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Apple, Google, Facebook, SPLC to Censor “Hate Speech” #160606
08/21/2017 05:18 AM
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Apple Joins Google and Facebook to Embrace Soros-Funded Southern Poverty Law Center to Censor “Hate Speech”

SPLC, the left’s favorite attack dog, aims to shut down conservative websites

Jerome Corsi | - August 21, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Apple has joined Internet content giants Google and Facebook, as well as the mainstream media, to embrace the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) in a plan designed to censor out “hate speech,” without realizing the Soros-funded organization has a hard-left goal of targeting conservatives as extremists

Since its founding in 1971 the SPLC has drawn millions of dollars from scores of charitable foundations, including the Ford Foundation, the J.M. Kaplan Fund, Ploughshares Fund, the Public Welfare Fund, the Vanguard Public Foundation, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, and George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

According to the group’s IRS Form 990, the SPLC received $50.3 million in contributions and grants in 2015.

SPLC: “The left’s favorite attack dog”

Identified as “the left’s favorite attack dog,” the SPLC is infamous for targeting conservative political activists as “right-wing extremists” and identifying conservative political organizations as “hate groups.”

In its “The Year in Hate and Extremism” for 2017, the SPLC noted the “radical right was more successful in entering the political mainstream last year than in half a century,” arguing that the election of Donald Trump as president “seemed virtually unimaginable since George Wallace ran for president in 1968.”

As part of that list, the SPLC separately identified 623 “active patriot groups in the United States in 2016,” that the SPLC Intelligence Project identified as “extreme anti-government groups” – a list that included many Tea Party organizations.

Included in the SPLC list of extreme antigovernment groups was conservative heroine Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum, identified 25 separate time on the list, for 25 different states in which the group is active.

On Feb. 18, 2016, in an article entitled “Does the Southern Poverty Law Center target conservatives,” the Christian Science Monitor noted that in 2014, the SPLC targeted GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson in their “Extremist Files.”

This crated a backlash.

“In February 2015, after criticism of his inclusion, the group apologized to the candidate,” the Christian Science Monitor wrote. “The SPLC said that while some might consider Dr. Carson’s statements, including several that referenced Adolf Hitler, and comments on gay marriage, to be extreme, he should not have been branded an extremist.”

But just as the SPLC has refused to classify a leftist organization like Black Lives Matter as a hate group, the group also refused to track Occupy Wall Street, even after the “Cuyahoga 5,” a group affiliated with the movement, plotted to blow up a bridge in Cleveland in 2012.

After this incident, Charles C. W. Cook, then editor of the National Review, called up the SPLC to see if the SPLC had any plans to start tracking the Occupy movement as a hate group.

Unsatisfied with the answers he received, Cooke reasoned that for the SPLC, being on the “Left” equals “good,” and “Right” equals “bad,” therefore anything “Left” could not be “bad” unless it were infiltrated by the “Right.”

The SPLC’s obvious hypocrisy left Cooke no alternative but to conclude that the SPLC itself was a hard-left ideologically-driven hate group.

“In my time covering occupy Wall Street, I have seen anti-Semitism, black nationalism, class hatred, and threats of violence; there have been rapes, a few murders, and now some domestic terrorism,” Cooke wrote. “One would have thought that these things would be sufficient warrant for a group like the Southern Poverty Law Center to stand up and take serious note, but, as I learned yesterday, there’s one problem: They’re just ‘not set up to cover the extreme Left.’”

In January 2017, after the election of Donald J. Trump as president, ProPublica, a left-wing non-profit media outlet funded by Soros, decided to partner with SPLC and several other groups “overtly hostile to conservatives” to brand a new project “Documenting Hate,” dedicating a new website to “build authoritative data on hate crimes and bias incidents.”

“The King of the Hate Business”

In April 2013, the conservative Family Research Council in Washington released a video obtained from the FBI in which federal law enforcement officials questioned Floyd Lee Corkins II after he attacked the group’s headquarters with a loaded weapon the previous year.

Corkins told interrogators in the video that he attacked the Family Research Council because the SPLC had listed the Christian organization as an anti-gay “hate group”

The Washington Examiner reported that Corkins who pleaded guilty to terrorism charges, said in court that he hoped to “kill as many as possible and smear the Chick-Fil-A sandwiches in victims’ faces, and kill the guard.”

