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Progressives Use Violence to Whitewash History #160586
08/16/2017 03:02 PM
08/16/2017 03:02 PM
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Progressives Use Violence to Whitewash History

By Louis DeBroux

The awful violence this past weekend in Charlottesville is the inevitable culmination of the Left's goal of achieving the complete eradication of opposing viewpoints. Whitewashing history (pardon the pun) and engaging in political violence are tools to that end.

As the Dallas Morning News observantly noted, "History is not easily compartmentalized. It isn't simply right versus wrong, black versus white, or blue versus gray. But there's an entire crowd of folks who want to do just that because they believe it is all those things, and most egregiously, they believe there is an individual right for all to go through life unoffended."

Dr. Lee Cheek, senior fellow of the Alexander Hamilton Institute, concurred, noting, "The events in Charlottesville have no connection to understanding the political traditions of the American South, and everything to do with battles among professional ideologues without any attachment or knowledge of the historical situation."

Millions of Southerners are proud of their heritage for reasons that have nothing to do with slavery. They revere Confederate General Robert E. Lee, who stated in 1856, five years before the commencement of the War Between the States, "Slavery as an institution is a moral and political evil in any country." Lee is heralded as a brilliant military strategist who served America faithfully in the Mexican War and as Superintendent of West Point. However, when called upon by President Abraham Lincoln to lead Union forces against the seceding South, he declined, incapable of bearing arms against his family, friends and home state. He accepted the commission as commander of Confederate forces in order to defend his beloved state of Virginia. Following the war, Lee worked tirelessly to convince his fellow Southerners to seek peace and reconciliation.

None of this matters to the Left, though. There is no understanding of the complexities of history, no appreciation for context. Slavery has existed throughout human history, regardless of color or nationality. In fact, there are more people enslaved worldwide today than ever before, including slavery practiced by Muslims. Mohammad owned slaves. One wonders if American progressives will now call for banning all things Islamic.

Indeed, how far will this go? Historical monuments of the Confederacy are being removed in Memphis, Lexington, Baltimore, New Orleans and elsewhere to appease angry leftists. These fascists even desecrated an Atlanta monument dedicated to unity and reconciliation.

Violent leftists have rioted in recent years in Brooklyn, Baltimore, Chicago, Ferguson, Charlotte, Berkeley, DC, Oakland and other cities, destroying businesses, setting cars on fire, and dragging people from their cars and beating them, declaring their right to do so because of past and current "injustices" — such as hearing words they don't like.

As detestable as the KKK and white supremacists are, they have a right to speak and to peaceably assemble. Our First Amendment was written specifically to protect unpopular speech, and we show our own intolerance by silencing those with whom we disagree. The violence in Charlottesville would not likely have occurred had not the leftist agitators shown up looking to pick a fight, though the murderous Nazi thug is obviously responsible for his own actions.

So again we ask, how far does this go?

Do we eliminate all monuments to Democrat/progressive hero Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who opposed anti-lynching legislation, turned a blind eye to the Nazi eradication of Jews, and imprisoned 100,000 Japanese-Americans? What about progressive icon and racist Woodrow Wilson, who re-segregated the federal workforce?

Progressives have already declared war on Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, who owned slaves but sought to prohibit slavery in the newly formed nation. They now call for taking down the Jefferson Memorial.

Even Lincoln, author of the Emancipation Proclamation, is not immune to leftist hatred. The Lincoln Memorial was desecrated Tuesday. Is that because Lincoln, a staunch opponent of slavery, was willing to save it in order to preserve the Union, or because he also believed in the superiority of the white race?

If we truly want to rid our nation of its shameful history regarding racism, let's start by abolishing the racist Democrat Party. After all, it was the Democrats who waged war to preserve slavery, founded the KKK, enacted Jim Crow laws, and fought against Republican efforts to pass the Civil Rights Act.

Democrat President Andrew Jackson owned slaves and signed the Indian Removal Act of 1830.

It was Harry Truman who wrote to his wife, "I think one man is just as good as another so long as he's not a n—er or a Chinaman."

