Washington: Game On
02/07/2015 02:45 AM
02/07/2015 02:45 AM
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Washington State Patriots Preparing To Be Arrested, Will Not Back Down!I got a letter from Mike Vanderboegh, Founder of the national III% movement, alerting me to this event which is upcoming on February 07, 2015, in Olympia, Washington. Unfortunately, Stewart Rhodes, President of Oath Keepers, is already booked in Pennsylvania for the week of February 07 through February 15, so he cannot attend this rally in Washington State. I am hoping that many in our Oregon, Idaho, and Washington chapters will be able to attend this event on short notice, because it’s got great potential to focus public attention on serious gun rights issues. Mike Vanderboegh introduced me to one Kit Lange of the Patrick Henry Society, who is an activist of the gun rights movement in Washington State, and Kit sent me an outline of their current project with a number of links to follow. The Washington patriots’ fight for gun rights needs to be publicized nationally, as they’re deeply mired in anti-gun treachery, just as our friends are in New York State and Connecticut (and elsewhere). I truly hope that many of you in the NorthWest part of America will be able to make it to this important rally to support these patriots. I apologize for the short notice on this, but urge all members who can to attend. Bring your guns. Here is some info which Kit sent. Catch the spirit of freedom as you learn about what will happen in Olympia, Washington, on Saturday, February 07, 2015. Start here to learn about why citizens of Washington are going to knowingly get themselves arrested at the State Capitol: http://www.patrickhenrysociety.com/citizens-washington-state-american-countrymen/ From that article: As you read this, there is a group of patriots in Washington who are standing up. On February 7th, they will stand for a third time in as many months against unjust laws meant to strip them of their right to defense. In fact, on the 7th they will stand against a state legislature that has said the people are not allowed to openly carry a firearm while viewing the proceedings of their own government. Think about that. The very people we elected, do not want their armed constituents to watch them at work, to see the things they do and say. The real question is what are they doing that they have to be afraid of the people? These patriots will be arrested on the 7th, because some of them will choose while there to defy the unjust and tyrannical laws being forced on them. What awful thing will they be doing? Walking into a public gallery with a rifle slung over their shoulder. They are not monsters, or crazy gun nuts. They are Americans like you, who love their families and go to work and pay bills. They are Americans who value liberty more than anything else. They are choosing liberty over peaceful slavery, and they are doing it because someone has to. But they are not standing for just Washington, they stand for all of you. Whether you live in Iowa or California, Maine or Wyoming, it is YOUR right to self-defense that patriots will defend on February 7th. They are being arrested to show that the right of you and your family to refuse to be a slave, is more important than their own comfort. This event will start at 10:00 a.m., Pacific time, at the State Capitol in Olympia, Washington. The facebook page with details is here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1547594748829848/ If you can’t make it to the rally, but want to donate to the bail and defense fund for those standing on February 7 you can still do so. Highly recommended! Link: http://www.arms-expo.com/?page_id=113 Mike Vanderboegh confirmed this morning, February 05, 2015, that he is flying out of Alabama today to attend this important event. His coverage of Kit Lange’s write-up is here. Please read it for complete knowledge about this event. Watch here at Oath Keepers for more in-depth coverage of this event. Do what you can to support this gallant stand. Take good hope that some Americans still will stand for America, and for the Constitution, as written. Saturday rally to illustrate new paradigm in gun rights advocacy http://www.examiner.com/article/saturday-rally-to-illustrate-new-paradigm-gun-rights-advocacy February 6, 2015 12:36 PM MST Our Capitol Our Rights supporters intend to peaceably exercise their rights at their capitol in defiance of those who would forbid them from doing so. “Gun Owners Prepare for Arrest at WA State Capitol,” Kit Lange of The Patrick Henry Society reported Monday. “Liberty activists and gun owners organized by Liberty for All and The Patriots Stand are converging at the WA State Capitol in Olympia on Saturday at a rally meant to protest and violate new rules imposed by the legislature banning open carry in public viewing galleries.” Lange was referring to the Our Capitol Our Rights response to politicians closing off open carry of firearms in the legislature. Armed activists will be going there this weekend to test the new rule by disobeying it. Among those going is my friend and colleague, citizen journalist, blogger, public speaker, activist and founder of the “Three Percent” movement, Mike Vanderboegh. There has been no shortage of criticism for the actions and intentions of the open carriers, and by that I mean from the “pro-gun” side. I have had doubts of my own about the wisdom of Mike participating in the event, which I expressed to him in a private email, and consented to allowing him to post it for others to read and comment on. Many of those doubts have since been partially allayed by seeing some concerns addressed, particularly that legal counsel has been identified and potential consequences understood, that funding is being established to help with legal costs, and that communications are being set up to provide real time information to offsite monitors and interested parties as events unfold. The thing is, what I think, or what you think is a moot point as far as Saturday’s planned actions are concerned. Regardless of sentiments, fears, cautions and warnings, it’s “Game on,” and the activists will not be deterred. This is the new paradigm all of us, but especially the "gun groups," need to get used to, because it effectively nullifies any "compromises" some may be inclined to agree to. Ultimately, people are going to choose to obey or disobey edicts they know to be wrong, and to decide if they wish to confront those denying them their rights and property. Once the decision is made, our approval and agreement over tactics don't matter. Nothing we say or do is going to stop it. Once the decision is made, we can condemn them as extremists who make us all look bad, as some are doing, or we can remind ourselves that the real extremists are those who disregard oaths, deny rights and force their will on others with life-destroying consequences. Besides, to doctrinaire monopoly of violence cultists, “extremist” is a term used by “progressive” apparatchiks as a weapon against good Americans who believe in the right to keep and bear arms. "Moderates" in the pro-gun camp inclined to repeat that charge against determined open carriers need to be reminded that it will be leveled against them soon enough the next time they promote or oppose a bill. We would also do well to remind ourselves that civil disobedience is a time-honored tradition in this country, which itself was founded first in petitioning, then in disregard, defiance, resistance and rebellion. Henry David Thoreau wrote the seminal work on the matter, and we've seen it used with varying degrees of success throughout our history, notably in the demand for civil rights for all. There's a growing movement that's getting sick and damned tired of all the posturing and games, while rights we clearly understand are ours are being denied by self-serving oathbreakers as citizens are intimidated and punished for exercising them. Some people are through asking. They're going to start taking back, especially where listening to the lawyers and the lobbyists has failed. Like it or not, that's what's happening. Look at the untold hundreds of thousands of gun owners, who simply wish to be left alone but who are adamant in demanding their rights, and who have thus refused to register their guns as ordered in places like California, New York and Connecticut. Look at how “authorities” know their demands have been ignored for all to see, and wish some of their impulse control-challenged media sycophants would stop calling attention to their impotence, and instead catch on to a self-imposed code of silence on mass “scofflaw” roundups that the major anti-gun groups seem to have adopted. Look at how government agents backed down from armed citizens at the Bundy Ranch. Look at how Oath Keepers maintained their armed rooftop vigils, despite unlawful police orders to stand down. Look at the resolve of Washington’s “I Will Not Comply” activists. “We are asking for people to come and stand with us, whether that be armed openly, concealed, or even unarmed,” rally leader Kit Lange explained. “Those who enter the gallery while open carrying will be arrested for criminal trespass (a misdemeanor); however, concealed