This practice has already begun in Australia, where the military is kidnapping indigenous people and taking them away to camps at gunpoint.)

Prediction #10: Omicron won’t be the last variant that’s used to evoke mass hysteria and multi-billion dollar government payouts to Big Pharma. This scamdemic will be repeated every year or so, in perpetuity, for as long as the people remain in fear and go along with it.

Get full details in my short podcast update here:

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Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #177101
11/28/2021 11:32 AM
11/28/2021 11:32 AM
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A few of many related research papers and articles I found very interesting in the early days of C19:

“Daily active smokers are infrequent among outpatients or hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Several arguments suggest that nicotine is responsible for this protective effect via the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR). Nicotine may inhibit the penetration and spread of the virus and have a prophylactic effect in COVID-19 infection.”

“A French study suggests that smokers could be less at risk of catching the coronavirus — and researchers now want to test nicotine patches on patients and health care workers ... probing whether the nicotine in cigarettes specifically plays a part in stopping smokers from catching the illness ... researchers found that the number of smokers among their patients was much lower than that in the general French population. ‘Our cross-sectional study strongly suggests that those who smoke every day are much less likely to develop a symptomatic or severe infection with Sars-CoV-2 compared with the general population’ ... ‘The effect is significant. It divides the risk by five for ambulatory patients and by four for those admitted to hospital. We rarely see this in medicine’”

“Leading Welsh doctors claim nicotine patches could offer hope of a possible treatment for coronavirus ... has the potential to block the virus from entering cells ... ‘The idea behind the French research is that Covid-19 is understood to attach itself to the walls of cell receptors [known as ACE 2 receptors] in the upper aiways. The virus then acts like a key to unlock the cell, allowing it to enter it and then use its infrastructure to multiply’ ... ‘While nicotine is also able to attach itself to these receptors and act as a key to unlock the cell, it doesn't actually enter’ ... ‘The French team postulate that instead, it acts as a barrier to the virus accessing the cell - as the key is already in the lock, so to speak.’”

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Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #177110
11/28/2021 04:37 PM
11/28/2021 04:37 PM
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"The United States' top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, said on Sunday that Americans should be prepared to do 'anything and everything' to fight the spread of the new COVID-19 variant Omicron. It is 'too early to say' whether we need new lockdowns or mandates, Fauci told ABC News. 'You want to be prepared to do anything and everything,' he said."

Pfizer now issues this warning regarding its C19 vaccine:
"Selected Safety Information Update ... Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside the heart) have occurred in some people who have received the vaccine, more commonly in males under 40 years of age than among females and older males.Talk to your vaccination provider if you have questions. The vaccine may not protect everyone."

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Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #177111
11/28/2021 05:51 PM
11/28/2021 05:51 PM
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Finally Pfizer told a little bit of the truth but they are still lying damn murders with their sorry damn mRNA injections. The CDC changed its definition of "vaccine" so the public would take the mRNA injection but they are damned liars. It is not a vaccine. The major news media should have told the truth about it.

Fauci should be tried and put in prison for creating the Covid/corona virus with the Chi-Coms and for not allowing the CDC to recommend Ivermectin. They will be releasing new variations of Covid to enslave us and make us dependent on the mRNA injections that don't prevent infection but each injection destroys the injectee's immune system causing cancer and gives them heart disease with the spike proteins it produces.

There should have never been any Covid mRNA injections. It breeds immune variants. Once you recover from Covid then you have lifetime immunity to all Covid variants if you avoid the mRNA injections. India gave Ivermectin at the start of Covid symptoms and wiped out Covid through natural acquired immunity of those who got Covid and survived it. The mRNA injections will have a series of never ending booster shots and each injection will further weaken the injectee's immune system and cause more heart disease and cancer.

Stop believing the propaganda of the controlled major news media. Turn off the damned major news media. They should have been calling it a gene therapy not a vaccine.

www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper
Re: Covid News [Re: Navarro] #177112
11/28/2021 09:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Navarro
“Inside the emergency department at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, Mich., staff members are struggling to care for patients who are showing up much sicker than they've ever seen ... includes abdominal pain, respiratory problems, blood clots, heart conditions ... ‘It's the highest I've ever seen in my career’ ... The number of ER patients is mostly back to normal, but patients are so much sicker ... ‘The Midwest, the South, the Northeast, the West ... they are seeing this exact same phenomenon’ ... ‘we're seeing more acute cases than we were pre-pandemic’ ... there has been an increase in people coming to the ER with more serious conditions, like strokes and heart attacks ... ‘Even though we're seeing the overall volumes come back to normal over the summer here, we see that the more acute conditions still remain higher’”

I believe we observe vaccine injuries, combined with the healthcare system’s purge of the unvaccinated and loss of work among vaccine injured healthcare workers, increasingly strain the healthcare system. I suspect that as time progresses, we’ll see increasing frequency and severity of vaccine injuries.