The Washington Examiner explained “the shooting occurred after an executive with Chick-Fil-A announced his support for traditional marriage, angering same-sex marriage proponents.”

In 2009, after the election of Barack Obama as president, Alexander Cockburn, the editor of the left-leaning called Morris Dees, the co-founder of the SPLC, the “king of the hate business,” as well as the “arch-salesman of hate-mongering.”

Cockburn excoriated Dees and the SPLC for peddling hate for dollars ever since the group’s founding in 1971.

“Without skipping a beat, the mailshot moguls, who year after year make money selling the notion there’s been a right resurgence out there in the hinterland with massed legions of haters, have used the election of a black president to say that, yes, hate is on the rise and America ready to burst apart at the seams, with millions of extremists primed to march down Main Street draped in Klan robes, a copy of Mein Kampf tucked under one arm and a Bible under the other,” Cockburn wrote.

In full disclosure, the author acknowledges that he too has been a repeat victim of SPLC hate-mongering.

In 2008, after I authored the #1 New York Times bestselling book entitled The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality, the SPLC attacked me for appearing on a radio show to promote the book.

“As Corsi wrapped up a flurry of interviews in August on major television talk shows like CNN’s ‘Larry King Live,’ the Report [i.e., the SPLC’s “Intelligence Report”] revealed that he had been on the notorious ‘Political Cesspool’ show in July and was planning another appearance in late August,” the SPLC wrote on Nov. 30, 2008.

“The aptly named ‘Cesspool’ is a blatantly racist and anti-Semitic weekly radio program hosted by Memphis, Tenn., white nationalist James Edwards, a protégé of ex-Klan leader David Duke. In addition to Corsi, ‘Cesspool’ guests have included Duke, Holocaust denier Mark Weber and a whole ‘Who’s Who’ of the radical right,” the SPLC added.

I’m sure that had The Obama Nation endorsed Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, the SPLC would have championed me as a hero, regardless what radio show I appeared on to promote the book.

In March 2014, the Obama administration FBI dropped the SPLC from its “hate crimes” website, where “the controversial group was listed as a resource and referred to as a partner in public outreach.”

Also see: Jerome R. Corsi, “Southern Poverty Law Center Advances Hard-left Hate Agenda Against Law Enforcement,” Law Enforcement Charitable Foundation, Inc., April 3, 2017,

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Apple, Google, Facebook, SPLC to Censor “Hate Speech” #160607
08/21/2017 07:05 AM
08/21/2017 07:05 AM
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Csc thanks for posting,yet another example of there Web of deception.
It appears or is self evident that any all opposing facts to there agenda will be labeled as hate.
Be a white male speak the truth backed by fact your called a racist/surpremist. Be a black male speak the truth backed by facts. Your labeled a sell out or an uncle Tom or a house nigger.
So on and so.
I will point out again this agenda will not stop until it consumes itself.

Re: Apple, Google, Facebook, SPLC to Censor “Hate Speech” #160608
08/21/2017 07:54 AM
08/21/2017 07:54 AM
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I guess the question I have is, why can't these tech companies shut down terrorists as quickly as they can shut down Nazis?

These are private companies, and they have the same freedom of association (or non-association) as everyone else. Now if they would allow bakers and wedding photographers to not do business with people they don't like, that would be great.

Onward and upward,

Re: Apple, Google, Facebook, SPLC to Censor “Hate Speech” #160609
08/22/2017 03:58 AM
08/22/2017 03:58 AM
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PayPal Bans Conservative Sites After Soros-Funded Group Attacks Them

Ryan Saavedra 08/21/2017

PayPal banned Jihad Watch and the American Freedom Defense Initiative from receiving online donations using their platform because of the site’s “activities” after being designated as “hate sites” by left-wing groups.

Jihad Watch was reportedly banned from PayPal on Saturday after ProPublica – a George Soros funded investigative group – targeted the site and its director Robert Spencer (not to be confused with white nationalist Richard Spencer) in a hit piece that claimed the site was guilty of “extreme hostility toward Muslims.”