carry is still ‘allowed’ (although the state patrol has said they will be checking permits). Those who wish to stand do NOT have to be arrested; they are welcome to come concealed and take pics/video, or simply serve as witnesses to what's happening. “We do ask that those who come understand that responsible, respectful conduct is necessary,” Lange continued. “Obviously safe firearm handling (muzzles up at all times) is necessary; we are also asking that those who choose to be arrested do not physically resist. We will act with principle and calm. We are standing for our liberty and will adhere to the catechism of the Three Percent: we do not shoot first and we do not target innocents. We are simply there to force the issue of infringement. Those who choose to act irresponsibly or attempt to incite violence will be on their own.” This is a new paradigm for gun rights activism those of us used to doing things the old way are going to need to get used to. A critical mass of Americans is fed up suffering under intolerable acts imposed on them by corrupt bureaucracies, administrations, courts and enforcers, and they’re putting all of us on notice they will not comply, they will not obey and they will not disarm. Expect to see more of this, regardless of what we see on Saturday, or perhaps because of the confidence or outrage the events of the day will bring. Expect to see it in places where the old ways have failed, and people who understand a right delayed is a right denied find that unacceptable, and cause for immediate defiance. Some will no doubt come back with the observation that this will only antagonize “authority,” and the response will be more restrictions, like we've recently seen happen in Olympia. That may be true, but it can also backfire, as those intent on reclaiming what is theirs are determined to simply not obey, regardless of what retaliatory measures are passed and signed into... well, it’s not really “law” if it infringes, is it? As gun owners who advocate for the right to keep and bear arms, we are each of us faced with a choice, and one we can no longer put off. We can join our voices to those condemning these demonstrators as radical extremists, that is, the same people who would call us that, or we can support the peaceable armed protesters, even if their actions make us uncomfortable, and even, especially, if this new reality scares us. It wasn't gun owners who pushed things to this point. Some -- a few for now, but one that appears to be growing -- aren't about to be pushed back or over, or kept from advancing to where they know they have a right to be. Resources to support the Our Capitol Our Rights demonstrators include: Arms Expo: This website is collecting donations to provide for legal defense. Activist and event coordinator Maria Bosworth has established a Facebook page to post short video clips and to provide information on the rally as things happen. Maria Bosworth's Twitter feed. The 7 February action at the Washington State Capitol. A recap of where we are from Kit Lange. The Patrick Henry Society website. To the Governor of Washington: A List of Grievances by We the People Mike Vanderboegh should be providing reports on the Sipsey Street Irregulars blog. More resources may be added to this list as appropriate. Added 2/7: Vanderboegh's pre-event comments.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Washington: Game On
02/07/2015 02:49 AM
02/07/2015 02:49 AM
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Oath Keepers on the Washington action.
In addition, there is this statemnent from Stewart Rhodes:
NOTE FROM STEWART: Members of Oath Keepers, I fully support this rally and planned peaceful civil disobedience and I encourage you to attend if you can. However, I want to make it clear that each of you have multiple options here:
1. You can go and simply participate in the rally (and you can choose to do so armed or unarmed – personally, I would be armed, since it is an open carry rally, but that is an individual choice).
2. You can go and outreach to the police and encourage them to respect and protect the rights of the protesters. That is a vital task that we Oath Keepers are pretty good at, and we should be doing that.
3. And/or you can also go into the Gallery of the legislature with the others who intend on using civil disobedience against the new rule put in place by the Speaker of the Legislature, that bans the open carry of firearms in the Gallery for the first time in WA state history (and make sure they know this is only a rule by the speaker, not even a law). If you do choose to take part in the peaceful civil disobedience, go there willing to follow the instructions of the organizers of the event, and the leaders there, such as Rep. Matt Shea, Anthony Bosworth, and MIke Vanderboegh, and go there willing to be arrested, in case that is the outcome (that is what peaceful civil disobedience is all about, after all – it is defying some edict, while knowing you may be arrested for doing so, and being willing to go through that experience).
You can do any one of the above, or all of the above. Personally, if I was able to be there (I am handling a family emergency at the moment that keeps me from attending), I would do all three. I would participate in the open carry rally, I would outreach to the police there, and I would participate in the civil disobedience. Such civil disobedience is necessary in the fight to restore our Republic, and in our mission to defend the Constitution. But each person needs to make a decision for themselves about what they are willing to do at any such event. Not all are at the point of being ready to risk arrest while undertaking peaceful civil disobedience. And that is fine. I do encourage you to begin to exercise those civil disobedience “muscles” but that is an individual choice. I will point out, however, that civil disobedience is a much honored American tradition, starting with the Founding Generation which intentionally refused to comply with multiple edicts, statutes, and rules set by Parliament and King. They refused to comply and used peaceful civil disobedience for many years leading up to the outset of fighting. They held town hall meeting right under the nose of General Gage, in direct violation of an edict of Parliament that banned town hall meetings. They smuggled around egregious restrictions on where they could send their ships and cargo. They refused to pay unjust taxes, and they circumvented or openly defied multiple other statutes passed by Parliament, and multiple acts by the Royal Governors. Civil disobedience, nullification, and defiance were the life-blood of the cause of the Colonists in the years leading up to the outbreak of the actual American Revolution. Learn from their example, and get yourself ready to use the same tactics, which will nor only further the cause of liberty, but will help you to become stronger in your hearts and minds.
I have attended multiple open carry rallies, and I have participated in several acts of civil disobedience, and I can tell you from personal experience, that it is good for the soul. I encourage you to go if you can.
For the Republic,
Stewart Rhodes
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Washington: Game On
02/07/2015 02:54 AM
02/07/2015 02:54 AM
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From Mike V... Saturday, February 7, 2015 "Once more into the breach. . ." Three o'clock in the morning in Puyallup Washington.
That's local time, but I'm still on Central so my body tells me it's five o'clock. Was up late war gaming this business for today with the organizers and there are still many uncertainties. Well, once more into the breach, dear friends. Once more into the breach. The enemy has spent a lot of effort convincing the credulous on social media that this could be a bloodbath but that's the typical psywar stuff they always do to split us up and dampen our numbers. It really is quite pathetic to those of us who have been down this road before but it does limit the participation of those who otherwise might show up. Of course, numbers are critical to discourage the enemy from getting froggy so it cuts our tactical and strategic possibilities -- as it was intended to. As a weapon, the whispered lie is cheap but effective.
Still, after the meeting last night (and early this morning if your body is still on Central time) I feel that the threats and the bluster are merely the usual "great and powerful" Wizard-of-Oz theatrics. They are the ones who are scared, not us. And it shows. The folks here have their stuff wired tight and I hope to be able to publicize what planning, tactics and messaging they are doing as a template for actions in other states.
Many people want us to fail tomorrow, oops, today, not the least of which (I hear from folks in a position to know) are our so-called "friends" in the "mainstream gun rights movement" in this state. Gottlieb, I am told, will be quite happy to see this fail and all of us -- particularly me -- end up in jail. The domestic enemies of the Constitution who hold power in the state capitol here have ceased their bloodthirsty posturing and believe they have a contingency plan to "contain" us. We might surprise them yet.