“Depression worsened during pandemic, boosting heart disease risk ... more heart disease cases even in people who never had COVID-19 at all ... It’s a trend researchers have documented and presented last weekend at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions. The harmful effects may reverberate for years to come”

“residents delayed seeking medical help for heart attacks during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to worse outcomes, longer recoveries and more deaths ... rates of death and post-procedure complications for heart attacks rose in the first year of the pandemic compared to the one before ... ‘ They are presenting sicker, they are having more complications and their survival rate is lower than pre-COVID’ ... In the 2020-21 sample, the proportion of patients with previously-reported cardiac events suddenly dropped, which Haddad worries means heart attacks are now springing up among people who normally would not be considered at risk. ‘There is some de novo population — which means a population that never had a heart attack — who are having heart attacks now. We don’t know why’”

“The COVID Cancer Effect ... As the novel coronavirus swept through Boston last March, Toni Choueiri was worried. He was concerned not only about the rapid rise in COVID infections but about the swift shutdown in cancer screenings ... saw a steep drop in new consultations in the pandemic’s early months. The veteran oncologist feared that the lack of screenings, which aim to detect cancer at its earliest stages, would lead to a tidal wave ... envisioned a future with streams of patients who had cancers ... National Cancer Institute officials estimated the pandemic would result in 10,000 excess cancer deaths in breast and colon cancer alone over the coming decade ... a postpandemic surge of cancer deaths seem a foregone conclusion ... may take years, or even decades, to become clear”

“Stillbirth rates rose in Melbourne's COVID-19 lockdown ... When lockdowns began and medical appointments took a shift towards telehealth last year, researchers started watching the numbers very closely ... the numbers increased during the Melbourne lockdown period — from one in 400 births to one in 300”

“Michelle Barlow, 51, died 16 days after getting the coronavirus jab in March this year. A coroner found that mother-of-two Mrs Barlow died from the ‘consequences of the unrecognised, rare complications of a recently administered elective and necessary COVID-19 vaccination.’ The multiple organ failure which led to her death was caused by blood clots as a result of vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) - a condition not recognised at the time of her death.”

We likely observe the initial manifestation of a growing long-term health trend produced by vaccine injuries, possibly an intentional component of a population reduction campaign. The trend and its implications won’t likely become clear to the public for years.

Czech President, recently diagnosed with C19, appoints new ministers, from a glass box. More theater:

Liberty and Prosperity, by Right or Might
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #177114
11/29/2021 09:44 AM
11/29/2021 09:44 AM
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“Scientists on a committee that encouraged the use of fear to control people’s behaviour during the Covid pandemic have admitted its work was ‘unethical’ and ‘totalitarian.’ Members of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviour (SPI-B) expressed regret about the tactics ... SPI-B warned in March last year that ministers needed to increase ‘the perceived level of personal threat’ from Covid-19 because ‘a substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened’ ... ‘Clearly, using fear as a means of control is not ethical. Using fear smacks of totalitarianism. It’s not an ethical stance for any modern government. By nature I am an optimistic person, but all this has given me a more pessimistic view of people’ ... Ministers have faced repeated accusations that they ramped up the threat from the pandemic to justify lockdowns and coerce the public into abiding by them – a claim that will be examined by the forthcoming public inquiry into the pandemic response ... ‘In March [2020] the Government was very worried about compliance and they thought people wouldn’t want to be locked down. There were discussions about fear being needed to encourage compliance, and decisions were made about how to ramp up the fear. The way we have used fear is dystopian’ ... ‘You could call psychology mind control. That’s what we do’ ... ‘people use the pandemic to grab power and drive through things that wouldn’t happen otherwise’ ... ‘We have to be very careful about the authoritarianism that is creeping in’ ... As well as overt warnings about the danger of the virus, the Government has been accused of feeding the public a non-stop diet of bad news, such as deaths and hospitalisations, without ever putting the figures in context with news of how many people have recovered, or whether daily death tolls are above or below seasonal averages ... ‘If we’re being really honest, do I fear that Government policy today is playing into the roots of totalitarianism? Yes, of course it is.’”

Relevant learnings of history:
“The totalitarian potentate, in order to break down the minds of men, first needs widespread mental chaos and verbal confusion, because both paralyze his opposition and cause the morale of the enemy to deteriorate unless his adversaries are aware of the dictator’s real aim. From then on he can start to build up his system of conformity ... The enemy knows that, far below the surface, human life is built up of inner contradictions. He uses this knowledge to defeat and confuse the brainwashee ... The core of the strategy of menticide is the taking away of all hope, all anticipation, all belief in a future. It destroys the very elements which keep the mind alive. The victim is utterly alone ... Pavlov formulated his findings into a general rule in which the speed of learning is positively correlated with quiet and isolation. The totalitarians have followed this rule. They know that they can condition their political victims most quickly if they are kept in isolation”
-"Rape of the Mind", by psychologist and Nazi torture survivor Dr. Joost Meerloo, (1956)

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Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #177133
12/01/2021 09:50 PM
12/01/2021 09:50 PM
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“European Union countries should consider mandatory vaccination to combat Covid and the Omicron variant, the head of its Commission has said ... On Wednesday, Ms von der Leyen said it was ‘understandable and appropriate’ for EU members to discuss mandatory Covid vaccinations given that a third of the bloc's population was unvaccinated ... How we can encourage and potentially think about mandatory vaccination within the European Union? This needs discussion. This needs a common approach, but it is a discussion that I think has to be led,’ she told a news conference in Brussels. Only individual EU states can enforce vaccine mandates and some are already taking steps in that direction. Austria has announced compulsory Covid vaccinations from February next year, while Greece is fining all unvaccinated over-60s €100 (£85) a month. Germany's incoming Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, has said he supports compulsory jabs. In an interview with Bild television, Mr Scholz said he wanted compulsory vaccinations from March and also said a faster rollout of booster jabs was needed.”

