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Another Asset Forfeiture Outrage #156690
09/25/2013 06:43 AM
09/25/2013 06:43 AM
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The feds have seized $35,000 from a small grocer's bank account, because they didn\'t like the way the grocer was depositing money in his bank account .


Schott's Market, in Fraser, Michigan, was robbed in January of this year. Unfortunately for Terry Dehko and his daughter, Sandy, who own the place, the thieves are government agents in the emply of the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS doesn't even allege that the Dehkos committed a crime to justify cleaning out their bamk account using civil asset forfeiture—they even sent the Dehknos a letter clarifying that “no violations [of banking laws] were identified.” So, why the mugging? The feds just don't like the way the grocers have been depositing money in their bank account. Really.

According to the Institute for Justice, which represents the Dehkos, the problem is that the Dehkos run a cash a business, and don't like to keep lots of lucre on hand. So they make frequent deposits....
Read the whole jaw-dropping thing.

Onward and upward,

Re: Another Asset Forfeiture Outrage #156691
09/25/2013 12:37 PM
09/25/2013 12:37 PM
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And we stand idly by and allow these thieves to steal from honest hard working people.

Anyone who allows a financial institution to control their assets is a retard. If your money isn't in your physical possession you have no money; they do. Thieves can not steal what they can't access.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Another Asset Forfeiture Outrage #156692
09/25/2013 03:32 PM
09/25/2013 03:32 PM
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It is among the many prophesies foretold by Don Pendleton in his original Mack Bolan series of the 1970s, of a possible future where organized crime runs the government. In the Bolan saga, he goes to war and massacres them before they can take over. In the real world, they won, because there was no Mack Bolan to shut them down.

I would have to dig up the video, but there is an IRS training video which alludes to them going in to communities that function on a cash basis and trying to work through ways to attack the economies of those communities. You look at the pot growing regions in NorCal, and how the pot money is the economy to a large extent, and mostly on a cash basis. They talk about finding ways to make life difficult on business that is handled day by day in cash not that it would be illegal, but they are not sufficiently encouraging customers to go cashless.

There is also some blame on the bank, but mostly on the government with this. Years ago when I transferred from the California NG to the Oregon NG, someone at the state level in Oregon decided to be a smartass and kept my state of residence for tax purposes as California, so they paid my state withholding to California, while I lived in Oregon, attended drill in Oregon, and took orders from the Oregon state chain of command. Then a yea or so in to it, I get a notice from the "State of Oregon" that I was somehow cheating them out of the withholding taxes. Obviously, I refused to pay them anything, citing it was the "State of Oregon" that screwed the pay anyway (individual servicemembers don't calculate their own withholding unless they are admin, which I wasn't). The second year into it, they ask for money, I tell them to get fucked. They tell me to pay the state of Oregon, but file for a refund from California. I explain that for the pittance I made in the NG, and the losses in income I took every guard weekend not running my business, it got irritating for them to hassle me over chump change while they fucked up the pay. Not only that, but we had a PLT Sgt who always seemed to fuck us up on drill weekends where we missed meals or were stuck out of town miles from a restaurant AND missing meals AND not issued MREs, and yeah well... But I digress. The state got pretty adamant about wanting their couple hundred bucks, I got pretty adamant about telling them to fuck off.

Then one day, I get an overdraft notice from Bank of America. They handed the money in my account over to the state, then overdrafted me, and then on top of that, hit me for a $70 fee for "assistance with seizure action". I closed my account a week later.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: Another Asset Forfeiture Outrage #156693
09/26/2013 03:37 PM
09/26/2013 03:37 PM
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Similar Experience, F--- B of A, Emptied my account, Bounced Mortgage payment, Bike payment, Materials payments which shut me down, Then closed my account and sent me a bill for Fees, all over child support that was paid. Never got any of it back, Not Even a REACH AROUND.

PSALM 144:01 Blessed be the LORD my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle---
Re: Another Asset Forfeiture Outrage #156694
09/27/2013 12:04 AM
09/27/2013 12:04 AM
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Originally posted by ConSigCor:
And we stand idly by and allow these thieves to steal from honest hard working people.

Anyone who allows a financial institution to control their assets is a retard. If your money isn't in your physical possession you have no money; they do. Thieves can not steal what they can't access.
Its all right here. Very, very well said. I live by this motto as well.

Fight the fight, Endure to win!
Re: Another Asset Forfeiture Outrage #156695
09/27/2013 03:18 AM
09/27/2013 03:18 AM
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Gov Targets Private Bank Accounts: Seizes Funds Of Innocent Americans Without Charge or Trial

Mac Slavo
September 27, 2013

Do you still keep a hefty portion of your savings in a U.S. bank?

If so you may want to reconsider your options. Because if the following report from the Institute of Justice is any indication, nothing you hold in private bank account is safe anymore.

Can the government use civil forfeiture to take your money when you have done nothing wrong—and then pocket the proceeds?

The IRS thinks so.

For over 30 years, Terry Dehko has successfully run a grocery store in Fraser, Mich., with his daughter Sandy. In January 2013, without warning,the federal government used civil forfeiture to seize all of the money from the Dehkos’ store bank account (more than $35,000) even though they’ve done absolutely nothing wrong.

Their American Dream is now a nightmare.