The thing to remember is that this is a long campaign and the whole point of armed civil disobedience is to provoke the enemy into doing soming stupid that reveals to all their willingness to violate any law in order to preserve power, thus making them delegitimize themselves. Whatever happens today, I think we will accomplish that
I have every confidence that I will make it back to Rosey on Monday night, but I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of those who made my presence here possible. It is an honor to represent you here, those of you who are unable for very real reasons to come yourselves. My speech is written, it is ready to post immediately after I give it. There will be plenty of cameras there so I'm sure we'll have lots of video to post on YouTube. After each each armed civil disobedience action such as this it becomes harder for the enemy media to ignore us. I am here because this may be the blow that cracks the national media cone of silence that has been crafted to contain our movement. We shall see. The more heavy-handed they act, the easier they make it for us to win.
This is something that the faint-of-heart who are looking for an excuse not to come apparently don't understand. The enemy does not dare give in to his darker impulses. The threats are hollow, the fearsomeness no more real than a Halloween mask on a five-year old. At base, the people whose petty tyrannies brought us to the doors of the House and Senate galleries in Olympia today are cowards. It is they who are truly scared of us, not the other way around. We shall see how it goes, but it is all in God's hands.
As for the weak-kneed afraid to come, well, I rather suspect that afterward they will be embarrassed by how little it took to prompt them to stay away. "Gentlemen in England now abed will think themselves accursed. . ." Or something like that.
Keep us in your prayers.
(NOTE: For those of you who will be available afterward, just catch up with me at the event and we'll do an after-action meet-and-greet somewhere. Also, I'm not flying out until Monday, so those of you who want to get together on Sunday can drop me an email and I'll try to make it happen. I continue to have, as I always do on these things, computer problems of one kind or another -- getting knocked off repeatedly, posts getting scrambled in the middle of being crafted, etc. I will try to overcome the monkeywrenching and give you a complete account later today of the entire event but don't hold me to it. Besides, like Jack Hawkins says in Bridge on the River Kwai, "There's always the unexpected, isn't there?" You know, like the other side really screwing up and arresting me. ;-) I'll be in touch with David Codrea as usual throughout the day, so you should be able to get updates from him at the War on Guns blog if you see nothing here.)
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Washington: Game On
02/07/2015 06:46 AM
02/07/2015 06:46 AM
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Bit off topic, but I would LOVE to be able to pay to purchase a physical copy, or electronic copy of Mike Vanderboegh's "Absolved" novel. I have read all the available chapters I could glean online, but these were out of order, and <1/2 the total. It is such a very good well written story.
He is a very talented and brave patriot.
"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one." Thomas Paine (from "Common Sense" 1776)
Re: Washington: Game On
02/07/2015 09:38 AM
02/07/2015 09:38 AM
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"Do we submit? Or will we resist?" My Speech to the "Our Capitol, Our Rights: A Rally for Freedom."
7 February 2015.
The reason why men enter into society, is the preservation of their property; and the end why they chuse and authorize a legislative, is, that there may be laws made, and rules set, as guards and fences to the properties of all the members of the society, to limit the power, and moderate the dominion, of every part and member of the society: for since it can never be supposed to be the will of the society, that the legislative should have a power to destroy that which every one designs to secure, by entering into society, and for which the people submitted themselves to legislators of their own making; whenever the legislators endeavour to take away, and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any farther obedience, and are left to the common refuge, which God hath provided for all men, against force and violence. Whensoever therefore the legislative shall transgress this fundamental rule of society; and either by ambition, fear, folly or corruption, endeavour to grasp themselves, or put into the hands of any other, an absolute power over the lives, liberties, and estates of the people; by this breach of trust they forfeit the power the people had put into their hands for quite contrary ends, and it devolves to the people, who. have a right to resume their original liberty. . . -- John Locke, Second Treatise, section 222, 1689.
My name is Mike Vanderboegh and I have come here to these wintry grounds from the much warmer great free state of Alabama to stand beside you as I did in December in your resistance to the growing tyranny in this state – and it IS a tyranny, there is no other word that applies so well. From I-594, Michael Bloomberg’s billionaire-bought, demonic bastard child, to the new anti-firearm laws being promulgated by collectivist politicians behind these walls, to the latest diktat about firearms in the House and Senate galleries – it IS a tyranny that has a voracious appetite for your traditional liberty, for your property, an appetite that comes with the state-sanctioned threat of violence to your lives if you do not comply.
As I noted when I spoke on the steps of the Connecticut state house almost two years ago now – it is an established principle of American jurisprudence that an unconstitutional law is void – it has no effect. But I also noted that the tricky part for those of us who wish to maintain our liberties is how to make that point when all the levers of power in a state – the executive, the legislative and the judicial – are in the hands of people whom the Founders would call “domestic enemies of the Constitution.” And as I don’t need to tell you, there are people behind THESE walls who fit that description. For we are divided today – as the Founders were themselves divided from their fellow countrymen – along the stark lines of the answer to the fundamental question: Does the government serve the people or do the people serve the government? It is a simple question. It is the most basic of questions. And the answer is either one or the other. It cannot be both. It cannot be compromised. Who serves whom? That is what we are here today, in some small part, to discover.
Other speakers will give you details of what led to this seemingly silly and inconsequential argument over whether citizens can bear firearms in the galleries of the House and Senate. They will explain why it is neither silly nor inconsequential. They will tell you how this began last summer with public insults and threats on the part of the leadership of the WA state legislature. They will explain how this move on the part of these “authorities” is contrary to law and to past practice of long-standing and how it is an offense to liberty. But I would like to explain why I’M here. Why I continue to stand by the uncompromising firearm-owning citizens of Washington state. Why indeed I have done the same thing in other states from Connecticut to Colorado.
How DO we maintain our liberties when all the levers of power are in the hands of the domestic enemies of the Constitution? Well. I’ll tell you. WE SIMPLY REFUSE TO BE COMPLICIT IN OUR OWN VICTIMIZATION.
The citizens of Connecticut answered that question with armed civil disobedience. They simply refused to obey the law demanding that they register their semi-automatic rifles and even, if you can believe the absurdity of it, that they register the standard capacity magazines that those rifles use – and there were and are literally MILLIONS of them. They accepted the fact that their own state had just declared them Class D felons – They accepted it and then they quietly and politiely – with their silent non-compliance – told the Connecticut politicians to TAKE THEIR LAW AND GO STRAIGHT TO HELL!
Over one hundred thousand citizens of CT have been staring at their state authorities -- essentially over the muzzles of those proscribed rifles – and daring the state to come and take them. They have nullified that law by their resistance for two years now . . . AND THE POLITICIANS DON’T KNOW WHETHER TO DEFECATE OR GO BLIND. Despite their promises to the citizen disarmament lobbyists that they pandered to they are not enforcing the law BECAUSE THEY ARE FRIGHTENED TO DEATH OF WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN IF THEY DO.
Of course the fact that I published the names, home addresses and phone numbers of the politicians who voted for this Intolerable Act on my blog, Sipsey Street Irregulars, may have had something to do with their reluctance. (WINK.) You know, it’s a funny thing. Collectivist tyrants like to put people on lists but they get real nervous when someone returns the favor. That’s a lesson that some of the folks behind those walls ought to internalize – for the good of us all.
