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Attempted Set Up Of Stewart Rhodes & Dan Johnson With Child Porn #156526
07/27/2013 11:28 AM
07/27/2013 11:28 AM
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Attempted Set Up Of Stewart Rhodes & Dan Johnson With Child Porn

We Are Change
July 27, 2013

Someone just attempted to set-up Stewart Rhodes (founder of Oath Keepers) & Dan Johnson (founder of People Against the N.D.A.A) by sending child porn to Dan Johnson’s email from a anonymous email account, pretending to be Stewart. Clearly, they knew Dan and Stewart work together on anti-NDAA nullification legislation, so they tried to trick Dan into opening the files containing child porn by impersonating Stewart Rhodes. Fortunately, Dan realized it was a tormail email and not actually from Stewart, so he did not open the attached pdfs. PANDA’S internet security expert was able to determine that the files contained child porn without opening them. This attempt to set Dan Johnson up failed.

This attempt is very similar to the July 3 attempt to set up activist Luke Rudkowski, where someone claiming to be a whistle-blower emailed Luke saying he had some incriminating pictures of Bilderberg elites, which Luke was able to see with his “view” function and determine were actually child porn without opening them. Once Luke did a video exposing the attempt, he was contacted by the hackers who bragged that they were going to do the same thing to other alternative media activist leaders. This is something you all need to be aware of, and protect yourselves against. You can expect more of these malicious smear campaign attacks to happen going forward.

The video where Luke Rudkowski talks about how they tried to set him up:

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Attempted Set Up Of Stewart Rhodes & Dan Johnson With Child Porn #156527
07/27/2013 06:33 PM
07/27/2013 06:33 PM
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That is low down dirty stuff, and if someone plays that shit with me, they are gambling on suffering a violent and painful death by my hand.

First, it is a sleazy shit who has the kiddie porn and probably has a handle on who made it, strike one, then they are trying to pin the crime on an innocent person, strike two, then they are trying to pin someone in the movement because they are in the movement. Strike three, they earn a home run trip to hell.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.
Re: Attempted Set Up Of Stewart Rhodes & Dan Johnson With Child Porn #156528
08/04/2013 04:37 PM
08/04/2013 04:37 PM
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August 3rd, 2013
WARNING: Someone is Trying to Set Up Liberty Activists Using Child Porn

This a warning to all of our members, readers, supporters, and to the general liberty movement.

Please be extremely careful with email, and do not open any attachments from anyone who you don’t know, or from any suspicious email, such as tormail. And even if it seems to be from someone you know, take the time to read the email address carefully, to see if it is from a Tormail account, or other anonymous email service. It could be someone impersonating someone you know, to trick you into opening files with child-porn on them.

No one here at Oath Keepers uses tormail or any other anonymous email service, so if you see an email purporting to be from Oath Keepers, or from anyone in leadership at Oath Keepers, from such an email service, do not open it.

There have been a string of anonymous attacks on liberty activists, all attempting to trick people into opening email attachments containing child-porn. We know of at least four such attempts within the past few weeks.

The first was when someone emailed Luke Rudkowski, Founder of We Are Change and tried to trick him into opening attached jpeg files containing child porn. Luke was able to use the “view” function of his email to see that the images were child porn and he did not open them.

Then, someone using a tormail account tried to do the same thing to Dan Johnson, Founder of People Against the NDAA (PANDA). Whoever emailed Dan Johnson pretended to be me, Stewart Rhodes, but using a Tormail account. Fortunately, Dan knew that I don’t use Tormail, and therefore he did not open the attachments. Instead, he had a computer security expert examine the files, and that expert determined that they contained child porn. You can read more about that attack, and watch a video we made about it, here.

Well, a few days later it happened again, to two other liberty activists we know. They have chosen, for the time being, to not go public about it, in the hopes that the FBI will have a better chance of catching the perp. All of us have reported these incidents to the FBI, through attorney Sue Basko.

Sue has written a very well done description of what happened, what we did to report it, and some important advice on how you can keep from being victimized by whoever is doing this. Here is an excerpt of that tutorial. Please take her advice to heart, and be very careful online.