Fox News: “They’re going to announce some of the strictest COVID regulations yet on American citizens.”

UK Health Czar: “The minimum dose interval of booster-jabs should be halved, from six months to three months.”

“In the battle against the coronavirus, the unvaccinated are being increasingly targeted. Germany and Israel are moving closer to making Covid-19 vaccine shots compulsory, Greece is introducing fines and Spain is banning some unvaccinated travelers. Despite protests, making life harder for those who don’t want a shot is a tactic increasingly favored by governments ... measures against the unvaccinated deployed by governments around the world”

“Coronavirus czar Salman Zarka said Wednesday that Israel should weigh introducing a national vaccine mandate compelling all citizens to get themselves inoculated against the coronavirus, a notion that mirrors legislation under consideration in several European countries. ‘I think we need to examine all the options, including the option of mandating vaccination in the State of Israel’ ... Housing Minister Ze’ev Elkin told Army Radio that he believes vaccine mandates are the preserve of dictatorships. ‘I do not think there is a state that acts like this, except for dictatorial states,’ he said ... So far, the Vatican alone has imposed a full vaccination mandate but it appears set to be joined by several other European nations ... In Israel on Tuesday, days after he called for mandatory vaccinations to combat the pandemic, MK Yuval Steinitz requested the Knesset Guard investigate violent threats against him from anti-vaccine activists. Steinitz, a former energy minister who is in the opposition with former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party, expressed support for mandatory vaccinations, backed up by fines for those who refused, in media interviews earlier this week.“

“Three people escaped the Howard Springs COVID-19 quarantine facility in Darwin on Tuesday, according to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Police say the three scaled a fence at the facility but have since been captured and arrested after a foot chase. Police identified the three as teenagers — ages 15, 16 and 17 — who tested negative for the virus after being apprehended ... Their escape Tuesday followed the escape of a 27-year-old man who scaled the fence several days ago. He later was captured”

As mass psychosis and totalitarianism comes increasingly into view, one would be wise to familiarize themselves with the Ten Stages of Genocide, and to assess at what stage they perceive their class of individual to presently be.

Liberty and Prosperity, by Right or Might
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #177135
12/02/2021 12:00 AM
12/02/2021 12:00 AM
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The mRNA injection does not prevent Covid it spreads it through antibody dependent mutations and it weakens the immune system of the injectees. Everyone who recovers from Covid has lifetime immunity to all mutations of it.

"How they plan to kill BILLIONS with the common flu: Covid vaccines induce “AIDS” immune system failure, opening door to death via common flu strains"
Wednesday, December 01, 2021 by: Mike Adams

"THE REAL AGENDA: Leading doctor says covid “vaccines” are intentionally designed to reduce world population"
Tuesday, November 30, 2021 by: Ethan Huff

www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #177136
12/02/2021 01:30 PM
12/02/2021 01:30 PM
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Will Republicans shut down the government to stop the vaccine mandates? Personally, I don't care why they shut down the government, just as long as it gets shut down. But this is as good a reason as any.

A group of Republican senators is increasingly ready to shut down the federal government in order to stop President Joe Biden's vaccine mandates. On Wednesday, the House failed to vote as planned on a short-term budget resolution to keep the government open past Friday, when the current spending authorization expires.

Holding things up is a demand from some Republicans that the next budget agreement not contain funds for enforcing the various vaccine mandates issued by the Biden administration, including one that requires members of the military to get the jab, and another that would require employers with 100 or more workers to get vaccinated or take periodic COVID-19 tests.

The House Freedom Caucus sent a letter to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R–Ky.) that asks him to use "all procedural tools" at his disposal to pass a continuing resolution that prohibits funding for "unAmerican" and "unlawful" vaccine mandates.

It's a sentiment that's being echoed in the Senate as well.

Sen. Mike Lee (R–Utah) is reportedly leading the effort, and urged his fellow GOP senators to support a shutdown at a lunch on Wednesday, reports Politico.

"I think we should use the leverage we have to fight against what are illegal, unconstitutional and abusive mandates from a president and an administration that knows they are violating the law," Sen. Ted Cruz (R–Texas) told reporters on Wednesday
, reports The Washington Post.

Cruz, you'll recall, led a successful effort in 2013 to hold up another spending bill because it contained funding for Obamacare. That resulted in a 16-day shutdown of the federal government.

Many Republican senators were critical of Cruz's maneuvering at the time, arguing—correctly, as it turns out—that the GOP would be blamed for a government shutdown that had no hope of actually ending Obamacare.

The backlash from that episode perhaps explains why a number of anti–vaccine mandate Republicans are nevertheless trying to throw cold water on their colleagues' demand for a shutdown over funding said mandates.

"Shutdowns almost never work out," said Sen. Roy Blunt (R–Mo.) to Politico.

McConnell has been pretty tight-lipped about the whole affair. He reportedly said nothing at the lunch where Lee urged senators to back a continuing resolution with no funding for vaccine mandates, opting instead to silently eat two pieces of chicken.

