Two NYPD Officers Murdered
12/20/2014 01:11 PM
12/20/2014 01:11 PM
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Two NYPD officers were assassinated by a lone gunman who committed suicide soon after, as officers were closing in on him. The motive was apparently revenge for the murder of Eric Garner. It looks like it's getting pretty ugly in New York. Two uniformed NYPD officers were shot dead Saturday afternoon as they sat in their marked police car on a Brooklyn street corner — in what investigators believe was a crazed gunman’s assassination-style mission to avenge Eric Garner and Michael Brown.
“It’s an execution,” one law-enforcement source said of the 3 p.m. shooting.
The tragic heroes were working overtime as part of an anti-terrorism drill in Bedford-Stuyvesant when they were shot point-blank in the head by the lone gunman, identified by sources as Ismaaiyl Brinsley, 28, who had addresses in Georgia and Brooklyn.
Moments after killing the two officers, he too was dead, having turned the gun on himself on a nearby subway platform as cops closed in.
“I’m Putting Wings on Pigs Today,” a person believed to be the gunman wrote on Instagram in a message posted just three hours before the officers were shot.
“They Take 1 Of Ours…Let’s Take 2 of Theirs,” the post continued, signing off with, “This May Be My Final Post.”
The Instagram page included an image of a silver automatic handgun with a wooden handle. Another image showed the same camouflage pants and distinctive blue sneakers worn by the gunman as his body was carried from the scene on a stretcher.
He used the hashtag #ShootThePolice, along with two other hashtags referencing Garner and Brown.
Brinsley walked up to the cops’ patrol car at the corner of Myrtle and Tompkins avenues, approaching from the sidewalk.
Witnesses told police that Brinsley wordlessly blasted into the patrol car’s front passenger-side window.
Then he stood stock still for a few moments, fleeing into the subway only when he heard the sirens of a second police car.
Once in the subway, “they engaged the guy and he did himself,” one investigator said.
Brinsley was a fugitive who had just murdered his girlfriend in Baltimore Saturday morning, sources told The Post.... Onward and upward, airforce
Re: Two NYPD Officers Murdered
12/20/2014 01:24 PM
12/20/2014 01:24 PM
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But due to the widespread abuse of authority, very few people out there are sympathizing with those cops who died.
On equipment: You get what you inspect, not what you expect. On training: Our drills are bloodless battles so that our battles are bloody drills. On tactics: Cheating just means you're serious about winning.
Re: Two NYPD Officers Murdered
12/21/2014 02:45 AM
12/21/2014 02:45 AM
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Lord Vader
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This may become very very interesting.
The media is reporting that the cops are saying if they want a war that is what they will get.
Some Cops are planning on being more aggressive and that will not make things better but will only make things worse and may lead to more people being abused and killed by Cops which may lead to more demonstrations and even riots and more Cops being Assassinated.
They already have a lot of the equipment and I believe they have the mindset that they are Soldiers so they just need to go the rest of the way which is what they now want to do.
The Government needs to prevent the Cops from doing this otherwise there may be a real War between the People and the Law Enforcers, which the Cops will lose.
VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Re: Two NYPD Officers Murdered
12/21/2014 06:43 AM
12/21/2014 06:43 AM
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Here\'s that rap video everyone is talking about that supposedly advocates the murder of police officers. (I don't know, because rap music gives me a headache.) A couple lawyers from a public defender's office - which receives tax dollars - appear in the video, much to the consternation of everyone. Onward and upward, airforce
Re: Two NYPD Officers Murdered
12/21/2014 09:46 AM
12/21/2014 09:46 AM
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Funny how this happens days before the un gun treaty. Oh ya and where is the the democracy president at with all things happening. Last I heard on a vacation golfing. Well isn't that special.
Re: Two NYPD Officers Murdered
12/21/2014 01:02 PM
12/21/2014 01:02 PM
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Lord Vader
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The police are thinking and acting like they usually do, as ignorant A-Holes and looking for payback for the death of one of their own. But at the same time they condemn others for wanting pay back for the death or one of their own in this case, Eric Garner.
What needs to be understood by everyone but especially the Government and their Law Enforcers is this.
When people lose faith in the Judicial System and that the Judicial System and it's Courts will punish the guilty and exonerate the innocent, they may begin to take Justice into their own hands.
As in the beginning of the TV Show the People's Court where it is stated: Don't take the Law into your own hands take them to Court. That is the way it should work, but if the People no longer believe that they will receive true Justice from the Courts they may and probably will stop seeking Justice through the official Legal System and start taking the Law and Justice into their own hands.
Today a significant percentage of the People now believe that when there is a situation of a Law Enforcer vs a regular Citizen the Courts will always side for and decide for the Law Enforcer even when there is overwhelming evidence of the Law Enforcer's guilt and the regular Citizens Innocence.
So when in cases like Eric Garner, a Grand Jury, in spite of overwhelming Evidence, refuses to Indict the Officer who killed a person who did not deserve to die, it is only normal human thinking and behavior to want get personal payback against the killer.
One important question is, not if but when people will start to take the Law and Justice into their own hands.
So while what happened to those two Cops in NYC is most likely the doing of a twisted mind or as it seems from the evidence a bad person who had already shot his ex-girlfriend and is not representative of what regular people are planning on doing, it is evidence of what may happen if Cops do not stop beating and killing innocent people and the Courts continue to exonerate Cops and in effect give them like James Bond a License to Kill.