Stewart Rhodes


Child Porn Emailed to Activists to Try to Frame Them
by Sue Basko

See also about Luke Rudkowski receiving similar email

I have been assisting a group of activist men to whom someone emailed child porn in an attempt to set them up for criminal charges. Whoever is doing this is extremely sinister.

I am writing this to warn others to beware. I’ll give specific info on what to do if it happens to you.

First, Luke Rudkowski, a media activist at We Are Change, was sent child porn via email while he was in Europe and crossing borders between nations. Luckily, he previewed the images and reported the situation to the FBI at the Embassy in the city he was visiting.

Then, Dan Johnson of PANDA (People Against the NDAA) received an email that looked like it was from Stewart Rhodes of Oath Keepers. Dan was suspicious of the email because he had heard about what happened to Luke Rudkowski. Also, the email was a tormail account, which is untraceable, and Dan did not know Stewart to use such an account. In addition, there were attachments.

Dan did not open the attachments, because he was suspicious of them. Instead, he gave access to his email account to a computer security expert. The expert opened the files in a live forensics environment, and saw they were child porn images. The method he used did not leave the files on his computer or drive. The metadata on the files was fixed to the names of Stewart and Oath Keepers, to make it look as if the pictures came from Stewart.

Two days later, the same scenario was repeated, with two men from different organizations. The same computer security expert examined those files, and found they were the same images as in the previous email, but the metadata on the images had been changed to match the name of the supposed sender and his organization.

Whoever did this attempted to set up both the men in whose names they were sending the emails, as well as the men who were to receive the images. This is evil to the max.

WHAT WE DID: I made a group report to the FBI on behalf of all the men, including the computer security expert. With all the information neatly arranged in one report, hopefully the FBI will be able to get some leads on who is behind these dastardly set-up attempts. The men are from all over the nation, so filing separate reports would have diluted the reports’ effectiveness for law enforcement purposes. A good deal of forensics examination has already been done by the computer security expert, and hopefully, he will be able to share his information with the FBI.

WHAT TO DO IF IT HAPPENS TO YOU: If you receive such an email, try to get the files checked out by a security expert before you open them. In any case, you MUST make a report to the police or FBI, because there is child porn involved. It is illegal to view, possess, or pass child porn. The criminal penalties are extreme and include forfeiture of assets, including homes, cash, and personal belongings. Therefore, even the computer security person has to file a report.

By law, you are required to make the report to a law enforcement agency promptly, and to either destroy the images or make the images available to law enforcement. I’d say wait and see if they want the images before you destroy them. Also, don’t delete the email until you file your report, because the routing information on the email may be helpful to police. Also, you need to alert the person whose name was put on the email as the sender. You need to let that person make a police report, too. They have been as victimized as you have, if not moreso.

If you receive such an email and open the files, you are likely to be shocked, or to feel shame, fear, or a desire to push this away and pretend it did not happen. You can’t do that because you need to report it so you don’t risk being caught up in child porn charges, even years down the line. If you need to go to therapy or seek other help to work out your shock over seeing the images and being set up, you should do that, but promptly make the police report. Keep in mind that someone is, in fact, targeting you specifically and trying to harm you terribly. Therefore, it may be wise to take extra safety precautions for yourself and your family.

1) Use of tormail account or other untraceable email account.
2) Uses the name of someone you know, but from an email account you don’t recognize.
3) Has jpegs or pdf files attached.
4) Has an email message that DOES NOT HINT at the files containing child porn, but encourages you to open the files and spread them to all your friends/ compatriots.
5) The email may have veiled threats against you or your group.

1) Don’t open the files. Try to get help from a computer security expert.
3) Share what happened to warn others.
4) Take care of yourself. Talk to a friend, get counseling if needed, take safety precautions for yourself and your family, etc.