Federal civil forfeiture law features an appalling lack of due process: It empowers the government to seize private property from Americans without ever charging, let alone convicting, them of a crime. Perversely, the government then pockets the proceeds while providing no prompt way to get a court to review the seizure.

On September 25, 2013, Terry and Sandy teamed up with the Institute for Justice to fight back in federal court. A victory will vindicate not just their right to be free from abusive forfeiture tactics, but the right of every American not to have their property wrongfully seized by government.

Source: Institute of Justice via AEI / The Daily Crux

Every year the government of the United States seizes tens of billions of dollars in taxpayer money and redistributes these funds to “black” projects which are often unaccounted for. On September 10th, 2001, for example, Sec. of Defense Donald Rumsfeld admitted that the D.O.D. had lost around $2.3 Trillion. The funds were unaccounted for and any investigation into where they went ended the following day when the office holding the records in question was reportedly destroyed in the Pentagon attack.

No one was held to account. No one went to jail. No one was punished.

Make a suspicious transaction or can’t account for your money as a private citizen, however, and they will seize everything you own and treat you like a financial terrorist.

There are no warrants, no charges, no court proceedings. They just take it. And if you don’t comply, they’ll send an IRS SWAT team through your front door and imprison you.

What’s frightening about the experience of Terry and Sandy Dehko is that just months prior to their seizure of their assets the Internal Revenue Service completed an audit indicating that all of their records were legitimate, and their small business was operating within the guidelines of Federal tax law.

No matter.

When surveillance state flagging algorithms spotted them depositing suspicious amounts of money just below the $10,000 required federal reporting limit into their bank account, a necessity for the Dehkos because their insurance only covered up to $10,000 in losses, they were red flagged by automated monitoring systems as possible money launderers.

Their $35,000 was subsequently seized after the IRS filed a secret warrant (a lot of that going around these days) accusing them of “structuring.” Because of the nature of civil forfeiture laws they now have to fight for their own money and prove their activities were legal. The IRS required no proof whatsoever.

An accusation was enough.

These heavy handed practices will not get any better going forward, especially considering the fiscal state of our nation.

The IRS and other government agencies are booming, hiring on thousands of new employees for enforcement, and arming them with assault weapons and ammunition for those who reuse to comply.

Last year the government took in over $4 billion in forfeiture money. How much of that was from Americans like the Dehkos, who did nothing wrong?

One day soon, they will come for your money, too – and probably a whole lot more.

Do you need any more reason to get out of the banking system, or will you wait until they take everything you’ve worked for?

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Another Asset Forfeiture Outrage #156696
09/27/2013 04:03 AM
09/27/2013 04:03 AM
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Pay back is a bitch!

Plane crashes into IRS

They are asking for a tax revolt by putting Obomination Care fines under the IRS. I'll bet if Obama Care is not repealed that they will start taking peoples homes, vehicles and bank accounts for not buying Obummer Care. Damn Commie Rat Bastards. Most people could keep their money and live to 70 or 80 years old without any hospitalization.

You can bet that the Obomination will make sure that all the sodomites get thousands of dollars of AIDS drugs every year from Obama Care since Obama is a queer. Proof Obama is a queer:

www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper
Re: Another Asset Forfeiture Outrage #156697
10/14/2013 01:24 AM
10/14/2013 01:24 AM
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Well i have said it before - Until the parasites start be found tits-up in fields & their own back yards, nothing will change.

As long as they breath the same are as us this will continue.

"To achieve One World Government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, their loyalty to family traditions and national identification."
~ Brock Chisholm, when director of UN World Health Organization
Re: Another Asset Forfeiture Outrage #156698
10/14/2013 05:50 PM
10/14/2013 05:50 PM
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Originally posted by North Force:
Well i have said it before - Until the parasites start be found tits-up in fields & their own back yards, nothing will change.

As long as they breath the same are as us this will continue.
Not only that, but until those who commit such acts are no longer marginalized and villianized, when public support reaches that tipping point that heroes emerge to do what must be done with the expectations of rewards heaven and fond memories in the hearts of the oppressed for those deeds done, even though those brave enough to stand up and pull it off will pay for that with their lives.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: Another Asset Forfeiture Outrage #156699
10/25/2013 03:27 AM
10/25/2013 03:27 AM
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Soon it will be time to hoist the Jolly Roger unsheathe our weapons and give them all what for.

Grass fed's what's fer supper July 4th.
Re: Another Asset Forfeiture Outrage #156700
10/25/2013 03:56 AM
10/25/2013 03:56 AM
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Ever wonder where all that forfeited "drug money" goes? Well, you might ask Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard .

He seems to be a real party guy. Among other things, he has spent forfeited funds on

...a holiday awards gala in 2010 where “guests dined on $3,200 worth of sirloin tip beef roast, roasted turkey breast and mini-crab cakes with champagne sauce.” (...) $250 on tickets to see NBA player Dwight Howard and rap artist CeeLo Green, $800 to pay off eviction fees, $1,100 on flowers, $5,600 on a Christmas party, and $1,000 on alcoholic drinks for another holiday party. Howard has also paid over $16,000 in state and federal forfeiture funds on security for his own home....

That same office has also spent $1,600 on rib eye steak, over $2,400 on an office softball team, almost $4,500 on football tickets, and $20,000 on office parties and retreats, to name just a few perks....
You gotta admit, Paul Howard would be a fun guy to hang out with.

Onward and upward,

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