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America’s Militia Movement is Back From the Dead #157570
07/30/2014 04:12 AM
07/30/2014 04:12 AM
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America’s Militia Movement is Back From the Dead

Joshua Krause
The Daily Sheeple
July 30, 2014

During the 1990′s the growth of the militia movement surged at the heels of several national events. The Cold War had finally ended, but suspiciously, the United States’ global military apparatus did not shrink away. Domestically, the police state we know and love today began to assert itself. It could be argued that this new force in American affairs manifested in the events that transpired at Waco and Ruby Ridge. Suddenly the American public came face to face with the true nature of their government in a very publicized and horrifying way. Most people talked about it, and promptly went on with their daily lives as usual. As for the rest, that tiny vocal minority…they joined militias.

For the most part, it was also an extension of the survival movement of the 80′s. Perhaps with the threat of nuclear war no longer plaguing America’s psyche, they began to see that the invader was not some ushanka wearing commie from Siberia. The real invader had been in our back yard the entire time, busy infecting every layer of American society, and it had been around for a long long time. Those who were aware of this encroaching tyranny did what most humans do when they feel threatened by something bigger than themselves. They banded together. Under the banner of several different ‘right of center’ ideologies, they prepared for the possibility that they may have to go to war with their government someday.

However, the movement was short lived. After the events of the Oklahoma City bombing transpired, the public’s view of the militia movement soured in big way (though the official version of those events are questionable). For the rest of the 90′s, most of the militia movements had been infiltrated and provocateured . As the most extreme examples of this anti-government movement received the most media attention, the moderates got cold feet and left in droves. This process continued well into the election of George Bush Jr., which managed to placate the moderate conservatives enough to believe that the tyranny experienced under Clinton was a thing of the past. At this point the militia movement was “dead on arrival”.

For the most part the movement had been silent for many years, with the setup of the Hutaree militia, and the Minutemen’s arrival on the border being the exceptions. But the situation that developed at the Bundy Ranch earlier this year officially ended the silence and decline of the militia movement. They turned a situation that most people (myself included) were certain was going turn into Waco, and instead, they forced the Federal authorities to stand down without bloodshed. It was a rather decisive moral victory, and probably helped the militia “image” so to speak.

Now this new fledgling militia movement appears to be heading south. According to the San Antonio Express, various militia groups are pouring onto the Texas border to help deal with the influx of illegal aliens. So far these aren’t the Minutemen, but about a dozen other similar groups with names like the “Central Valley Militia”, and “Operation Secure our Border”.

Of course the Minuteman haven’t disappeared completely. Jim Gilchrist is attempting to revive the movement with the current border crisis. They’re hoping to recruit 3500 members in the next year with what they’re dubbing, Operation Normandy. Of course, the usual suspects at the SPLC have come out to condemn the Minutemen, and criticize the wider militia movement with the typical claims of racism and extremism.

These new movements however, appear to be playing it safer than their 90′s counterparts. Gilchrist is instructing the resurgent Minutemen to basically carry kid gloves:

“You do not put a hand on anyone, you do not talk to anyone, you do not confront anyone,” Gilchrist told the network. “You report to Border Patrol.”

Meanwhile the border groups in Texas are being instructed on their rules of engagement.

“(Rules of Engagement) is if in fear of bodily injury, weapons free, if fired upon, return fire. Real simple,” member KC Massey posted along with a photo on Facebook. “We are not worried about an “International” incident if they shoot at us.”

They appear to be taking a purely self defensive stance, which is what put them on the moral high ground at the Bundy Ranch. It’s a recipe for success. And who could forget that the bizarre Las Vegas cop killers were forced to leave the Bundy Ranch for reasons that haven’t been fully disclosed. It appears the movement has learned its lesson from the 90′s, and is successfully keeping the crazies out.

This new breed isn’t playing toy soldiers. They’re getting very serious about quality control and hopefully, keeping informants out. If they can do all that and keep from fighting each other, then they stand a good chance of making a difference. Most importantly, they need to maintain a self defensive stature. That’s ultimately what destroyed the militia movement nearly 20 years ago. Going out and bombing buildings and robbing banks is a fast path towards bringing the full weight of the Feds down on you. It’s a failed strategy, and if this generation can avoid it, they stand a decent chance of protecting our freedoms in the long term.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: America’s Militia Movement is Back From the Dead #157571
07/30/2014 05:42 AM
07/30/2014 05:42 AM
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Originally posted by ConSigCor:
...Jim Gilchrist is attempting to revive the movement with the current border crisis. They’re hoping to recruit 3500 members in the next year with what they’re dubbing, Operation Normandy....

“You do not put a hand on anyone, you do not talk to anyone, you do not confront anyone,” Gilchrist told the network. “You report to Border Patrol.”
Meanwhile the border groups in Texas are being instructed on their rules of engagement.

“(Rules of Engagement) is if in fear of bodily injury, weapons free, if fired upon, return fire. Real simple,” member KC Massey posted along with a photo on Facebook. “We are not worried about an “International” incident if they shoot at us.”
They appear to be taking a purely self defensive stance, which is what put them on the moral high ground at the Bundy Ranch. It’s a recipe for success....
I respectfully disagree. I think it's a recipe for a set-up. If they succeed, no one will ever know it - certainly, the Border Patrol will never give them any credit. And if they're drawn into a fight, even if it's clearly self-defense, guess who's going to get the blame.

I keep saying this, but the militia men on the border can't win. They could possible score a draw, but only with a massive, well-planned public relations campaign which we haven't seen any evidence of yet. But they can sure lose.

This just isn't the kind of operation that we can afford to waste our time and resources on. If you're going to pick a fight, pick one that you can win.