Read the rest here. Be sure to go to Sue’s site, and thank her for her help.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Attempted Set Up Of Stewart Rhodes & Dan Johnson With Child Porn #156529
08/04/2013 07:41 PM
08/04/2013 07:41 PM
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1) Don’t open the files. Try to get help from a computer security expert.
3) Share what happened to warn others.
4) Take care of yourself. Talk to a friend, get counseling if needed, take safety precautions for yourself and your family, etc.

Bill of Rights Article 5 says that I have the right NOT to incriminate myself.
So if I call the LEOs would I not be inviting more trouble into my home, added scrutiny and the possibility of getting the Charlie Puckett or Bladerunner treatment (drop an auto sear in the couch cushion)?

Thinking about the Detroit cops engaging in theft under color of authority:

How do I know it wasn't DHS or FBI trying to set me up with kiddie porn, and therefore why would I call a potential perp for help.

Just trying to sort this out...

I would gladly lay aside the use of arms and settle matters by negotiation, but unless the whole will, the matter ends, and I take up my battle rifle, and thank God that He has put it within my grasp.

Audit Fort Knox!
Re: Attempted Set Up Of Stewart Rhodes & Dan Johnson With Child Porn #156530
08/05/2013 02:38 AM
08/05/2013 02:38 AM
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The founder of Freedom Hosting has been arrested in Ireland and is awaiting extradition to USA.

In a crackdown that FBI claims to be about hunting down pedophiles, half of the onion sites in the TOR network has been compromised, including the e-mail counterpart of TOR deep web, TORmail.

This is undoubtedly a big blow to the TOR community, Crypto Anarchists, and more generally, to Internet anonymity. All of this happening during DEFCON.

If you happen to use and account name and or password combinations that you have re used in the TOR deep web, change them NOW.

Eric Eoin Marques who was arrested runs a company called Host Ultra Limited.

He has an account at WebHosting Talk forums.

A few days ago there were mass outages of Tor hidden services that predominantly effected Freedom Hosting websites.

"Down for Maintenance
Sorry, This server is currently offline for maintenance. Please try again in a few hours."

If you saw this while browsing Tor you went to an onion hosted by Freedom Hosting. The javascript exploit was injected into your browser if you had javascript enabled.

What the exploit does:

The JavaScript zero-day exploit that creates a unique cookie and sends a request to a random server that basically fingerprints your browser in some way, which is probably then correlated somewhere else since the cookie doesn't get deleted. Presumably it reports the victim's IP back to the FBI.

An iframe is injected into FH-hosted sites:

By: a guest on Aug 3rd, 2013

Which leads to this obfuscated code:

Javascript Mozilla Pastebin
Posted by Anonymous on Sun 4th Aug 02:52

By: a guest on Aug 3rd, 2013

FBI Hidden Service in connection with the JavaScript exploit:

Who's affected Time scales:

Anyone who accessed an FH site in the past two days with JavaScript enabled. Eric Eoin Marques was arrested on Sunday so that's the earliest possible date.

"In this paper we expose flaws both in the design and implementation of Tor’s hidden services that allow an attacker to measure the popularity of arbitrary hidden services, take down hidden services and deanonymize hidden services
Trawling for Tor Hidden Services: Detection, Measurement, Deanonymization"

The FBI Ran a Child Porn Site for Two Whole Weeks

On any other day one would say these sick perverts got what they deserved. Unfortunately the Feds are stepping far beyond just pedophiles in this latest issue.

The js inserted at Freedom Hosting? Nothing really, just an iframe inject script with a UUID embedded server-side.

The iframe then delivers an exploit kit that appears to be a JavaScript 0day leading to...something. It only attempts to exploit Firefox (17 and up) on Windows NT. There's definitely some heap spraying and some possible shell code. The suspect shell code block contains some strings that look to formulate an HTTP request, but I haven't been able to collect the final payload yet. The shell code also contains the UUID with which the exploit was delivered. Any UUID will work to get this part of the exploit.

I'm still pulling this little bundle of malware apart. So far, I've got that the attack is split across three separate files, each loaded into an iframe. Calls are made between the frames to further obfuscate the control flow. The 'content_2.html' and 'content_3.html' files are only served up if the request "looks like" Firefox and has a correct Referer header. The 'content_2.html' is loaded from the main exploit iframe and in turn loads 'content_3.html'.