And like Connecticut, you Washingtonians have learned that tyranny can be voted in by a majority. But as I pointed out in my speech on these grounds in December, that doesn’t make it right, it doesn’t make it constitutional, it doesn’t make it any part of the rule of law in a republic that the Founders would recognize. As I said then, it doesn’t matter if a common criminal comes into to your home to rob you, kill you and victimize your loved ones or if a majority of your neighbors vote to have the same thing done to you. The crime is the same – indeed it is worse if a government does it because official violence is so much more total, overwhelming and remorseless.
Just ask the victims of every collectivist government massacre of the 20th Century. From the Turkish genocide of the Armenians 100 years ago, to the planned famines and gulags of Stalin, the Holocaust of Hitler, the “Great Leap Forward” of Mao, to the killing fields of Pol Pot’s Cambodia – governments have butchered hundreds of millions of innocents in their impersonal hatreds – always with the excuse that they have the right to remake humanity, to punish “wrong thinking,” to remove inconvenient opposition – AND THEY DO IT ALL IN THE NAME OF “THE LAW.”
The law. Almost every evil is excused by the perpretrators by claiming they are executing “the law.” The demons in human form in the Middle East today who crucify children and burn people to death in iron cages claim to do so in the name of their chosen “law.” To call murder “the law” does not excuse it, nor make it anything other than murder. To call tyranny “the law” does not make it right, nor does it make it any less tyrannical – even if it is voted into existence by a majority or promulgated by so-called “democratically elected representatives.” But, if the crime is the same, then the remedy is the same.
The Founders knew this, both from their study of history and from their own experience. We make much today about our rebellion against King George the Thrid as if the British monarchy was the entire problem but the fact of the matter was that King George sat at the head of a PARLIAMENTARY TYRANNY – one very similar in many respects to what goes on behind these walls here, today. Kevin Phillips, in his book 1775: A Good Year for Revolution, points out that the British tyranny was first and foremost a PARLIAMENTARY tyranny. In the aftermath of The Glorious Revolution of 1688 he argues, “Parliament was now more absolute than a king had ever quite been under common law.” He writes:
“Under Britain’s constitution, the one-time common law rights of Englishman, in earlier days invocable against ROYAL transgressions, no longer applied as against PARLIAMENT. Most Americans of the Patriot faction, however, still cherished an older . . . view rooted in the old common law. That English liberty could be asserted against ANY institutional transgressor. A few British lawyers still agreed with the old interpretation . . . Similarly, in America many Tories upheld complete Parliamentary sovereignty. But on the whole, the two peoples separated by the Atlantic held different views of the British constitution and the extent to which it did or did not not still enshrine common law verities about tyrants and the rights of Englishmen. If the tyrants were in Parliament, even the rights of Englishmen were no longer assured.” -- pp. 209-210
Today, as we stand here in the 21st Century, we can see that the de facto descendants of those 18th Century English parliamentary tyrants today inhabit the Washington state house, as well as other state houses and governors’ mansions around the country. They tell us, “Do what we say” -- regardless of law, regardless of the common practice enshrined since Washington statehood, regardless even of common sense -- “Do what we say or we will use the violence of the state to bend you to our will.”
And why do they do this? Because they can. It is as simple as that. They do it because they think that in ordering the people of Washington state to do their will, that you will obey. They do it because they believe that they have the right to do it. Their tyranny, as the Founders feared, is of the elected variety. But it is tyranny nonetheless.
Why do they do this? They do it also because they are scared. They understand better than anyone – for they look their appetites in the mirror every morning when they wake up. They know who they are and what they are about and that they know they no longer trust the people – if they ever did – with the means of self defense against common criminals or against them. They are frightened that you have figured out their game – that you have reasonably concluded that I594, the additional anti-self defense laws that they are pushing, this latest diktat about the House and Senate galleries – all of it. They are frightened because you now understand that this is about THEIR appetites for YOUR liberty, for YOUR property, that indeed this is about THEIR ability to deny YOUR ability to defend your very lives no matter where or when that need may arise. And we know in the light of recent experiences in Mumbai and Paris, in Australia and Canada, and yes, in Kansas and Fort Hood and New York City, that THAT need can arise anywhere, anytime. And they would rob you, in their fear of firearms in OUR hands, of the means to resist the truly evil.
This isn’t about “common sense gun safety” as they claim. This is about control – their control of a government monopoly of violence over the people. They don’t want to hear any dissent from you in the peanut galleries, so they will silence you. BUT THEY WILL SILENCE YOU IF, AND ONLY IF, YOU ALLOW THEM TO DO IT. Will you allow them to silence you? Will you?
They hide behind their priveleges, this new parliamentary tyranny, this self-appointed Mandarin class of our so-called “betters” – they hide behind their alleged “purviews” and “parliamentary priveleges” and expect their designated bully boys of the Washington State Police to make you knuckle under – or else. It is not THEIR precious butts they put on the line with their unconstitutional diktats – oh, no, never their own – no, they misuse the good men and women of the Washington State Police to do that. For they are at heart cowards, and they know it. And they are right to be right about that one thing – firearms in the hands of the people scare them. They are as allergic to them as Dracula is to crucifixes and for the same reason – they get in the way of tyrannical appetites.
We see here today on this miserable winter day in Olympia Washington – so seemingly distant from the struggles of the Founders in 1775 yet so very, eerily, close – that the Founders were right. Tyranny can be voted in by a majority as it was with I594. Tyranny can also come from a duly-elected parliament or state legislature. The test for us is – do we submit? Or will we resist?
Will we insist upon our God-given, inalienable and natural rights as free Americans? Or will we submit to tyranny? The answer that has been rediscovered over the past two years in places as diverse as Connecticut and Colorado, Texas and Maryland, New York and, yes, right here in Washington state, is armed civil disobedience – disciplined, determined, well thought out and precisely executed armed civil disobedience. In all those places unconstitutional laws have been nullified – rendered null and void as American legal practice has long agreed that they should be.
We engage in armed civil disobedience not to provoke violence but to prevent it. We are willing to risk being shot for OUR principles. The question is, what are our alleged leaders willing to risk to satisfy THEIR appetites for OUR liberty, OUR property, indeed, our very lives? That is the question that armed civil disobedience seeks to focus their attention on. This is not new in American history. From Capt. Parker at Lexington Green to the Battle of Athens, Tennessee in 1946, to the Deacons for Defense and Justice during the civil rights movement, armed civil disobedience has been resorted to by the citizenry when all other means of redress failed.
What they asked of tyrants in their time, we ask of tyrants in ours. Are your appetites – your unconstitutional laws – worth the taking of our lives to you? What is your power worth to you? What is your power to order the rest of us about, on whatever flimsy pretext you choose – not in obedience to any rule of law that the Founders would understand, not in any constitutional fashion – but what is your power to bend the rest of us to your will worth to you? What are your appetites worth to you? We just simply want to be left alone. Unlike you we don’t seek to compel anyone to do anything. But we will not be compelled ourselves by you. Not for just an appetite. Not for just a pretense of legitimacy. So we stand here today on our traditional rights as free Americans, as free Washingtonians. We stand where the Founders expected us to stand – insisting upon those rights paid for in blood and tears by the generations before us. We stand here, risking all, as they did. We stand here, insistent, as they would have. We stand here, disciplined, determined, insistent, refusing to knuckle under to tyranny of any kind, no matter how petty.