He told reporters on Tuesday that there would be no shutdown, reports the Post.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D–N.Y.), for his part, has said that the two parties are making progress in their budget talks, and cautioned GOP senators against causing what he branded as a "needless Republican government shutdown."

Unfolding in the background of these budgetary machinations are a host of legal challenges to the White House's vaccine mandates.

In late November, the Biden administration asked an appeals court to lift a stay on its vaccine mandate for private employers. That stay had been issued by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit earlier that month. Several members of the military, represented by former Trump lawyer Sidney Powell, have also sued over a requirement that service members get the jab or face dishonorable discharge.

Onward and upward,

Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #177139
12/02/2021 02:52 PM
12/02/2021 02:52 PM
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COVID Link Roll-Up #14

Special on ADE & Mutations – the Nu Variant – (This appears to be a bioweapon based upon 30+ mutations plus 2 furin cleavage sites – never seen before, all in one shot – viruses don’t have this many mutations all at once):

Futures Tumble Amid Sudden Fears Over “Dramatically” New Covid Strain With “Extremely High Number” Of Mutations (This is happening exactly as Drs. Montagnier and Vanden Bossche warned about):

A Scared Nu World: Here’s What We Know About The New COVID Strain:

A Terrified Wall Street Reacts To The Nu Variant:

B.1.1.529 variant a new release? (Dr. Paul Cottrell believes that this new variant was intentionally leaked from a lab – too many new mutations to occur naturally):

Nu B.1.1.529 COVID Variant Possibly 500 Percent More Infectious Than Delta (NOTE – see the excerpt below – this indeed points to a bioweapon as Dr. Cottrell suspects above – 2 furin cleavage sites just don’t simply pop up along with over 30 other mutations at once!):


“Notably, it’s the first time that a variant has *2* furin cleavage site mutations. Variant contains not one, but two furin cleavage site mutations—P681H & N679K—this is the first time @PeacockFlu [Imperial virologist Tom Peacock] seen 2 of these mutations in a single variant. Furin site spells trouble,” Feigl-Ding said.

The West’s Obituary* (MUST READ – Flashback to February 2021 when Karl Denninger warned that it would be easy to engineer a bioweapon based upon the mRNA single spike protein vaxx!! It appears that all those who took these vaxxes are at extreme risk of the Nu variant!):

Now you can see why the vaccines were a mistake (MUST READ):

Israel on brink of state of emergency as new coronavirus variant reported in country:

‘Nu’ Super Covid Variant Originated Out Of Botswana (Dr. Robert Malone):

The Vaccine Has Possibly Created Recent Mutation (MUST WATCH – Dr. Robert Malone):

The Naturally Immune Could Potential Have More Protection Against New Variant (Dr. Robert Malone):

Ivermectin + Alternative Treament Updates

Dr. Stella Immanuel Defies Globalists, Offers Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine to Masses (MUST WATCH):

If you need Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine go here – Dr. Stella will write you a prescription and ship it to your house – use the promo code “STEW” for a discount!:

Ivermectin in Japan (MUST WATCH – Dr. John Campbell):

Despite Controversy, Ivermectin Saves a Life:

A Judge Stands up to a Hospital: “Step Aside” and Give a Dying Man Ivermectin (MUST READ – We need to start charging hospital administrators with murder whose patients die because they refuse to allow Ivermectin):

COVID-19 Mortality Risk Correlates Inversely with Vitamin D3 Status, and a Mortality Rate Close to Zero Could Theoretically Be Achieved at 50 ng/mL 25(OH)D3: Results of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis:

On Vaccines and Side Effects

Professor: Vaccinated People Have ‘Relevant Role’ in Spreading COVID-19:

How Amish Communities Achieved “Herd Immunity” Without Higher Death Rates, Lockdowns, Masks, Or Vaccines:

With Low Vaccination Rates, Africa’s COVID Deaths Remain Far Below Europe & US:

Clueless Vaxx-Nannies Wonder How 79% UNVAXXED Bangladesh Is Beating Covid Better Than Heavily “Vaccinated” Nations:

If the Vaccines Work, Why Aren’t They Working?

Flu outbreak in Michigan due to mRNA inhibiting PKR (Dr. Paul Cottrell on the flu epidemic at U. of Michigan due to immune systems destroyed by the covid vaxx):

Heart Disorders up 118% and Excess Deaths up 40% among Young Adults since they were given the Covid-19 Vaccine:

If you like heart problems, you’ll love the Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines (MUST READ):

Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning (Actual paper in the American Heart Association journal Circulation):

Significantly elevated cardiac risk caused by the vaccines justifies an immediate halt:

Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines ‘Dramatically Increase’ Heart Attack Risk, Renowned Cardiologist Warns:

Heart risk after vaccines (MUST WATCH – Dr. John Campbell walks through the AHA paper and explains it in layperson terms):

About Those ‘Rare’ Adverse Reactions: CDC VAERS Total Nears 900,000 as Government Pushes Boosters Take Down More Americans:

European Medicines Agency Data Shows 1,163,356 Adverse Drug Reactions and 30,551 Fatalities From Vaccinations:

2.88x Chance of Death (The All-Cause Death data keeps getting worse for the vaccinated population, as vaccinated individuals are now nearly 3x more likely to die than the unvaccinated):

Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age:

WHO Warns Of ‘Unintended’ Vaccine Effects (H/T to a friend):

Attorney Releases First Pages from Subpoenaed FDA Files – Shows Pfizer Documented 158,893 Adverse Events with 25,957 Nervous System Disorders in First Few Months of Distribution (MUST READ – Why they want 55 years to release the data):

On Tyranny and Fraud
BionTech Staff Will Not Take Vaccines – Double Standard (Biontech owners and staff will not be vaccinated themselves for “safety reasons.”):

“Wait, What?” Even Reuters Tripping Out On 55-Year Delay To Release Pfizer Vax Data:

Vaccine inventor warns: ‘The future of global totalitarianism is here’:

Tyranny in Austria (Thoughts on the vaxx psyop and Davos takeover):


How to Bring Down the Vaccine Regimes (MUST READ):

Lt.Gov. Winsome Sears drops some “vaccine” truth bombs on CNN:

How the “Trusted News Initiative” is suppressing the truth about the Covid vaxxes (MUST WATCH):

Microsoft’s Edge Browser Censors Vaccine Research:

Vaxx Trial Fraud: Pfizer Whistleblower Exposes How Your Government Is Captured By Multinational Corporations:

NIH Director Demands COVID ‘Conspiracists’ Be “Brought To Justice”:

NIH director: ‘Conspiracies are winning here’:

Dr Malone: Hunting of Doctors Worldwide – Alaska Florida and Texas Counterattack (MUST WATCH):

Top ICU Doctor Suspended After Suing Hospital for Banning Life-Saving COVID Treatments:

Reiner Fuellmich Interview w/ Meredith Miller On Recovering From The Trauma (Discussing the covid psyop as governments abusing their people):

Possible food supply collapse due to vaccine mandates (Large number of FDA food inspectors may be let go for refusing the vaxx):

Vaccine Mandates “Not Necessary” For Domestic Flights, Buttigieg Claims:

The WHO says it’s time to discuss mandatory Covid vaccinations:

Biden Administration Asks US Appeals Court To Reinstate OSHA Vaccine Rule:

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #177142
12/03/2021 01:11 PM
12/03/2021 01:11 PM
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“Unvaccinated people across Germany will soon be excluded from nonessential stores, restaurants and sports and cultural venues, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced Thursday, and parliament will consider a general vaccine mandate”

“Nevada set up a surcharge for unvaccinated state workers, who need to be routinely tested, and are enrolled in public employee health insurance plans. It is the first state to do so. On Thursday, the state Public Employees' Benefits Program Board voted to charge unvaccinated workers up to $55 per month.”

“between 50 and 60 vaccinated people were infected at a Christmas party in Norway ... Fifty people tested positive with a PCR test and 10 with a lateral flow following the party ... only vaccinated employees were allowed to attend the party and they needed a negative test result beforehand ... Norwegian epidemiologists had earlier ruled out the possibility the infections are Delta variant cases and said there was a 'high probability' it was Omicron ... Early data suggests Omicron may cause a 'significant' reduction in the effectiveness of vaccines ... a spokesperson for the World Health Organisation yesterday said early data suggests the mutant strain is better at infecting people than Delta, even the fully vaccinated ... the official, speaking anonymously, told Reuters, most cases only cause 'mild symptoms' ... marks the first official hint that the Omicron super-strain may not wreak as much global havoc as initially feared ... So far, only 172 Omicron cases have been confirmed in South Africa and doctors there maintain that patients with the new variant are presenting with milder symptoms than previous strains”

“Biden, 79, insists his alarming low and hoarse voice is just a COLD from 'kisses from his one-year-old grandson' and says he gets tested every day”

Tulsi Gabbard: “The FDA absolutely should not approve Merck’s brand new experimental COVID pill, Molnupiravir, because the way that this drug works is by encouraging virus mutations.”

“Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test”

Liberty and Prosperity, by Right or Might
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #177145
12/03/2021 05:10 PM
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"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #177147
12/03/2021 10:01 PM
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AstraZeneca uncovers what's triggering blood clots after its jab: Vaccine acts like a magnet and attracts platelets which body mistakes for a threat and attacks ... Scientists found the virus used in the jab attracts a protein in the blood, called platelet factor 4, like a magnet ... In a case of 'mistaken identity' the body's immune system then attacks this cluster, triggering the blood clots ... the vaccine can set off a chain reaction which leads to the body confusing its own blood platelets for fragments of virus ... For reasons the scientists are still probing, the body then mistakes these platelets as a threat and produces antibodies to fight them. The combination of the platelets and the antibodies clumping together leads to the formation of dangerous blood clots”

“People Get Microchips Implanted That Include Vaccine Records Amid New COVID Restrictions ... People in Sweden are increasingly seeking to have microchips inserted into their bodies that contain their COVID-19 vaccination records ... A video recently shared by Aftonbladet, a Stockholm-based daily newspaper, showed one individual having a microchip inserted near the thumb on his right hand ... using the chips to gain access to their homes, offices, gyms and more ... a railway company in Sweden began allowing travelers to load their ticket information onto the microchips implanted in their bodies”

