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Couple Forced to Dig Up Their Vegetable Garden #156803
11/28/2013 04:52 AM
11/28/2013 04:52 AM
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For 17 years, Tom Carroll and his wife have grown a vegetable garden in the front yard of their Miami Shores, Florida home. But now they've been forced to dig it up because it violates a new zoning ordinance .

Few things in life are as benign as a home vegetable garden.

But for the residents of Miami Shores, Fla., growing veggies can land you a fine — the type you eventually can’t afford.

That’s what happened to Hermine Ricketts and her husband, Tom Carroll. For the past 17 years they’ve grown a garden in the front yard of their modest South Florida home. The backyard, they say, doesn’t get enough sunlight.

But in May, the city put the couple’s garden, and any others like it, in their legal crosshairs.

A new zoning ordinance designed to “protect the distinctive character of the Miami Shores Village,” was enacted and specifically prohibited vegetables – not fruit, trees or even plastic flamingos – from appearing in front yards.

Shortly after, the couple received a visit from their local code enforcement officer. They were given a choice: Uproot the garden or pay a $50 per day fine to keep it....
The couple are taking the case to court, with the help of the Institute fro Justice . I wish them well.

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Re: Couple Forced to Dig Up Their Vegetable Garden #156804
11/28/2013 04:58 AM
11/28/2013 04:58 AM
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We hear about that sort of thing here and wonder what the heck is going wrong in the deep south. Same issue going on in some Georgia cities too.

It is actually fashionable here in Portland to have a vegetable garden in the front yard and there is enough overproduction that the surplus regularly shows up at the food banks.

Some people don't like it because if the vegetables are not regularly picked, or picked up when they fall, it attracts rats. That's why my landlord did the jerk move of cutting down the pear tree in the back yard but I guess there were other reason for it. Either way, I am looking to move but did learn the less on about how it can be problematic to have the garden really close to the house.

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Re: Couple Forced to Dig Up Their Vegetable Garden #156805
11/28/2013 05:17 AM
11/28/2013 05:17 AM
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Unfortunately, Reconstruction is still ongoing.

The carpet baggers invaded and never left.

Re: Couple Forced to Dig Up Their Vegetable Garden #156806
11/28/2013 06:57 AM
11/28/2013 06:57 AM
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In the sixties we used to call Miami the southern suburb of New York.

I see nothings changed.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Couple Forced to Dig Up Their Vegetable Garden #156807
11/28/2013 07:05 AM
11/28/2013 07:05 AM
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This is actually one of three cases involving food that the Institute for Justice has taken on. They're also involved in the Minnesota Cottage Food case and a lawsuit involving raw milk in Oregon .

The Institute for Justice is one of those little libertarian organizations that really does yeoman's service in the cause of liberty. Not many of us have a lot of free cash this time of year, but if you do happen to have a couple bucks, you can donate to them here .

Onward and upward,

Re: Couple Forced to Dig Up Their Vegetable Garden #156808
11/28/2013 07:16 AM
11/28/2013 07:16 AM
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otice to our Customers:

WSDA (washington state department of agriculture) and the Snohomish County Conservation District will be forcing Old Silvana Creamery, LLC to close.

I want to be clear that what the WSDA and the Snohomish County Conservation District is doing to us has nothing to do with the fact that we are a licensed raw milk dairy. These are regulations that are imposed on all dairy farmers in Washington state, no matter how small or large.

I had a scheduled meeting yesterday with the WSDA and the Snohomish County Conservation district. I knew they were going to give me grief about not implementing their costly rainwater retention ideas. They also want me to keep records of when and how much manure I spread on my field, take soil samples, etc.. So I had my son take pictures of the meeting (which they didn't like). I had no idea they were going to deem my manure lagoon as unusable.

Back in 1984, my dad had a manure lagoon dug on our farm which was "certified" by the Conservation district, he had another but much smaller lagoon dug about 150 yards from the "certified" lagoon. The smaller lagoon was identically dug/built just like the larger lagoon but a smaller size. Because this smaller lagoon possibly never received certification from the "powers that be", I am now told I cannot use it to store the manure from my cows. Also, it cannot be certified now because the rules for building lagoons have been changed (older certified lagoons are grandfathered) and without a place to store the cow manure I will not be issued the required "Farm Plan". The larger lagoon that was "certified", still exists but sits on property that we sold when we went bankrupt dairy farming back in 1998.