Onward and upward,

Re: America’s Militia Movement is Back From the Dead #157572
07/30/2014 07:12 AM
07/30/2014 07:12 AM
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I think they have definitely gotten smarter about ROE and it will be on the cartels and their lackeys to be at fault if something starts, but we don't have anything to go on at this point.

What surprises me however is how the growing ceasefire shows more, not less, evidence of cartel and government collusion.

The government people sympathetic to one cartel or another don't have major issues with their people firing up other government people who they know are sympathetic to and working on behalf of a rival cartel, or are order takers trying to do their job within the rules the way Brian Terry was.

Now enter the wild card, a large force of angry gringos who have demonstrated they will resist itching their trigger fingers but really want to mix it up with someone. That means the usual backroom dealmaking after a shootout is not going to work here. The only direction it would go is escalation since there are no concessions that a particular cartel or law enforcement group has to offer which would satisfy the situation peacefully. The militia guys would not care the least to be allowed an extra day or two per month of their guy being at the border checkpoint to let his own people through, or a better wholesale deal on the next few loads of cocaine.

If cops working for cartel A get wind of a shipment owned by cartel B go and have a shootout with the enforcers of cartel B, they all know how their little arrangements work. Cops working for Cartels A, B and C all sneak around each other at the threat briefings, jousting for that next promotion which advantages themselves and their cartel, while their supervisors play them off against each other for better bust numbers. If something gets out of hand between them, a peace is brokered and concessions made among the dealmakers who are rivals, but its not like no limits warfare between them. They all know the score and have a pretty good idea which guys are corrupt on behalf of which cartels.

In that sense, the cops all know they are a team too. The harder it becomes to get stuff across the border, the more bribe money they can squeeze for less work protecting some particular shipment. Instead of guiding his coworkers away from one cartel's shipment and toward another for say $500 per, a few times a month, he then tells them he can only create one time window per month to get by the militia patrols, and that will cost the cartel $2500 per shipment on the designated route. Word gets around that the presence of militias means the price of letting a shipment through has gone up, they all want in on the action, nobody wants to be the punk of the litter, so they raise the bribe prices to the cartels.

That whole gravy train gets problematic if the cartels on their own decide to try and eradicate a militia patrol in a terror operation, and then thousands more militia show up to game on with the cartels, and you have these ex-CIA black ops guys who know how to play big boys rules picking people up badge or not and torture information out of them as to which cartels they have been in contact with and who ordered the wipeout of a patrol.

Then that snowballs into cross border raids, and direct conflict with Mex military who either shielded the hit team, or probably provided personnel for extra cash.

Advisers to the cartels are not stupid and neither is the cartel leadership, or the current leadership. Notice that they apparently are not yet firing up any of the militia patrols to declare war on them, and someone who understands what will seriously upset the apple cart if they do has been explaining it to them, and probably threatening them with heavy discipline if they do. Interesting, because that shows government enforced levels of discipline on the part of the cartels.

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Re: America’s Militia Movement is Back From the Dead #157573
07/30/2014 03:44 PM
07/30/2014 03:44 PM
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Something I'm not hearing much about is that the militia groups are "coordinating" with the Border Patrol. What does this mean? Well, it means the militias are conducting their operations wherever the Border Patrol tells them to.

I'm not an especially imaginative person (I'm a retired corrections officer, after all), but three possible scenarios come to mind:

1. The Border Patrol is very appreciative of all this help, and uses the militia groups to fill the gaps in their own coverage.

2. The Border Patrol is less than enthused about all this help, and puts the militia groups in out-of-the-way places where they're not likely to get into any trouble.

3. The government figures this is a good way to discredit the militia. They put them someplace where there is a high likelihood of something happening. Afterwards, the government will spin the incident in such a way to make the militia groups look bad.

I put the odds of #1 at roughly zero. If I were a gambling man (I'm not) I would put my money on #2. I wouldn't bet the farm on it though, because I consider option #3 to be a very real possibility. I certainly wouldn't put it past the government to try it.

Onward and upward,

Re: America’s Militia Movement is Back From the Dead #157574
07/30/2014 04:57 PM
07/30/2014 04:57 PM
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There are things that are in motion, and we will see how they play out - at that point I'll comment more completely.

The ROE are such that we would be governed by TX law on use of force / deadly force as individuals. That puts us in the position of having the property owner having us enforce his property rights. Thus, the illegals become trespassers, and the rules on trespass apply. We can't use deadly force to prevent trespass, only to protect persons from assault and property from theft.

For any real good to come from a deployment, the relationships have to be built with property owners, the BP, and the county sheriffs. With the amount of corruption that the money flow brings, that will be difficult.

The game changer is if the Governor of Texas exercises his power under state law to call forth the militia - it then becomes a state operation and the militias are incorporated into the state military forces by operation of law.

"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson
Re: America’s Militia Movement is Back From the Dead #157575
07/31/2014 08:56 AM
07/31/2014 08:56 AM
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My understanding is a bunch of the low level boots on the ground Border Patrol people do appreciate the help, but the higher ranking ones officially deny it and can use their authority to swap people around to the point your friendly Border Patrol guy will get a surprise transfer then a bunch of assholes show up to your camp and wreck everything.

Another thing which trumps a lot of official BS is public consent and the interests of crime victims, that's how the anti-cartel militias in southern Mexico are doing it. Large public meetings with members of the public who make it clear they have popular consent and support. The landowners in bed with the cartels then just get rolled up and run out of town. Kind of harsh on their property rights, but the townspeople were having a lot to say in public statements and video about daughters being kidnapped and workers forced to work without pay.

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