We stand here, today, and I am humbled beyond words for the privelege of standing here with you. May God save the Founders’ Republic.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Washington: Game On
02/07/2015 12:40 PM
02/07/2015 12:40 PM
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The willingness to resist is in every real Americans DNA. Couple that with Native, Scottish or Irish blood and well, they have their hands effing full.
To resist tyranny is not only our duty, but Gods will for he has set us free.
Fight the fight, Endure to win!
Re: Washington: Game On
02/07/2015 02:04 PM
02/07/2015 02:04 PM
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I know outdoorstrader.com was pretty popular in WA state but there were constant issues with the artificial border thing between WA and OR, having about the same laws, but the feds mandated no cross state line gun trading (which lots of people did anyway). When private party trading was banned in WA altogether, everyone figured they would just slip in to Oregon and do it with no questions asked, but instead, it got all shut down and went underground.
That, and there are a small number of "constant buyers" in Portland right now. They advertise around that they will buy anything decent, then the guns are never seen again. Either they are rich guys really hoarding stuff, the government buying the used guns off the street in a defacto buyback program, or the stuff is heading down to Mexico. Whatever it is, these guys buy it, and never put it up for sale, at least not locally.
The 80% build it yourself movement never hit much popularity in WA state. In theory the market is large enough to drive it up a few notches, but so far not a strong enough market to support any specialized shops like Ares Armor in California.
Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.
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Re: Washington: Game On
02/08/2015 06:49 AM
02/08/2015 06:49 AM
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Freedom Knocks: Armed WA Patriots Deliver a Message for Their State and the Nation
by Kit Lange | Feb 8, 2015 |
Mark Twain once wrote that the two most important days of your life are the day you’re born, and the day you figure out why. I remember reading that as a child, and not truly understanding it. Today, however, as I stood next to some of the bravest patriots I’ve had the pleasure to know, I understood his words at my very core.
Today 100 patriots, led by two state representatives, put the governor and the legislature of our state on notice by demanding a redress of grievances—armed and in person at the Capitol.
It was pouring rain outside, the kind of day that Washington State is famous for: cold, wet, and miserable. At 0900 we were standing on the steps with patriots who had driven almost all night to be there with us. As more and more people showed up, we saw familiar faces, their eyes resolute and their handshakes firm. We saw new faces as well, people who had been awakened in some way and chose to put their boots on the ground with us. It was good to see them there; there were rednecks and suits, tattooed and not, atheists and Christians, old and young, combat vets and civilians. Our differences didn’t matter. The Constitution united us.
The Capitol was closed; we stood in the atrium out of the rain and wind, chatting about things that matter as we waited for 10am to arrive. My friend Mike Vanderboegh, founder of the national 3% movement, spoke for a few short moments about both the importance of our conduct and the straight line that is drawn from the field at Lexington to today. The immortal words of Captain John Parker rang in our minds as Mike spoke of them—the words that all of the III% know by heart: Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.
Rep. Elizabeth Scott began to speak as the sounds of our flag snapping in the cold wind reached us across the courtyard.
“Ladies and gentlemen, fellow patriots,” she began. Gesturing to the doors of the Capitol, she smiled proudly. “Welcome to the People’s House!”
That is where we were, after all—a building that was created to house the functions of an elected government, which only derives its power by consent of the governed. The roughly 100 people standing on that atrium were representing a growing number of Washingtonians—and Americans—who have withdrawn their consent in the face of ever-increasing tyranny.
“Will you stand firm?” she asked us. “Will you be strong and courageous?” Our answer reverberated in the atrium like thunder.
Mike Vanderboegh re-took the podium then, speaking eloquently as always (video still processing as of 0140 hrs Sunday morning) about our history, about those who tried to take our Founders’ liberty…and about those who want to take ours today.
We engage in armed civil disobedience not to provoke violence but to prevent it. We are willing to risk being shot for OUR principles. The question is, what are our alleged leaders willing to risk to satisfy THEIR appetites for OUR liberty, OUR property, indeed, our very lives? That is the question that armed civil disobedience seeks to focus their attention on. This is not new in American history. From Capt. Parker at Lexington Green to the Battle of Athens, Tennessee in 1946, to the Deacons for Defense and Justice during the civil rights movement, armed civil disobedience has been resorted to by the citizenry when all other means of redress failed.
Will you submit? Or will you resist? he asked. Again, we answered. RESIST!
The last speaker was Rep. Matthew Shea, a combat veteran and strong liberty fighter in our legislature. He read a statement by Rep. Graham Hunt, another strong patriot, and then he got into the reason we were all there (video available Sunday morning).
We are here today because America is at a breaking point. We are tired of the many forms of tyranny we face, that we have been reduced to servants of a despotic government where we live paycheck to paycheck with almost no ability to fight back against the seizure of our property, the indoctrination of our children, or the attempt to take our arms. So today before all of America we make our grievances plain and ask you to judge the truth of our claims…
One by one, he went down the list of grievances, and as each one was read, the crowd murmured in extreme disapproval. How dare our government think they can control us? How dare they ignore the rights that we have as human beings? Shea then wrapped it all up in a neat little package for anyone who still, somehow, didn’t understand.
That’s what the constitution was supposed to prevent…every one of those things.
THE CONSTITUTION UNITES US. Those that oppose the Constitution, ignore the constitution, seek to erase the constitution by NEW interpretation DIVIDE US. Power is given by the people to protect freedom and liberty, not take it. In a Republic, unalienable rights cannot be taken away by majority vote or even 1 Speaker of the House.
God gave us those rights!
As he finished his speech a few minutes after 11am, Capitol staff unlocked the doors to the building. It was time to stop talking and start acting.
Rep. Shea and Rep. Scott led the crowd in through the doors, and we made our way up the stairs to the legislative viewing gallery, only to find it closed and locked. The legislature had literally barred the People of the State of Washington from their own gallery. Rep. Shea stepped aside and said he would “let The People take it from here.” A patriot stepped from the crowd and pounded on the door, once, twice, three times. Slow, forceful. The hallway was silent, and the doors did not open. He stepped back and another patriot stepped forward, pounding on the door three times. And another…and another…one by one, many of us stepped up to demand entry to the People’s gallery.
Out of nowhere, a little girl named Faith walked up to the door on her own. As her tiny fist pounded at the bottom of the door, her young voice rang out in the quiet hallway.
“Freedom knocks! Open up!” she called out, and her voice reminded us all of the incredible gravity of this situation, the weight on our shoulders. I thought of how this precious child would have to bleed for her own liberty if we fail, if we refuse to stand.
Faith stood at the door and demanded Freedom.
Stand now, or fight later.
I affixed the list of grievances to the door with some non-damaging adhesive, and pounded once on its corners. Led by the state reps, we came down the stairs to the Governor’s office. Several patriots pounded on the door, and I knelt to help Faith put another copy of the list up.
“Maybe the governor is at home,” Rep. Shea called out to the crowd. “Let’s go see.”
We came out of the Capitol building feeling indescribable; we were fulfilling a blood-bought debt. All the Founders ever asked of us was that we do our part, that we stand as they did. They asked that we guard our liberty, but if it ever became necessary, that we stand in the breach and say no more.