“The new omicron variant of COVID-19 could slow the global economic recovery, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva said ... In its most recent World Economic Outlook, the IMF projected global growth of 5.9% this year and 4.9% next year. The United States and other major economies suffered major downward revisions after the appearance of the delta strain of COVID-19. The emergence of omicron lead to a major crash in the global stock and oil markets in late November, reflecting investors' concerns over the effect new coronavirus restrictions could have on economic growth ... ‘Even before the arrival of this new variant, we were concerned that the recovery is losing somewhat momentum,’ Georgieva said ... Georgieva said that to deal with inflation the US Federal Reserve will have to raise interest rates in 2022 rather than in 2023, as the IMF had previously predicted. Georgieva encouraged the United States to implement tariff reductions as a ‘useful tool’ to help contain inflation”

“Ireland will reintroduce some Covid-19 restrictions for the Christmas period ... A range of restrictions will be in place from December 7 to January 9, including ... new limits on household gatherings ... strict social distancing requirements ... Visits to private homes, he said, should be limited to a maximum of three other households”

“Weekly protests in the Netherlands over the country’s 5 p.m. lockdown and other new restrictions have descended into violence ... Chile has taken a harder line since the emergence of omicron: People over 18 must receive a booster dose every six months to keep their pass that allows access to restaurants, hotels and public gathering ... So far, China hasn’t seen the need for new restrictions in response to the omicron variant“

Video From Within Australian C19 Concentration Camp:

“A rebel Russian monk who castigated the Kremlin and denied that the coronavirus existed was convicted Tuesday ... When the coronavirus pandemic began, the 66-year-old monk denied its existence and denounced government efforts to stem the pandemic as ‘Satan’s electronic camp.’ He has spread the long-debunked conspiracy theories about COVID-19 and described the coronavirus vaccines being developed against COVID-19 as part of a purported global plot to control the masses via microchips. The monk urged followers to disobey the government’s lockdown measures and holed up at a monastery near Yekaterinburg that he founded ... The Russian Orthodox Church stripped Father Sergiy of his abbot’s rank for breaking monastic rules and later excommunicated him, but he rejected the rulings and ignored police investigators’ summons. Facing stiff resistance by hundreds of his supporters, church officials and local authorities appeared reluctant to evict him for months.”

“United Kingdom: #COVID19 will be a ‘threat to the NHS for at least the next five years’ and ‘testing and vaccines may be needed for a decade or longer,’ the government's advisers SAGE say”

“Dutch health authorities on Thursday said most of the 62 people who tested positive for COVID-19 after arriving on two flights from South Africa last week had been vaccinated ... In addition, all 14 passengers who were later found to have been infected with the Omicron variant were vaccinated, health officials said”

Liberty and Prosperity, by Right or Might
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #177163
12/08/2021 11:38 AM
12/08/2021 11:38 AM
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“A federal judge on Tuesday issued a nationwide injunction against a vaccine mandate for federal contractors ... exceeded his authority”

“Half of Americans Back Biden’s Vaccine-or-Test Mandate for Private Sector, WSJ Poll Finds ... Fifty percent of voters in The Wall Street Journal’s poll said they support the requirements for companies with 100 or more employees, while 47% oppose them ... and a slim majority backs other state and local mandates“

“Congressional Republicans are planning to ratchet up their attempts to repeal President Biden’s vaccine and testing mandates ... is set to arrive as soon as Wednesday ... specifically targets the Biden administration’s rules that order private businesses to require vaccination or implement comprehensive coronavirus testing for their workers ... hinges on a congressional process to review, and potentially revoke, federal agency regulations. It is likely to secure more than the 51 votes necessary to prevail since the GOP recently gained the support of some Democrats ... The repeal would probably face an uphill battle in the House, and it would see certain veto if it ever reached Biden’s desk ... Another group of GOP lawmakers ... is already preparing a second measure that aims to scrap Biden’s vaccine mandate for medical professionals ... While announcing one of the policies in September, the president fretted that ‘a distinct minority of Americans, supported by a distinct minority of elected officials, are keeping us from turning the corner’ on the pandemic ... workers at major airlines and police departments threatened to quit in response to vaccine rules, only to get immunized anyway ... In September, Marshall and other GOP lawmakers tried to revoke funding for a federal safety agency tasked with enforcing the rules targeting the private sector. But the effort, launched as part of a fight at the time to fund the government, failed soon afterward ... Those same GOP lawmakers then reprised their effort — and expanded it to cover all of Biden’s vaccine mandates — in the days before that September funding agreement expired last week. The spat, which resulted in another defeat, brought the U.S. government to the brink of a shutdown, a disruption that Democrats blasted as detrimental to the country’s pandemic response.”