Also according to their "calculations", I have too many cows on our land and need to obtain at least 8 more acres for manure distribution to be in compliance. How do they come up with this garbage? Are they sure I need 8 acres, maybe 7.5 or 8.3 is more accurate? This is in addition to all the thousands of dollars they want me to spend on their water retention ideas. I told them I want and need the water from my roofs to make the cow manure wet enough to pump on the fields. That's when he told me I might have to buy a solids separator (thousands of dollars)! They have complicated formulas they've come up with to determine how many animals you can have on your land as well as how much manure you can spread on your fields and when you can spread. Never mind that we started dairy farming here back in 1977 and have never had problems with our cow manure running into our neighbors fields, well water or ditches (we had over 300 cows then).

They claim we MIGHT contaminate ground water. Aren't we supposed to be "innocent until proven guilty"? I haven't heard of any complaints from my neighbors that their water tastes like manure. These people seem to think cow manure is worse than all the pesticide and herbicide chemical crap crop farmers are putting into their soil. Cow manure builds the soil, it doesn't take away from it. This is why crop farmers will trade with dairy farmers their nutrient depleted fields for half of the amount in dairy fields plus do the tractor work to reseed the fields once the land swap is done. Cow manure helps build humus. There is nothing better than dairy ground for growing almost everything! On a side note, what about all the Bison that covered the plains 150 years ago? Somebody should have told them they were contaminating the ground water, to many Bison per acre! No fences to keep them from pooping in the rivers?

My Dad, my brother and myself all had to file bankruptcy back in 1998 because we tried everything we could to save our farm. In the end we sold all our cows, most of our farming equipment and were forced to sell 100 acres just so we could save the 20 acres of land that surrounds the barns and houses plus we still have a mortgage on the 20 acres. Do they care more about our farm and land than we do? These "Farm Plan" recommendations/regulations were voluntary up until later in 1998 when the state legislature made them mandatory. These requirements now give the Conservation districts the role of the "good cop" that's just trying to mediate and help you (sarcasm) with dealing with the "bad cop" aka Washington State Department of Agriculture (excellent job justification for Conservation districts employees). When they are pressed about what they are doing to dairy farmers they pass the blame onto the Department of Ecology or the Federal government (USDA,
FEMA, EPA, etc.).The people that administer and enforce these regulations use the excuse that they are "just following orders" (how many times has that one been used in history?) or they say "It's the law". Is a law that basically says your guilty of damage before any damage is even done, a just law?
Because I am required to get a license to produce and sell milk, they have power over me to force costly changes to my dairy farm. If I don't implement the changes, they take my license and I believe that is what they will do to us. If you have beef cattle, there are no regulations/requirements on where to direct the rain from your barn roof, store the animals manure or the application of manure on fields/pastures but I have been told by the Conservation District, those rules will be coming for beef farmers as well.

They tell me that if I can't afford these costly changes to our dairy that I can apply for grants and get you, the taxpayer to pay for them. I told them that why should the people of Washington/U.S. pay for my dairy farm?? Especially for changes that I believe are totally unnecessary. This whole thing makes me sick. Where is my right to farm and make a living for my family?? We farmed here since 1977, went broke in 1998, my wife, our four children and I started up dairy farming again almost two years ago (next Friday is our 2 year anniversary). Here's a link to an article written about us back in February We are supplying people with a very wholesome, nutritious, desirable product and now they throw this at us. Isn't this kind of dairy farming the perfect example of what a lot of us want to see return? Instead they treat us as if we are children or just ignorant country folk out to destroy
the land we are trying to make our living from. I have heard that Snohomish County wants to keep farmers and farm land here in the county. Save the Farmland! is the cry, well what do you call the land if there is nobody to farm on it?
The only way I can see Old Silvana Creamery continuing is for a change in the RCW (revised code of washington) via our state legislature. At the least, small dairies like ours should not be forced into costly changes to our farms. No dairy, big or small should be fined/penalized for simply farming our land when there is no proof or history of damage to our neighbors.
Thanks for taking the time to read about our problems with these farm destroying government agencies,
Jim Sinnema
Old Silvana Creamery

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Re: Couple Forced to Dig Up Their Vegetable Garden #156809
11/28/2013 07:47 AM
11/28/2013 07:47 AM
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Strat, are they doing anything in the courts to turn this around?