An unconstitutional law is no law at all.
As we marched to the gate of the governor’s mansion, the State Patrol trooper watched us approach from his security booth. We paused at the gate next to his door, and Rep. Shea and Rep. Scott stood in front of the crowd. As the trooper slowly opened the door, he was greeted heartily and respectfully by the two people who were truly acting as the Representatives of the People.
“Hello sir, We the People would like to speak to the Governor. Is he in?”
He wasn’t home; angry yet resolute armed patriots demanding in person that he uphold his oath is apparently not something he wanted to be present for. We offered the trooper a copy of the list of grievances, letting him know that We the People would like to present this list to the Governor of the State of Washington. He accepted the list and said he’d make sure the governor received it.
Meanwhile, back in the Capitol, someone was already taking down the list from the doors of the gallery and the governor’s office. What happened to the lists? We don’t know, but we’ll be sending a certified copy to Gov. Jay Inslee; we want to make sure he personally sees a copy.
After we delivered the lists, Rep. Matt Shea led us in prayer. As I listened to his words, standing among 100 men and women who I knew would stand the line until their last breath, I fought back tears. This is what our duty is. This is what we do. We stand—and fight, if we have to, to ensure liberty remains. Not for ourselves; brave and intrepid men already did that for you and I. Today we stood for the next generation, to prevent their bloodshed if we can, by pledging our own. We call for patriots among our countrymen to stand in their own state. It CAN be done. It MUST be done.
If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, so my child may have peace.
We will not comply.
Mike Vanderboegh at Our Capitol Our Rights Rally, Feb. 7th, 2015 Olympia WA http://youtu.be/CXCVStUGiCM Elizabeth Scott Address 2/7/2015 http://youtu.be/28S5jiCYDWA
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Washington: Game On
02/08/2015 09:01 AM
02/08/2015 09:01 AM
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I salute all the brave patriots in attendance. This needs to happen in all capitols across the country. One day a coordinated effort from all patriots so that it sinks in. We are not sheeple and not to be trifled with. Good job patriots.
Well, this is it.
Re: Washington: Game On
02/08/2015 01:34 PM
02/08/2015 01:34 PM
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Personally, I prefer the other approach of finding some spot out in the middle of nowhere which is a tactically sound defensible location, call it a sovereign trade zone, and NOBODY volunteering to get arrested.
Some people set up relatively permanent camp, others travel from free zone to free zone with different events scheduled for different weeks around the calendar. Think lots of Bundy Ranches scattered around the country, part gun show, part Bundy Ranch, part Burning Man and Rave.
.Gov could infiltrate and play games, but when it's all said and done, they get the message that it is NOT their turf, but the give back is no marches on capitols, unless they do raids on the sovereign zones, then whoever is marching on capitols is also not quite going to be in the "volunteer to be arrested" mode either.
Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.
Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: Washington: Game On
02/08/2015 04:10 PM
02/08/2015 04:10 PM
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Breacher, This coming June the people in Wash. are planning on setting up a T.A.Z at a gun show. They will be conducting business in direct violation of the 'new rules'.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Washington: Game On
02/08/2015 08:09 PM
02/08/2015 08:09 PM
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Lord Vader
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Breacher Personally, I prefer the other approach of finding some spot out in the middle of nowhere which is a tactically sound defensible location, call it a sovereign trade zone, and NOBODY volunteering to get arrested.
I am sorry to say this but there is one very big problem with your idea. There is not even one single tactically sound defensible location in the entire United States. If by defensible location you mean against Mutant Biker Zombies or a WarLord as in the Movie The Postman that is one thing but defense against a Government like the United States is simply and truthfully Not Doable. and will never be able to work and can never happen. I don't like to use the word impossible but in this case what you want is as close to impossible as anything can be. Of course this means that Enclaves or Autonomous Zones also will never work and can never work.
VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Re: Washington: Game On
02/09/2015 04:18 AM
02/09/2015 04:18 AM
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Originally posted by Lord Vader: [b]Breacher Personally, I prefer the other approach of finding some spot out in the middle of nowhere which is a tactically sound defensible location, call it a sovereign trade zone, and NOBODY volunteering to get arrested.
I am sorry to say this but there is one very big problem with your idea.
There is not even one single tactically sound defensible location in the entire United States.
Of course this means that Enclaves or Autonomous Zones also will never work and can never work. [/b]That is changing, social media other than official propaganda sites are changing the direction of the masses, the mainstream prestitutes are losing credibility every day while the truth is growing stronger. In a battle between force and an idea, the latter always prevails. Ludwig von Mises
PISTIS en XPICT faith in Christ
Re: Washington: Game On
02/09/2015 06:45 AM
02/09/2015 06:45 AM
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Lord Vader
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There are two things that need to be understood. My statement refers to the simple and plain TRUTH and FACT that there is no place in the United States that can be defended from the United States Military and if an Autonomous Zone can not be Defended then it can not exist for very long at least not without the Permission of the Ruling Government, and maybe I am a retard but I do not envision our current Government permitting an Autonomous Zone of Patriots etc to exist. Also no Future Government I can envision would permit any Autonomous Zone of People who refuse to follow Federal or State Law to Exist. Anyone for a Sharia Law Autonomous Zone? I also know that if I were President I would never permit a Sharia Law Autonomous Zone to exist anywhere in the United States. Also what I want to know is how do you or Breacher or anyone else who believes in Autonomous Zones intend to Defend them from a Government that has the Airpower that our Country possesses. Do Patriots have anti-aircraft missiles that I am unaware of? Another thing. That is changing, social media other than official propaganda sites are changing the direction of the masses, the mainstream prestitutes are losing credibility every day while the truth is growing stronger.
If or when the direction of the masses changes enough so that Autonomous Zones etc are fully workable and can exist then there will be no need for Patriot Autonomous Zones since the Republic will have been restored or it can be easily restored.
VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Re: Washington: Game On
02/09/2015 07:16 AM
02/09/2015 07:16 AM
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Autonomous zone and seat of a seditious rebellion are two different things. There are plenty of autonomous zones around the country and traditionally the ones which get hit are the ones where some group of people there decide they are going to use it as a forward operating base to conduct takeover operations somewhere. Even Communist China has allowed some autonomous zones. That was the internal diplomatic give-back after the Tienanmen Square thing in 1989. The Communist party of China was not going to give up the whole country, but Deng Xaopeng convinced them to give the people a region to go to, so they had already allowed Hong Kong and Taiwan to function as autonomous zones, and under the British, there was a part of Hong Kong called Kowloon City which was autonomous.
In the 1990s though, the Chinese were looking at giving up a swampy area just accross the straits from Hong Kong, since a lot of illegal trade had been going on there anyway, and a lot of PRC officials had their fingers in it anyway, so that got declared the zone for economic reasons. Go check out the developments on what was to be a Christian refugee camp with relatively free trade economics. That's the Shenzhen area. Check out videos of the area to see what economic success looks like.
In the Arab world, there have been little areas declared not subject to Sharia law. Dubai, kinda Muslim, but they wanted an area technically not in Saudi for whorehouses and discos. That's where the supermodel Australian chicks go to make $1200 a night.