“Ministers are due to meet later to consider moving to their Covid Plan B ... Measures for England under discussion at the Covid Operations committee are expected to include working from home guidance, further rules on masks and some form of Covid certification ... new rules could be announced on Wednesday ... Prime Minister Boris Johnson might hold a press conference later and Health Secretary Sajid Javid could make a statement to the Commons ... Working from home is a key plank of the government's Plan B contingency measures ... Last week, face coverings became mandatory again on public transport and shops in England, bringing it in line with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland“

“What is Plan B Covid in the UK ... free flu jabs, as well as frequent testing, self-isolation when necessary and the NHS Covid Pass to check vaccination or test status. Plan B on the other hand will mean the return of measures seen in the UK's various lockdowns. This could include making face coverings and vaccine passports mandatory in certain locations, returning to working from home ... Johnson will announce new Plan B measures on December 8, 2021, and they could come into effect ‘as early as tomorrow’ ... border measures being introduced ... Under Plan B all but essential workers will be asked to work remotely ... Vaccine passports - which the Government has been planning to introduce - will also be launched ... At the moment the definition of fully-vaccinated is two jabs rather than three ... Mandatory face masks ... the new measures would be introduced as early as tomorrow morning (December 9)“

“A third shot of the Pfizer vaccine provides robust protection against the new Omicron variant of the coronavirus, the head of the pharmaceutical giant revealed on Wednesday morning ... two doses of the vaccine offer ‘significant reduction’ in antibody response ... said that antibody levels rose by 25 times after a third dose, restoring immune protection”

“BioNTech CEO: Potentially upcoming vaccine for the #Omicron variant ‘should be a 3-dose vaccine’”

“For those vaccinated: 2 + booster. Then, 3 more doses for #Omicron, if needed, pending further analysis”

“MORE - BioNTech CEO recommends getting 3rd booster shot of the current vaccine now rather than waiting for the new doses for the #Omicron variant.”

“Fauci said Wednesday he thinks the definition of being fully vaccinated will eventually change to include a booster ... ‘its going to be a matter of when, not if’”

Liberty and Prosperity, by Right or Might
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #177181
12/13/2021 11:51 AM
12/13/2021 11:51 AM
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“The Israeli Health Ministry (IHM) has issued a warning that Israelis need to get prepared now for an endless lineup of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) ‘vaccines’ and associated ‘booster’ shots ... ‘Those who think we won’t need to take more boosters are wrong,’ Afek declared. ‘We will need to take the 4th shot, the 5th shot, the 6th shot, the 7th shot’ ... ‘new variants of COVID-19 will develop and the need to protect against them with vaccines, will continue,’ Afek added.”

“At least one person has died of the omicron variant, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Monday as he urged Britons to increase their protection with a booster shot. It was the first reported fatality in the country from the variant ... ‘Two doses are not enough’ ... Johnson’s address to the nation was prerecorded, which meant that journalists couldn’t ask him questions about the variant or restrictions or an ongoing scandal about several alleged Christmas parties at Downing Street in 2020 during a time of strict lockdown. The new restrictions taking effect this week include a call for people who can work from home to do so and says they should wear face masks in most indoor venues and show proof of vaccination or a negative test for entrance into venues with large crowds. The government also said that daily testing would replace isolating for those who come into contact with someone who has tested positive. Normally, these coronavirus tests can be ordered at no charge on a government website. But on Monday morning, the government website read: ‘Sorry, there are no more home test kits available right now.’”

“Some Hospitals Drop Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates to Ease Labor Shortages ... After a judge halted a Biden administration mandate for healthcare workers to get vaccinated, employers including HCA and Tenet have removed the requirement ... hospitals struggled to retain enough nurses, technicians and even janitors ... Vaccine mandates have been a factor constraining the supply of healthcare workers, according to hospital executives, public-health authorities and nursing groups.”

“At least four states in recent weeks have called in members of the National Guard to deal with health care staffing issues amid COVID-19 vaccine mandates for hospital and nursing home workers.”

“Omicron COVID Variant That May Resist Vaccines Found ... a study from Pfizer and BioNTech, has suggested that the variant is effective at resisting ... Prime Minister Boris Johnson warning of a ‘tidal wave’ of Omicron infections”

“Chicago COVID-19 vaccine trial for babies, toddlers ... Three-year-old Elena Rosales is a volunteer in a Moderna COVID-19 vaccine trial underway at Lurie Children’s Hospital, which is now studying the immunization in children 6 months to 5 years, the last age group to get cleared for coronavirus vaccine testing”

“Could a global 'vaccine tax' help achieve vaccine equity? ... a sliding-scale tax to be built into the price of vaccines and collected by manufacturers”

Two Vaccine Doses Induce Fewer Antibodies Against Omicron ... as feared, researchers found, increasing the risk of infection. Blood samples collected from people vaccinated with the two different shots and tested against the new strain showed a substantial drop in neutralizing antibodies ... The results echo other recent findings that emphasize the need for booster shots ... scientists couldn’t yet answer another key question, about the vaccines’ ability to ward off severe disease ... ‘[We are] hopeful that the current vaccine will protect against severe disease and hospitalization’ ... a roughly 30-fold drop in neutralizing antibodies ... found evidence of some participants failing to neutralize the virus at all

“Pfizer Vaccine Has 23% Efficacy Vs. Omicron in South African Lab Study ... A two-shot course of Pfizer Inc.’s vaccine may have just 22.5% efficacy against symptomatic infection with the omicron variant ... about a 41-fold reduction in levels of neutralizing antibodies produced by people who had received two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech SE shot ... This is ‘essentially compromising the ability of the vaccine to protect against infection,’ said the team of scientists ... The team this week was the first to show that the variant ... could largely, but not totally, escape the antibodies produced by Pfizer’s vaccine ... Preliminary U.K. data released on Friday showed that boosters from AstraZeneca Plc and Pfizer/BioNTech SE improve protection against the omicron variant to as much as 75% in the early days after the shot.”