The assault on Jihad Watch began on Friday when Spencer received an email that he described as a “threatening” from ProPublica journalist Lauren Kirchner.

The email informed Spencer that she was including his site among a list of hate sites identified as such by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) – both widely considered to be left-leaning organizations.

The purpose of the hit piece published by ProPublica was clear: put pressure on tech companies that offer their platforms to sites that it deems as “hate sites.”

ProPublica specifically called out Amazon, PayPal, and Newsmax for maintaining partnerships with Jihad Watch. Hours after the outlet published its hit piece, Spencer received the following email from PayPal:

RE: Notice of PayPal Account Limitation

Dear Robert Spencer,

We have recently reviewed your usage of PayPal’s services, as reflected in
our records and on your website Due to the
nature of your activities, we have chosen to discontinue service to you in
accordance with PayPal’s User Agreement. As a result, we have placed a
permanent limitation on your account.

We ask that you please remove all references to PayPal from your website.
This includes removing PayPal as a payment option, as well as the PayPal
logo and/or shopping cart.

If you have a remaining balance, you may withdraw the money to your bank
account. Information on how to withdraw money from your PayPal account can
be found via our Help Center.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have any questions or
need our support, please contact the PayPal Brand Risk Management
Department at

PayPal Brand Risk Management

PayPal notified Pamela Geller’s American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) on Monday that it was banning her site from its platform in a nearly identical email like the one received by Jihad Watch.

Spencer told The Daily Caller in an email that these attacks stem from the violence in Charlottesville, and the Left sees the tragedy as an opportunity to pounce on sites that it finds offensive.

“The Left sees blood in the water after Charlottesville and is moving in for the kill, attempting to delegitimize, silence and destroy all dissent,” he wrote. “The freedom of speech, the foundation of a free society, is being eroded away under our very noses.”

It is worth noting that PayPal has also banned many accounts that are tied to the “alt-right” after the SPLC identified them as “hate sites” or “hate groups.”

A report by CNN Tech found that PayPal blocked payments to the majority of the accounts listed by the SPLC, including Richard Spencer’s National Policy Institute, Identity Evropa, Radical Agenda, and the Revolutionary Conservative.

Jihad Watch describes its purpose as “attempt[ing] to raise awareness about the activities of the global jihadists,” while the AFDI describes its objective as “go[ing] on the offensive when legal, academic, legislative, cultural, sociological, and political actions are taken to dismantle our basic freedoms and values.”

Robert Spencer called for people to boycott PayPal in a post on Jihad Watch which led to the hashtag #BoycottPayPal appearing on Twitter’s trending now list:

I will pay off my card and change my payments with all major vendors. Folks let @AskPayPal @PayPal feel their stupidity. #BoycottPAYPAL

— Francesco DiGirolamo (@FrancescoDiGi2) August 21, 2017

@PayPal is supporting Radical Islam by suspending its relationship with @jihadwatchRS. #BoycottPaypal

— SamLevine (@SamLevine84) August 21, 2017

.@PayPal banned me. It’s like pre-war Germany. Leftists run amok. #Boycottpaypal

— Pamela Geller (@PamelaGeller) August 21, 2017

It starts out with banning Nazis & the kkk then slowly anyone who opposes leftist agenda is shut down & banned. #BoycottPaypal

— Deplorable Melissa (@sweetatertot2) August 22, 2017

And getting twitter to shadow ban the #BoycottPaypal hashtag.

— Full Metal Squirrel (@MyManJimmyJack) August 22, 2017

.@PayPal: You shut down those who TRACK jihad like @jihadwatchRS; did you shut down those COMMITTING jihad?

— Christopher Hull (@ChristopherHull) August 21, 2017

PayPal failed to respond to multiple requests for comment from TheDC.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Apple, Google, Facebook, SPLC to Censor “Hate Speech” #160610
09/02/2017 06:54 AM
09/02/2017 06:54 AM
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As Its Influence Wanes, Increasingly Militant MSM Promotes Violence and Censorship

by John Nolte1 Sep 2017

Yes, the MSM has admitted they got 2016 exactly wrong and that they are out-of-touch with the average American. What truly terrifies the media about 2016, though, is something that has remained largely unspoken.