It means you are not doing armed marches on any capitol or using it as a base from which to taunt the government to come and bomb you. Big reasons to make sure the persistently troublesome psych cases are weeded out or straightened out prior to permanent residency.
Nobody is carpet bombing any Indian reservations either.
These things run in stages:
Secret Known Tolerated Defacto Declared Officially recognized Sovereign
Now most private property in the US, on parcels large enough especially in the more sparsely populated areas of the western states you get all the way to somewhere between defacto and declared just by occupying the land legally. Official recognition is only one small step away when you are talking about municipal incorporation.
On municipal incorporation, you look at some of the big cities with strong liberal leanings and how they would regularly thumb their noses at conservative presidential administrations. SanFrancisco, Berkeley. Then you have New York City running its own spy agencies whose capabilities surpass a lot of national governments.
Then there is the defacto situation, like the Mormon Deseret, or Mormon colonies in Mexico. Vice media did an interesting series on that a few years back, related to the Romney family in Northern Mexico. They have had a defacto autonomous zone for over 100 years.
I would say to be on the safe side, for the first decade maybe, your population maintains some mobility. Temporary autonomous zones have their limitations, but can eventually benefit from permanent development. You see that with the snowbird RV people, setting up in parts of the Northwest in the summer, the southwest in the winter, eventually contributing to the infrastructure of the areas they frequent. At first it is just restroom facilities, repair shops and convenience stores, but eventually they become the lifeblood of some of the little towns. Usually supporting a couple RV dealerships, a VA clinic and some retiree services type things.
Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.
Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: Washington: Game On
02/09/2015 09:46 AM
02/09/2015 09:46 AM
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Originally posted by Lord Vader: There are two things that need to be understood.
My statement refers to the simple and plain [b]TRUTH and FACT that there is no place in the United States that can be defended from the United States Military [/b] To post specifics here would be an act of treason so all I can do is hint, but those like myself that have as construction workers built repaired upgraded facilities on Joint Base Lewis McChord know just how weak the combined armed services are at home. Still see a lot of fear mongering about Martial Law , as a soft form that is currently operating it is effective but if they tried the military enforced option they (the military) would cease to exist as a combat force.
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Re: Washington: Game On
02/09/2015 11:40 AM
02/09/2015 11:40 AM
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True, and we don't really have as much to worry about from the formal military, but the defacto occupation army made of up state and local level law enforcement, the true Praetorians, then that's something to worry about, except they also are denied access to the serious firepower.
In my area, the FBI does have defacto control over some multirole jet fighters, a full squadron of F15s to be exact, since a lot of the Air Force reservists are also in the FBI, but as long as their main focus remains chasing criminals who have money, we don't have to worry about that particular problem.
This is also where the public sympathy angle and public relations gets important, because whether it is Saddam, or OBL, or Farrakhan's people or us, there are plenty of warnings ahead of time and plenty of opportunity to play various diplomatic angles. My take on this is the Internet and satellite access will prevent another Waco or Ruby Ridge - as long as that access guarantees contact with armed and pissed off skilled people who can hit the siege from the outside or crowd in to join the cause, as was done at the Bundy Ranch.
The most relevant thing to observe on that right now is the situation in Eastern Ukraine, which is separating out along ethnic lines. That's with those subtle differences between Ukrainians and Russians, not like white vs nonwhite. If we address reality on this, 20 years from now, lets be realistic, we know how the demographic will work on this. The wild card on it however is the Hispanics. Right now the fastest growing demographic on both sides of the gun issue in California. The main demographic in the illicit arms trade, and the growing demographic in the law enforcement side, although I would be ashamed to say, but have to admit, the pictures I see of the cops kicking doors and confiscating guns are mostly white males, with Asians often calling the shots (like Iggy Chin who I think might have retired recently). I noticed mostly white faces on the BATF raid at Ares Armor too, even a guy who was a dead ringer lookalike for HossUSMC.
In Mexico though, those peasant militias in the southern regions have declared autonomous zones. Directly challenging corrupt local officials, but denying hostility to the central government. I think that's the way to go, which is why I try pretty hard to shut down the anti-Obama (or any president) rhetoric on sites I moderate. It benefits not at all to attack the presidency when we can't even run a single state, or even defacto state.
If an autonomous zone does not develop, or fails in some way, or is under a more expected heavy attack, then sure evacuate. You only really lose the infrastructure there if it actually gets hit, and then you are talking about heavily armed people rolling back and forth in convoy groups at odd hours to new undisclosed locations. If the place is not hit, reoccupied or burned to the ground, you simply go back and reoccupy it a year or so later.
That's where things can work for Kerodin's concept, but the real important thing on that also becomes the question of how we can help everyone make a living who does not already get a government check, and not rattle swords so hard that they start cutting off the government checks for those whose past service or social security contributions rate it. That's where the not quite declared defacto autonomous zones count for something. Really for that, imagine how much you accomplish, functionally, with a gated community.
Sure someone could in theory crash the gate, then you have the association dues, stuff people don't want to pay, but this whole thing requires that participatory citizenship, not a bunch of selfish loners who just want to tag along.
Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.
Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: Washington: Game On
02/09/2015 12:26 PM
02/09/2015 12:26 PM
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There are many examples of successful autonomous zones. The one thing they all have in common is that they do NOT look like some militarized compound with barbed wire and signs that say..."Moolisha Compound - Keep Out." They blend in with their surroundings ie hide in plain sight. All activity will or should be of a covert nature. Only those directly involved have any direct knowledge of who comes and goes or what business they conduct. While they may actively support the resistance, they will do so covertly.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Washington: Game On
02/09/2015 01:42 PM
02/09/2015 01:42 PM
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If I am not mistaken, a bunch of the people from Frugal Squirrels established one around ten years ago. They got control of a right of way leading in to a group of properties and when some hostile reporter/whistelblower types tried to get in to "expose" them, they were met at the point where the public part of the road ends, one guy went up to do the talking while a few others were hanging back armed with rifles, ran the reporters off the property and that was that.
Frugals of course banned most of us as it was in development.
Slab city out in the California desert is one example, except its a total shithole. Thing is the crazies seem to really like it and when they are out there, they don't seem to bother anybody who matters much to the NWO.
There is some group led by an MD out of the Las Vegas ares that has been lobbying for an autonomous zone with formal recognition from the get go. They want government aid and say they will scoop up lots of the homeless from the streets of Vegas, giving them homes and jobs, but they want exemptions from a bunch of Nevada laws. The Casino operators are allegedly backing it, but the state and city administrators are against it since it would move a bunch of the welfare administration jobs out of the area. Its like you have two groups competing with each other to farm the homeless. What I found interesting on that situation is the actual money interests, the casinos, are all for it, they just want the homeless away from the tourists, and the city is fighting them on it. Homeless criminals in front of tourists means lots of calls for police help, business for the jail, clients for the social service agencies, and jobs for city administration. Cleaning things up and giving the people more independence, means in the eyes of those "who matter" only the casinos win, oh, and the homeless who get jobs and homes win, but apparently that does not matter to the government.
Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.
Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: Washington: Game On
02/09/2015 06:01 PM
02/09/2015 06:01 PM
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Originally posted by Lord Vader: [b]Breacher Personally, I prefer the other approach of finding some spot out in the middle of nowhere which is a tactically sound defensible location, call it a sovereign trade zone, and NOBODY volunteering to get arrested.