Onward and upward,

Re: Couple Forced to Dig Up Their Vegetable Garden #156810
11/28/2013 07:52 AM
11/28/2013 07:52 AM
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Funny how bad laws are the worst form of tyranny on the people. Even more funny is how those who choose to serve and protect the people stand by allow it to happen enforce the bad laws. All the while saying I'm just following orders to clear there consciousence.

Re: Couple Forced to Dig Up Their Vegetable Garden #156811
11/28/2013 10:40 AM
11/28/2013 10:40 AM
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Originally posted by airforce:

Strat, are they doing anything in the courts to turn this around?

Onward and upward,
The bureaucracies in WA state run on fraud and theft, one dairy had a 11 million gallon manure lagoon, because the county got some of the grant money they gave the dairy a permit to raise the dikes to increase the manure capacity of the lagoon, the problem is the fresh water table is ground level, stack liquid manure than high and it contaminates the ground water, every neighbor had manure colored water coming out of their taps, wells contaminated.

Other lagoon have failed when agitated flooding the river with manure from the failed manure lagoon dike.

They shut down dairies with no waste issues, make dairies pay into local city waste water treatment systems even though the dairy is outside city limits and have nothing to do with local city sewer.

Dairies with defective lagoons or should not have that system period gets gov grants and permits and legal protection, other dairies just the opposite.

The dairy with the 11 million gallon lagoon has a methane digester PUD power generation plant near by, the other Tualco dairies process the manure extract the methane and solids and used the left over liquid to drill injection fertilize the soil ( works well on uneven ground ) .

Even though the farmers can operate with better ecological money ,making management the bureaucracies force them to damage the land rivers water tables and pay the gov to fuck everything up. ,

One reason I moved away from the coast is it is the same in the whole coastal Puget sound region, fraud black male bribery are the operating principles of Washington government.

PISTIS en XPICT faith in Christ
Re: Couple Forced to Dig Up Their Vegetable Garden #156812
11/28/2013 11:42 AM
11/28/2013 11:42 AM
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I wish I had an answer for them, but I don't. It probably wouldn't hurt to explain the problem to the Institute for Justice and some other legal aid places, but I don't know how much help they would be. Probably the best thing they can do is just to publicize their predicament, which is what they're already doing. frown

I know of at least a couple hog feeder operations around here that have manure lagoons, but I honestly don't know that much about them. I wouldn't have thought it would be economical for a little 20-acre dairy operation, but I guess it must be. I know the EPA is involved with manure lagoons, under the guise of the Clean Water Act, but as far as I know Oklahoma isn't involved with regulating them. I don't know if they require an environmental impact statement.

Would USObserver get involved with something like this?

Onward and upward,

Re: Couple Forced to Dig Up Their Vegetable Garden #156813
11/28/2013 12:03 PM
11/28/2013 12:03 PM
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Originally posted by airforce:
Would USObserver get involved with something like this?

Onward and upward,
Same county Planning and Development Services as went after me, after my case the PDS went into tailspin and has only gotten worse.

PDS just got done stealing property from a old woman, they paid 400k for the property then took the money back charged her interest on the money and kept the property.

I really could document case after case of gross malicious aggravated crime by the counties of western wa, nothing will change until the criminals start dying early deaths.

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Re: Couple Forced to Dig Up Their Vegetable Garden #156814
11/28/2013 12:44 PM
11/28/2013 12:44 PM
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I would tell you what I'm really thinking, but this is a family website. mad

Since USObserver beat them once, maybe they'll do it again at a discounted price. Other than that, I'm really out of ideas.

Onward and upward,

Re: Couple Forced to Dig Up Their Vegetable Garden #156815
11/28/2013 04:23 PM
11/28/2013 04:23 PM
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There is only one solution for those people.

The final solution.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Couple Forced to Dig Up Their Vegetable Garden #156816
11/29/2013 03:13 PM
11/29/2013 03:13 PM
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The last box we have is the cartridge box to deliver that final solution.

Grass fed's what's fer supper July 4th.

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