It is what Trump’s victory said so clearly about the MSM’s inability to influence public opinion and, by extension, the outcome of elections. What has also remained unspoken is the media’s desperate and dangerous reaction to this waning influence.

As a 25 year media-watcher, I have never seen anything close to the propaganda campaign the national media launched to defeat Donald Trump last year. It was 24/7, it was coordinated across every news outlet, it was all-hands-on-deck. And Trump still won. Which can only mean that the media’s influence has eroded to a point where, despite hurling every kitchen sink available, they suffered a humiliating loss last November.

Before I get into the grit of the nit, it is important to keep in mind that our media is nothing more than the communication branch of the Democrat Party. When you look at everything the media does — the lying, the campaigns of personal destruction, the fake news, the focus on stuff like Melania’s shoes — this explanation is the only one that makes sense. The media is a full-blown leftwing political operation run, for the most part, by former Democrat operatives like Jake Tapper, George Stephanopolous, and Chuck Todd, as well as those related to Democrat operatives.

Knowing that, and knowing the long history of leftwing regimes (Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Chavez, Castro), we know what a leftwing political operation does when its influence begins to diminish. Because their ideas are so unappealing and are proven failures, the left ultimately has no choice but to embrace violence and censorship. This truth is as old as the Bolshevik Revolution, and this is exactly what we are seeing unfold today in our own country. Rather than politicians, though, it is our media that has turned dangerously militant.

Rush Limbaugh is absolutely correct, the Democrat party is dead. Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, the party’s two supposed leaders, are non-entities. From top-to-bottom, the party is a feckless pile of incompetence. Knowing this, the media has told Schumer and Pelosi to hold their beer as they seize the levers of power in the leftwing cause. As a result, the media has used billions of corporate dollars to launch a propaganda campaign to unseat Trump and to keep the divisive issue of identity politics thriving.

Naturally, this rabid pursuit of so-called “social justice” is meant only to serve what has always been the overriding goal of leftwing tyrants: control of our lives through a centralized government.

Nevertheless, this represents the least of our media’s sins.

The media campaign to censor and silence the political right, most especially on the college campus and online, is being waged on two fronts: through the ever-expanding definitions of “hate speech” and the “alt-right,” and through large corporations.

At this point, pretty much every conservative position on abortion, homosexuality, border security, the police, affirmative action, immigration, terrorism, etc., has been labeled as hate speech by the establishment left and many in the media. Moreover, the holding of these beliefs makes you an automatic member of the “alt-right,” which aligns you with white supremacists.

Now that this phase is in place, now that mainstream conservative and Christian beliefs have been toxified as hate, whether they are already aligned with the media or because they have been bullied by the media into joining the cause, the mega-corporations that now control our primary means of communication — the public square that is the Internet — are instituting a wave of censorship.

Hiding behind the media’s absurdly expanded definition of hate (or fake news), America’s Googles, Facebooks, Twitters, advertisers, and Web servers are blacklisting conservatives, banning populists, and outlawing their ideas. People are being disappeared from the public square or, out of fear of being disappeared, they no longer feel comfortable to speak freely.

The violence comes, of course, from the media’s personal army of Brownshirts, the leftwing terrorists in Antifa. Just like Hitler’s henchmen, Antifa spreads out across the country to violently silence speech that the left does not want heard. And it is not only against neo-Nazis in Charlottesville. Almost all of the chaos, rioting, and violence waged by Antifa over the past two years has been against everyday Trump supporters, everyday Republicans.

To encourage Antifa’s wave of violent suppression, our media either ignores and downplays their crimes, promotes their cause as righteous, blames their violence on Trump and his supporters, compares them to heroic World War II soldiers, or in the case of NBC’s Chuck Todd, attempts to legitimize this violence against the political right.

Now, does anyone have any more question about why the media is so desperate to take away our Second Amendment rights?

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Apple, Google, Facebook, SPLC to Censor “Hate Speech” #160611
09/02/2017 09:47 AM
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DOWN THE 'TUBE YouTube accused of CENSORSHIP over controversial new bid to ‘limit’ access to videos

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861

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