I am sorry to say this but there is one very big problem with your idea.
There is not even one single tactically sound defensible location in the entire United States.
If by defensible location you mean against Mutant Biker Zombies or a WarLord as in the Movie The Postman that is one thing but defense against a Government like the United States is simply and truthfully Not Doable. and will never be able to work and can never happen.
I don't like to use the word impossible but in this case what you want is as close to impossible as anything can be.
Of course this means that Enclaves or Autonomous Zones also will never work and can never work. [/b]I seemed to have missed your post in the vet section with your branch and MOS, so that I can properly evaluate your contribution to the dialog in light of your vast military experience.
"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson www.dallascitytroop.org
Re: Washington: Game On
02/10/2015 06:43 AM
02/10/2015 06:43 AM
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Lord Vader
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Trapped in Rhode Island
I have a couple more points to make but first I need take care of Pericles Pericles I seemed to have missed your post in the vet section with your branch and MOS, so that I can properly evaluate your contribution to the dialog in light of your vast military experience.
CSC, Breacher and Strat can discuss this in a polite and respectful way, and most of the other Members are also capability of being respectful and I am trying to refrain from tit for tat insults and disrespect, so why can’t you. You are the type of person who is responsible for my opinion on Vets which is far too many of them are members in good standing of the Self-Admiration Society. Incase the meaning of what I said escapes you, I will put it another way. You feel that because you were in the US Military you are somehow better then those who have never served. I just stated my opinion which I did not base on any Military experience I based it on Logic using my Genius Level IQ. One side of a War in a relatively small confined area (Autonomous Zone) and no Heavy Weapons or Air Defense Capability vs a Modern Military with extensive Heavy Weapons and massive Air Attack Capability and with Nuclear Weapons and for all any of us know Chemical or Biological Weapons (United States Military), how hard is it to figure out which one will most likely lose. It doesn’t take a man with vast military experience. or my Genius Level IQ to figure it all out, any normally intelligent Patriot or member of this board should be able to figure it out. What I stated about Autonomous Zones being indefensible is simply the Truth and a Fact, and it doesn’t take a Military Background to to understand this, all it takes is intelligence and the ability to think logically which I have, but maybe you don’t. I have never posted anything about what if any Military background I have or don’t have and I don’t intend to do so now. But lets say I have never been in any branch of the Military, what does that have to do with what I posted about Autonomous Zones. It does not take a Military Genius to figure out that if one person has a rifle and another person has only a knife and they are standing 100 yd from each other in an empty field with no cover or concealment that the person with only the knife is a dead man if the man with the rifle wants to kill him unless the man has no ammo or he is blind and couldn’t hit the side of a barn. Or one person unarmed in an empty field vs 100 people on horseback wanting to put him under the hooves has zero chance of winning, the best he can hope for is to take one or two of the enemy with him and even that would be a long shot. So all a person needs to figure out that an Autonomous Zone defended only by Militia with no access to Heavy Weapons and with no Air Defense Capability has zero chance of winning against a Modern Military as in the United States Military which has Heavy Weapons like fairly Long Range Artillery and extensive Air Power including Nuclear Weapons, is Intelligence and it doesn’t even require being a real Genius who thinks logically as I do and am, all it takes is someone with average intelligence. The Truth and Fact is if the US Government didn’t care what the People of the United States and International Community thought and was willing to take the Political Fallout of it’s actions it could easily destroy any Autonomous Zone that any group of Patriots could create. One Autonomous Zone, One Nuke and good by Autonomous Zone. And it wouldn’t even take a Nuke all it would take is B52s and Dumb Bombs and no more Autonomous Zone. An Autonomous Zone could only exist with the permission of the Host Government and if that Government were to change and be replaced with one hostile to Autonomous Zones and wasn’t worried about any Political Problems. Think about the Vatican, it exists with the full permission of the Italian Government, but what if Fundamentalist Muslims were to take over Italy, you know the ones who hate Christians and Jews. I have a feeling that the Vatican would not last long in a Muslim Controlled Italy and what about a Jewish Autonomous Zone?
VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Re: Washington: Game On
02/10/2015 08:29 AM
02/10/2015 08:29 AM
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If anything ever gets to the point where you need to seriously fear nukes, artillery strikes and carpet bombing, then that's time to mobilize your entire population for guerilla warfare. Those sorts of things don't really just happen by surprise and when it's coming, everyone sees it coming.
What I am talking about is economic development and nationbuilding from the standpoint of getting the defacto respect of the central government, in a hard way or easy way sort of way.
Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.
Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: Washington: Game On
02/10/2015 10:00 AM
02/10/2015 10:00 AM
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Vader, We live under a 'soft' tyranny now. The enclave concept is one means of pushing back against it. In effect we are already at war. If and when things go hot it will become a far different game. They can't hit all the enclaves at once. And, once the first enclave is carpet bombed it will be the signal for everyone to implement the S.A.D. plan.
In the mean time establishing areas of self sufficient people who have no dependency on the government or the outside worlds infrastructure is much needed. It's hard for a tyrannical government to coerce folks who have no need of anything 'those people' have to offer. Nor is it as easy to blackmail folks who can fend for themselves, those who don't depend on any gov. aid or subsidy.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Washington: Game On
02/11/2015 02:46 AM
02/11/2015 02:46 AM
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You mention Jewish autonomous zones. They existed in Europe and much of the Middle East for centuries. Some formalized, most not, but everybody knew they were there. The Warsaw ghetto uprising was one example of pushback when the Germans went to put a larger one down by force, but the international campaign against the German government from around 1936 onward was the response to attacks on many smaller enclaves in Germany well prior to the official start of WW2.
A lot of speculation goes around on the question of whether or not they would have faired better if better armed, or armed at all. For us, that would not be the question. Roll up like that on any of our neighborhoods and you are in for a serious fight which can and will follow you home. Much of the Jewish problem of prewar Europe was that most international militancy was communist sympathetic and therefore answered to the Soviet government, or nationalist to the various countries that had Jewish populations and those had been either taken over, infiltrated or diplomatically controlled by the Germans. For example, Jewish facists in Italy finding themselves disenfranchised by their own government later in the game. The mass purges and executions in Northern Italy should be noted in contrast to the more combat related situation in Poland.
We are talking about a topography here that is much more pourus in relation to travel. It's not like we have the choke points of travel in the US where people depend on trains or limited numbers of roads laid out in horse and buggy days. We are also not very far from the availability of commercially available cargo drones with the ability to employ multi role technology from package delivery to precision bombing using the same essential hardware - just different packages.
Organized self government however, requires participatory citizenship, not just a bunch of selfish people voicing their opinion while jockeying for the best take from the trough. On that note, we have the real advantage of being able to pick our citizens. While those who recognize that maybe they are being taken advantage of get the opportunity to use the door, pick up and move while making their case on the net as to how well the government or population in a particular enclave treated them.
That's the two way street of Internet repuation on this. More on that part later and how it is now relating to a lot of the hippie type Eco-communes which have maintained a repuation of force feeding extreme left politics to their reside to and how disgruntled and disillusioned people in social media are forcing defacto changes with them.
Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.
Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.