“Omicron can evade the protection initial vaccines give, but boosters increase efficacy and better protect against the newest variant of concern, Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday ... After nearly two years of lockdowns, masking and consistent news about the longevity of the pandemic -- Fauci said yearly boosters are a possibility”

“Saturday marks one year since the Food and Drug Administration authorized Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine — the first of three COVID-19 vaccines now in use in the United States. During that time, more than 480 million shots have been administered, and just over 60% of eligible Americans are fully vaccinated. But even with those protections, case numbers have gone up 22% in the past two weeks ... More Omicron variant cases surfaced this week, with at least 75 known cases in 25 states. The CDC analyzed 43 of those cases and found nearly 80% of the people afflicted are fully vaccinated.”

“A ‘deradicalisation’ programme like those given to former terrorists or cult members might be the only way to dissuade some hardcore antivaxxers from their beliefs, according to one psychology expert ... Professor Stephan Lewandowsky, chair in cognitive psychology at the University of Bristol ... for a small section of ‘hardcore refuseniks,’ he said, it may be difficult to reach them by conventional means because their beliefs are so ingrained. He told the PA news agency: ‘They’ll refuse anything – I’m not going to wear a mask, I’m not going to get vaccinated, I don’t think climate change is happening, Covid is a hoax, and, you know, Hillary Clinton is actually a reptilian shapeshifter.’ ‘You’re getting to people who hold a cluster of very exotic beliefs – now, they’re very difficult to reach.’ Measures that could be used to reach more moderate people who remain unvaccinated, he said, include assigning vaccine appointments to people rather than asking them to book their own ... Another measure would be introducing a vaccine mandate, which he said ‘will disgruntle a few people’ ... ‘So you tell them something positive, and then engage in what is effectively the same as a deradicalisation process for former terrorists, or cult members.’ ‘Because we’re really talking, when we get down to that small number of committed refusers, we’re talking about the psychology of cults and extremism, and it’s a very similar psychology.’ Mr Lewandowsky said online misinformation is a contributing factor, adding that while some steps had been taken to remove false claims, sites like Facebook and YouTube are ‘not doing enough.’”

Fauci: "This would not be the first time, if it happened, that a vaccine that looked good in initial safety actually made people worse."

Liberty and Prosperity, by Right or Might
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #177191
12/15/2021 11:39 AM
12/15/2021 11:39 AM
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“Germany’s new leader, Olaf Scholz, has announced that his government will take all necessary measures to control the spread of the new Omicron strain of Covid, declaring no step to be too great in that fight ... urged everyone to get vaccinated, saying it was the only way out of the pandemic ... would be ‘no red lines’ in the government’s battle to contain Covid comes amid concerns about a fourth wave of infections in Germany, fueled by unvaccinated citizens ... expressed his personal support for vaccine mandates across Germany, stating that he would ‘vote for compulsory vaccination, because it is legally permissible and morally right’”

“Wuhan lab leak 'now the most likely origin of Covid', MPs told ... also a risk that Covid-19 is an engineered virus”

“Sen. Rand Paul talks to Dan Bongino about COVID restrictions: ‘I don’t think it’s been about science for a long time. It’s really been about conditioning the American individual to submit to government. And it never ends. The goalposts will continue to change’”

Liberty and Prosperity, by Right or Might
Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #177194
12/15/2021 12:37 PM
12/15/2021 12:37 PM
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The Air Force has discharged 27 airmen for refusing the Covid vaccine. They were all enlisted, and in their first term of enlistment.

The Air Force has discharged 27 people for refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine, making them what officials believe are the first service members to be removed for disobeying the mandate to get the shots.

The Air Force gave its forces until Nov. 2 to get the vaccine, and thousands have either refused or sought an exemption. Air Force spokeswoman Ann Stefanek said Monday that these are the first airmen to be administratively discharged for reasons involving the vaccine.

She said all of them were in their first term of enlistment, so they were younger, lower-ranking personnel. And while the Air Force does not disclose what type of discharge a service member gets, legislation working its way through Congress limits the military to giving troops in vaccine refusal cases an honorable discharge or general discharge under honorable conditions.

The Pentagon earlier this year required the vaccine for all members of the military, including active duty, National Guard and the Reserves. Each of the services set its own deadlines and procedures for the mandate, and the Air Force set the earliest deadline. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has said the vaccine is critical to maintaining the health of the force and its ability to respond to an national security crisis.

None of the 27 airmen sought any type of exemption, medical, administrative or religious, Stefanek said. Several officials from the other services said they believe that so far only the Air Force has gotten this far along in the process and discharged people over the vaccine refusal.

Onward and upward,

Re: Covid News [Re: ConSigCor] #177195
12/15/2021 01:35 PM
12/15/2021 01:35 PM
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There was a long serving airman on the Glenn Beck radio show who is trying to retire and collect his pension because of this mandate. He’s being told that before he can be discharged he must first get the jab. They are telling him that he will be discharged if he refuses. No pension, no voting rights, no gun ownership rights as well as the permanent stigma that will haunt him for the rest of his life as a “dishonorably discharged” veteran.

This is sicken that our service members are being treated like this.

Last edited by Huskerpatriot; 12/15/2021 02:07 PM.

"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one."
 Thomas Paine (from "Common Sense" 1776)
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