It was the Democrat Party that praised Senator and former KKK Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd until his death a few years ago, a man who filibustered the Civil Rights Act for 14 hours. It was Lyndon Johnson, a virulent racist but a political pragmatist, who told two Southern Democrat governors his signing of the Civil Rights Act would "have those n—ers voting Democrat for 200 years." And it's Johnson's "Great Society" that has yielded today's urban poverty plantations, where blacks slaughter other blacks without too much notice from the Leftmedia.

What about Bill Clinton, whining of the upstart Obama, "A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags"? Or the absolute devotion of Democrats to Planned Parenthood, founded by eugenicist Margaret Sanger for the express purpose of exterminating blacks through abortion and sterilization? According to Tuskegee University, the KKK lynched 3,446 blacks in 86 years. Planned Parenthood is a white supremacist's dream, killing more blacks in two weeks than the KKK killed in a century. And the Democrat Party fights to ensure that $500 million a year in taxpayer funds is funneled to Planned Parenthood to kill all of those black babies.

Surely we could at least agree to remove the Seattle monument to Vladimir Lenin? Anyone? Anyone?

How far do we go? Are we willing to engage in violence and oppression of opposing viewpoints? If so, then Charlottesville will only be the beginning.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Progressives Use Violence to Whitewash History #160587
08/16/2017 03:12 PM
08/16/2017 03:12 PM
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These hypocrites preach tolerance but act identically to the NAZI's they claim to despise. This is nothing less than a modern book burning.

epidemic of Endangered monuments \'...This is about control of the narrative\'

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Progressives Use Violence to Whitewash History #160588
08/16/2017 06:52 PM
08/16/2017 06:52 PM
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Equality one sided. Rasism/bigotry one sided. Free speech one sided. On and on where it stops. No one knows.
Everyone needs to know not think, where politicions loyalties are. Along with your local police and any other forms of authorities.
Life is getting interesting.

Re: Progressives Use Violence to Whitewash History #160589
08/17/2017 07:15 AM
08/17/2017 07:15 AM
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In fairness, most of those "memorials" they're tearing down were not erected by grieving families after the Civil War. They were put up by racists (who happened to be Democrats) during the Jim Crow era. They were erected to intimidate people they didn't like. I think of it pretty much like people tearing down statues of Stalin after the USSR crumbled - it's interesting, but ultimately doesn't mean a whole lot.

Now if they're trying to dig up graves of Civil War veterans, or tearing down real memorials, I have a problem.

Onward and upward,

Re: Progressives Use Violence to Whitewash History #160590
08/17/2017 08:13 AM
08/17/2017 08:13 AM
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Those monuments were erected by the Daughters of the Confederacy and the Sons of Confederate Veterans to honor the memory of the military and political leaders of the South. It had nothing to do with intimidation. Much of the funding for those monuments came from families who had lost loved ones in that war. To equate the South with Stalin is disgusting in the extreme.

The main reason the vast majority of Southerners were Democrat after the war is simple to understand. No self respecting Southron was going to support the republican party that had brought war, devastation and subjugation to their homeland.

The bolshevik leftists are already desecrating graves all over the South. And many of us have a huge problem with that. If it does not stop no one will like what comes next.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Progressives Use Violence to Whitewash History #160591
08/17/2017 09:08 AM
08/17/2017 09:08 AM
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All the ones I'm seeing torn down were put up at taxpayer's expense. If any of them were erected privately, then they are real memorials and it is indeed vandalism.

For what it's worth, I'm old enough to remember when the Ku Klux Klan was listed in the phone book under "Benevolent Societies."

Onward and upward,

Re: Progressives Use Violence to Whitewash History #160592
08/17/2017 12:23 PM
08/17/2017 12:23 PM
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I'm old too. Grew up in the segregated South and remember those times well. Back then the negroes had many legitimate complaints about the way they were treated. But, the young ones today who want to loot, burn and steal don't have a clue what real racism looks like. They support communism and think the world owes them a free ride.

Many of the monuments you refer to were paid for with both public and private funds. But, it doesn't matter because the public, the taxpayers of that time wanted them.

To desecrate or destroy the monuments of one group of people in an effort to appease another is reprehensible. First they demanded the removal of the Ten Commandments because they were "offensive". Now they want to eradicate our history and culture. They are no better than ISIS or the very NAZI's they claim to hate.

