Lesbian farming
08/18/2016 04:46 AM
08/18/2016 04:46 AM
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You can't make this stupid shit up. Bust up' conservatives: Feds thrust lesbians into farming
'This is the left expanding their sphere of dominant influence'
Joe Kovacs
PALM BEACH, Florida – A new federal plan encouraging lesbians to become farmers has a hidden, strategic purpose, according to radio host Rush Limbaugh, who is blasting it as “the latest Democrat scam.”
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is holding a series of summits to push the role of lesbian farmers as a part of its “Rural Pride” campaign, as reported by the Washington Free Beacon.
“I guarantee you that most people reading the news would come across a story with the Washington Free Beacon headline ‘Feds Holding Summits for Lesbian Farmers,’ and they would probably ignore it or laugh at it but ultimately cast it aside,” Limbaugh said Wednesday. “But I, El Rushbo, am able to read the stitches on the fastball and clearly see what this is about.”
“It has a specific political objective,” he continued, “and the quick explanation is this is the left expanding their sphere of dominant influence.”
“They are trying to bust up one of the last geographically conservative regions in the country; that’s rural America. Rural America happens to be largely conservative. Rural America is made up of self-reliant, rugged individualist types. They happen to be big believers in the Second Amendment. So here comes the Obama Regime with a bunch of federal money, and they’re waving it around, and all you gotta do to get it is be a lesbian and want to be a farmer and they’ll set you up.”
The USDA is partnering with pop singer and LGBT activist Cyndi Lauper for a “day of conversation” about the struggles of homosexual and transgender individuals in rural sections of America.
Summits have already been held in Greensboro, North Carolina; Lost River, West Virginia; Wayne, Nebraska; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Dallas, Texas; Atlanta, Georgia; Nashville, Tennessee; and Seattle, Washington. The next summit is Thursday, Aug. 18, at Drake University in Iowa, with U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack serving as keynote speaker.
A news release says participants will learn about “programs and services that exist to protect, promote, and strengthen LGBT members of rural communities. Issues related to housing, education, health care, youth empowerment, and more will be discussed.”
The White House point person running the LGBT Rural Summit Series is Ashlee Davis of the USDA.
“We are trying very hard to change people’s mindsets,” Davis said, as reported by the Jackson Free Press in Mississippi. “When (people) hear ‘rural America,’ I don’t want them to think that means one type of person: a white, rich male.”
At a summit in Mississippi, Davis said she wants no one who applies for housing or grants through the USDA to face any discrimination.
“Our entire country was rural at one point, and somehow, some way we found a way to make space for everybody,” she said. “We’re going to do it in rural America, too.”
Limbaugh opined: “I never before in my life knew that lesbians wanted to be farmers. I never knew that lesbians wanted to get behind the horse and the plow and start burrowing. I never knew it. But apparently enough money [can] make it happen, and the objective here is to attack rural states. They’re already attacking suburbs, and that has been made perfectly clear by what happened in Milwaukee. They’re going after every geographic region that is known to be largely conservative. They never stop, folks. They are constantly on the march.”
“Lesbians are claiming that they’re discriminated against in a lot of ways, but you’ve never heard ’em say that farming is unfair to them. You’ve never even heard ’em say they want to be farmers! But here come the feds waving all kinds of money at ’em, and you know what’s gonna happen then.”
Follow Joe Kovacs on Twitter @JoeKovacsNews
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Re: Lesbian farming
08/18/2016 06:24 AM
08/18/2016 06:24 AM
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If one wants to do something go do it.if you need the .giv to tell you or help you do it..it ain't you doing it.. Sounds like relocation of certain type of people to areas that are foreign to them.. Also when .give gets involved it will go to shit
Re: Lesbian farming
08/18/2016 06:27 AM
08/18/2016 06:27 AM
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Another funny is if you are not qualified for a job at hand..certain types will claim they are being discriminated.. I call bullshit
Re: Lesbian farming
08/18/2016 06:30 AM
08/18/2016 06:30 AM
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I had to double check my calendar to make sure it wasn't April 1st....
You can't make this $hi+ up!
"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one." Thomas Paine (from "Common Sense" 1776)
Re: Lesbian farming
08/18/2016 06:49 AM
08/18/2016 06:49 AM
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This looks like another area where radical feminists will take issue transgendered women. Why should a former man get the same perks a "real" woman does? I\'m not kidding. Onward and upward, airforce
Re: Lesbian farming
08/18/2016 11:01 AM
08/18/2016 11:01 AM
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So if I feel that I'm a "butch lesbian woman trapped in a mans body"..., can I get some benefits and extra protection?
"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one." Thomas Paine (from "Common Sense" 1776)
Re: Lesbian farming
08/30/2016 08:22 AM
08/30/2016 08:22 AM
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This may or may not be related, but the USDA closed six offices in five states due to credible threats received . The Agriculture Department said Tuesday it had closed offices in five states after receiving anonymous threats that it considered serious.
USDA spokesman Matthew Herrick said the department had received "several anonymous messages" late Monday that raised concerns about the safety of USDA personnel and facilities. He said offices in six locations in the five states were closed Tuesday morning until further notice.
Herrick said the threat was one email message sent to multiple employees at all of the locations.
"Without getting into detail of the email message, USDA continues to work closely with federal and local law enforcement, including the FBI, to determine whether the threat is credible," Herrick said.
The closed facilities are in Fort Collins, Colorado; Hamden, Connecticut; Beltsville, Maryland; Raleigh, North Carolina; Kearneysville, West Virginia and Leetown, West Virginia.
They include offices for eight USDA agencies, including the Forest Service and the Food Safety and Inspection Service. Among the sites affected was USDA's sprawling agricultural research center and library in Beltsville, where employees were informed of the threat Tuesday morning and sent home. In Fort Collins, four buildings at the Natural Resources Research Center — a campus where over 1,000 people work — were closed.
In an email to employees, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said USDA is closing the offices "due to the serious nature of these threats." He did not characterize the threats, but asked employees to be aware of their surroundings and report any suspicious activity. He said employees could telework or take authorized leave.
White House Spokesman Josh Earnest said the Department of Homeland Security is working with USDA "to ensure the safety of their offices and the personnel that work there."
The temporary closures may affect some tourists. In Colorado, the Forest Service's Canyon Lakes Ranger District tweeted that their information center is closed. Onward and upward, airforce