Re: The Scotland Vote
09/18/2014 07:03 AM
09/18/2014 07:03 AM
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You know, I generally support secessionist movements, but I really don't have a dog in this fight. My ancestors on my father's side came from England so many years ago that the only thing we retain from England is an English last name. But with that being said, it is amusing to see the anti-secessionist people jump through hoops to get the Scots to vote No. Perhaps the best one is the argument from the American Weekly Standard who want the Scots to vote no because Putin and the Russians : ...It is not at all far-fetched to imagine Vladimir Putin offering financial aid to a post-independence Scotland that will inevitably face severe economic challenges.
The price for that aid might include, among other things, basing rights for Russian military and naval forces. Certainly there would be little or nothing that the United Kingdom could do if an independent Scotland decided to rent its deep water submarine port at Faslane to Russia’s Northern fleet or if it let Russian maritime air patrols fly out of former RAF air bases.
That would essentially mean a shifting of NATO’s frontier hundreds of miles to the West and a revolutionary change in the balance of power in Europe.... Heh-heh. And you thought the Cold War was over. Onward and upward, airforce
Re: The Scotland Vote
09/18/2014 08:39 AM
09/18/2014 08:39 AM
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Scoitel be they picts will vote aye in the preliminary and nay in the final. Just to create confusion. As far as Belfast its a question of the Troubles II. I am very tuned in and Aware of Ireland's issues. Right Now the Stormont is at the edge of collapse. The money that the Brits promised at the good Friday accords is being squandered and soon to be cut off. This is going to effectively dissolve any reason for Sein Fein to have a hold of IRA actions.
Britain is playing games this year they arrested Gerry Adams and they arrested the Loyalist Leader from the UDF at the same time. The UDF leader was arrested for a murder he committed 20 years ago. Gerry was arrested in connection with a murder in 72. When he was the Provisional Commander of the PIRA. So Gerry was more a political as he was covered under the good Friday accords.The UDF cat was not covered as his was a murder for money deal. UDF does the drugs and murder thing still. Very big money maker for them.
The PIRA/CIRA/RIRA/AIRA/TIRA did a stand down and a partial dis armament. The UDF did not.
Financially it will be a boon for the Picts as they can set their own import export rates for a change.
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Re: The Scotland Vote
09/18/2014 09:17 AM
09/18/2014 09:17 AM
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Here is Barack Obama on the vote: The UK is an extraordinary partner for America and a force for good in an unstable world. I hope it remains strong, robust and united. So says the president of a country that itself broke away from England. You just can't make this stuff up. Onward and upward, airforce
Re: The Scotland Vote
09/18/2014 10:19 AM
09/18/2014 10:19 AM
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First off the POTUS weighing in on an area where he has no dog in the fight is a fool.
I have no issue with what the Picts do as it is a stab in the eye of the crown. And that is cool with me.
As you said the US left. And we should encourage others to do so as well. It is a testament to his socialist agenda that he forgot so completely the origins of the US.
India left and has done fine . No global invasions by the commie Bogey man or anything. The Picts will be fine.Now to get the bastards out of Eire Og.
And to quote my good friend and Family *Reid.
Not for Pope and Not for Crown but for the Rights of Man and freedom of Choice. To set our own Course and to Exercise our own self determination. That is what it means to Unite the Emerald Isle.
This is what is being struggled for . Many lost their way in that struggle. Many forgot and went off course. Families betrayed time and time again. Victorys defeated by sinister back room deals. The Crowns Dole bought many a loyalty. The tortures endured are the exact same that the CIA has did at Gitmo and TOR Jail.
Everyone due to the cold war put the plights of the "occupied" on the back burner as more pressing issues were dealt with. Political deals were made and alliances forged. Based on not getting involved with the affairs of the UK.
Then as now the Media was a mouthpiece of the Governments.
Thus is the way it is. We are not to far off again our ownself this time we are fighting not the crown and not the occupier but the creation of our own design.
You cannot win by passive actions alone and you cannot win by hoping for a champion. Mindset is the driving force. You must have it in your mind that you must do something to chip away at big brother. You must resist and you must teach your family to resist.
People are not awake even the ones who claim to be awake know not whats really involved with any tasks they may have to partake in.
It may start small but rest assured it will not end small.
Funny thing the Picts hate oblamea a lot so much so that he may have just guaranteed the yes for independence.
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Re: The Scotland Vote
09/18/2014 10:41 AM
09/18/2014 10:41 AM
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The polls closed less than an hour ago. For those interested, you can watch the results come in here . If you can make any sense of those Scottish accents, anyway. Onward and upward, airforce
Re: The Scotland Vote
09/18/2014 11:15 AM
09/18/2014 11:15 AM
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All those centuries of fighting. Now they're finally going to have a vote on the matter and its likely they're going to decide against it. What would WIlliam Wallace and Rob Roy say?
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Re: The Scotland Vote
09/18/2014 12:09 PM
09/18/2014 12:09 PM
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The Scots of today are no where near the quality of a Wallace or a Roy. Hence Scoitel Scottish in name only. a Picture of a Pict. But to put a stick in the bonnet of the crown and to inconvenience it at every turn should be the goal of the free man or those aspiring to be free.
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Re: The Scotland Vote
09/18/2014 02:32 PM
09/18/2014 02:32 PM
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In very early returns, independence is losing 58% to 42%. You can watch the returns live here. Onward and upward, airforce