If the NYC Cops come down hard on Blacks or people Protesting against the killing of Eric Garner, they just may push more people to the edge who will then start to kill more Cops in Revenge. And unless someone takes proper action to stop it, it will continue to escalate until there is a real War in the Streets of NYC, or wherever the Cops are killing people. And the Cops better be careful what they wish for since t hey just might get it, and it will not be fun for them.
VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Re: Two NYPD Officers Murdered
12/21/2014 05:04 PM
12/21/2014 05:04 PM
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Time magazine, way back in 2...d even ambush them in their patrol cars. They even singled out the Black Guerrilla Family as one of these dangerous groups and... Just kidding. They were talking about "right-wing" militias. Time Magazine warned of a growing threat to cops nationwide in September 2010. The nationally renowned publication argued that sinister individuals would launch targeted attacks against police officers and even ambush them in their patrol cars.
Time alerted readers that these groups and individuals have a disturbing hatred of cops and that there was a real threat of “lone-wolf” attacks.
Who are these groups that present such a threat to police? Right-wing militias, according to Time.
In a lengthy six-page article entitled “The Secret World of Extremist Militias,” then-Time Contributing Editor-at-Large Barton Gellman made the case that America should be deeply worried about private citizens forming militias.
“Scores of armed antigovernment groups, some of them far more radical, have formed or been revived during the Obama years, according to law-enforcement agencies and outside watchdogs. A six-month TIME investigation reveals that recruiting, planning, training and explicit calls for a shooting war are on the rise, as are criminal investigations by the FBI and state authorities. Readier for bloodshed than at any time since at least the confrontations in the 1990s in Ruby Ridge, Idaho, and Waco, Texas, the radical right has raised the threat level against the President and other government targets,” the article says.
It even claimed that militia violence, whatever that constituted, was on the rise, and more bloodshed should be expected.
“With violence already up on a modest scale, FBI, Department of Homeland Security [DHS] and state agencies point to two main dangers of a mass-casualty attack: that a group of armed radicals will strike out in perceived self-defense, or that a lone wolf, trained and indoctrinated for war, will grow tired of waiting,” Gellman wrote.
Gellman goes on to claim that these groups have a “dangerous” ideology, which includes patriotism and a strong support for the Second Amendment. He spends most of the article trying to link unrelated acts of violence by white supremacists to “patriot” militia groups, and attempts to coax his interview subjects to say they are ready to commit acts of terrorism.
The author specifically warns that these groups pose an imminent threat to law enforcement officials and should be closely monitored. Gellman relies heavily on a retracted 2009 DHS report — simply titled “Rightwing Extremism” — for his finding. That very same report was quickly pulled by the DHS after its release and was widely criticized for claiming that ordinary citizens upset by the election of President Barack Obama pose a danger to the country.
Since the article’s publication, there have hardly been any reported cases of violence stemming from individuals connected to the militia movement. There is one possible case from June of this year, but it could not be determined whether the two killers in the Las Vegas shooting spree had any connections with militia groups.
Meanwhile, the suspected gunman behind the Saturday ambush of two New York City police officers was certainly not a right-wing militant. Ismaaiyl Brinsley was reportedly a member of the notorious prison gang, the Black Guerrilla Family, which espouses a mix of black nationalism and Marxism. The gang declared “open season” on NYPD officers earlier in December following the non-indictment of the officer involved in the death of Eric Garner.
A thorough search of Time’s archive produced no stories about the threat that communists, black nationalists or prison gangs pose to police. Time's ESP seems to be a little worse than mine, and that's saying something. Onward and upward, airforce
Re: Two NYPD Officers Murdered
12/21/2014 05:55 PM
12/21/2014 05:55 PM
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You have that whole authority mentality with those people that is legendary but lets not lose sight of the fact that city has pretty fucked up values. Fucked up for a while.
What we need to be looking out for is when one side or the other "wins" that conflict and establishes dominance.
Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.
Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: Two NYPD Officers Murdered
12/22/2014 02:42 AM
12/22/2014 02:42 AM
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Originally posted by Breacher:
What we need to be looking out for is when one side or the other "wins" that conflict and establishes dominance. One side has already established dominance.;f=22;t=001473;p=1#000000 This is why the people are beginning to push back.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Two NYPD Officers Murdered
12/22/2014 03:37 AM
12/22/2014 03:37 AM
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They are pushing for violence in the streets, They believe if it all explodes, They will clamp down and bring about the change they want.. I believe if it explodes they will attempt to secure the country, but they will lose it.. Lose it back to the people in the long run, after much bloodshed.. The politicians, gangs and criminals will meet a fine end..
I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.
Jimmy Greywolf
Re: Two NYPD Officers Murdered
12/23/2014 07:59 AM
12/23/2014 07:59 AM
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Charles DiRosa of Chicopee, Massachusetts, is facing criminal charges. Why? Because he posted "Put Wings on Pigs" on his Facebook page. ...A Chicopee police spokesman says the phrase is a threat “in the eyes of every police officer in America today.”
DiRosa will be summonsed to court for Threat To Commit a Crime, police said.
Police will file a complaint in court seeking a show-cause hearing. If the court determines the complaint is valid, a trial will be scheduled.... Onward and upward, airforce