[Linked Image]

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Progressives Use Violence to Whitewash History #160593
08/17/2017 02:16 PM
08/17/2017 02:16 PM
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American history in any form. Good or bad is our history whether any American agrees on the good or bad conscept.
It take all thing to grow and remind future generations how we got here.
Anyone claiming to be an American at the same time wants to erase any of our history is only fooling themselves. All the while ensuring future generations of no history of how America was made.

Re: Progressives Use Violence to Whitewash History #160594
08/19/2017 02:22 PM
08/19/2017 02:22 PM
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Confederate soldiers, sailors and marines that fought in the Civil War were made US veterans by an act of Congress in 1957. US Public Law 85-425 sec 410 5/23/1958. This made all Confederate military veterans equal to United States veterans. Additionally under US Public Law 810 – approved by the 17th Congress on February 26 1929: The War Department was directed to erect headstones and recognize Confederate grave sites as US war grave sites.

In other words, when you remove or deface a Confederate statue, monument or headstone, you are removing or defacing the statue, monument or headstone of a United States Veteran. Unlike burning or otherwise dishonoring the United States flag, this behavior is illegal.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Progressives Use Violence to Whitewash History #160595
08/19/2017 07:14 PM
08/19/2017 07:14 PM
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If this be true then all parties that helped in any way to remove deface or destroy said monuments openly committed a crime. But no charges brought forth or arrests. Only thing that has happened is the encouragement of more destruction by those in government media and the lack of protection from the police.

Re: Progressives Use Violence to Whitewash History #160596
08/20/2017 02:26 AM
08/20/2017 02:26 AM
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Can hardly believe what I am seeing, But, I knew it was coming, Only going to get worse! The Left feels empowered, Going to take a SLAPDOWN to Stop this, and that will probably play right into the Globalists plans! I truly feel CHAOS is on the horizon! No time to slack off, If you are lacking any essentials? Waste no time and get to getting! Can you imagine whats coming "after" Trump? Semper Fi

PSALM 144:01 Blessed be the LORD my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle---
Re: Progressives Use Violence to Whitewash History #160597
08/20/2017 06:34 AM
08/20/2017 06:34 AM
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[Linked Image]

I saw a poll the other day where 62% were opposed to removing the statues, 11% were in favor, and 27% were undecided (or, more likely, just didn't care).

I guess I'm mostly in the third category. And I think God had something to say about graven images anyway.

Onward and upward,

Re: Progressives Use Violence to Whitewash History #160598
08/20/2017 08:40 AM
08/20/2017 08:40 AM
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I don't think God has any thing to do with the foolishness of men. Freewill at its finest. Lack or the I don't care of knowledge always tends to be mentioned when a civilation destroys itself.

Re: Progressives Use Violence to Whitewash History #160599
08/21/2017 07:39 AM
08/21/2017 07:39 AM
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How is the governor of Virginia reacting to the violence at Charlottesville? By making it illegal to protest around the monument of Robert E. Lee.

That's right. Even if you're just a harmless stret preacher and passersby start arguing with you, you can be arrested.

Never mind that it was the fault of his own police for failing to keep the two sides apart, and failing to protect the lives, liberty, and property of the protesters - which is their job. Governor McAuliffe has decided the problem is you, for exercising your First Amendment right to protest.

This is America today. frown

Onward and upward,

Re: Progressives Use Violence to Whitewash History #160600
08/21/2017 08:45 AM
08/21/2017 08:45 AM
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"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Progressives Use Violence to Whitewash History #160601
08/21/2017 04:49 PM
08/21/2017 04:49 PM
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Where are the leftist statues that are crying for our attention?

Re: Progressives Use Violence to Whitewash History #160602
08/21/2017 06:07 PM
08/21/2017 06:07 PM
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Originally posted by ThePatriot:
Where are the leftist statues that are crying for our attention?
I don't know, but there's a Freddie Mercury statue in Switzerland that no one is really wild about.

Come to think of it, there's a few dozen federal buildings named after former Klansman Robert Byrd. Maybe we should protest those.

Onward and upward,

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