Short version. Preliminary analysis: This little thing probably CAN reach out without going through Tor. It appears to be exploiting the JavaScript runtime in Firefox to download something.

UPDATE: The exploit only affects Firefox 17 and involves several JS heap-sprays. Note that the current Extended Support Release is Firefox 17, so this may also affect some large organizations using Firefox ESR.

The script will only attempt the exploit on Firefox 17, so I'm no longer worried about it being some new 0day. Enough of the "Critical" MFSAs are for various sorts of memory corruption that I don't have the time to find out if this is actually a new exploit or something seen before.

Logical outcomes from this?

1. FBI/NSA just shut down the #1 biggest hosting site and #1 most wanted person on Tor

2. Silkroad is next on their list, being the #2 most wanted (#1 was Child Porn, #2 is drugs)

3. Bitcoin and all crypto currenecies set to absolutely CRASH as a result since the feds can not completely control this currency as they please.

I don't always call the Feds agenda transparent, but when i do, I say they can be trying harder.

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861
Re: Attempted Set Up Of Stewart Rhodes & Dan Johnson With Child Porn #156531
08/05/2013 04:30 AM
08/05/2013 04:30 AM
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Makes one seriously wonder about TOR. Here is another writeup ...

Is TOR safe to use?

For most people Java is handy but a bad idea to enable. Your post seems to hold to the idea TOR is pretty well infiltrated by Feds.

I did notice that Firefox, the entire 17.n series was updated fairly quick. Someone knew/suspected the exploits or capability of. YMMV

Re: Attempted Set Up Of Stewart Rhodes & Dan Johnson With Child Porn #156532
08/06/2013 01:28 PM
08/06/2013 01:28 PM
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Not a perfect solution but it will help.

Use Linux and run it off a Live CD or DVD.

I currently use Ubuntu but I may change to Mint and I don't even have a Hard Drive plugged in, so there is no way for anyone including the Gov, to permanently install anything, including applications or illegal content on my system, also there is no record of Internet activity kept on my system, once the system is powered down everything disappears.

You can also fully encrypt your entire system so even if a scum sucker did manage to load illegal content to your system, they would have to break the encryption before they could use what they did to persecute you.

You can also use a VPN like

along with a fully encrypted system.

but a VPN can not be used at the same time as a Live CD/DVD at least without making a custom Live CD/DVD.

There are no perfect solutions except to run your computer over with a Cat D9.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Re: Attempted Set Up Of Stewart Rhodes & Dan Johnson With Child Porn #156533
08/06/2013 02:19 PM
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You guys are talking Chinese Algebra with all that computer geek speak.

On equipment: You get what you inspect, not what you expect.
On training: Our drills are bloodless battles so that our battles are bloody drills.
On tactics: Cheating just means you're serious about winning.
Re: Attempted Set Up Of Stewart Rhodes & Dan Johnson With Child Porn #156534
08/06/2013 04:44 PM
08/06/2013 04:44 PM
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It is a good idea for all Patriots to learn as much as they can about Computers and Computer Geek Speak.

Linux is an Operating System (OS) like Windows.

Ubuntu and Mint plus several others are versions of Linux like Win XP and Win 7 are versions of Windows.

A Live CD/DVD means that the Operating System can function without first being Installed, which means the Computer does not need a Hard Drive for it to work.

To use a Live CD/DVD the computer has to be set to Boot off the CD/DVD Drive just as it has to be set to Install an Operating System.

You insert the Live CD/DVD and then turn off the computer and then turn it back on.

The Computer will Boot off the CD/DVD which has the Linux Live CD/DVD.

You will then have a choice to either Install Linux or to Try Linux before you do an Install, kind of like take it for a Test Ride.

If you click on Try Ubuntu if you have a Ubuntu Disk, the Disk will load itself into Memory but it will not be installed on a Hard Drive, and in fact a Hard Drive does not even need to be installed in the Computer for the Operating System to function.

Since a Hard Drive is needed to be able to store anything permanently when the Computer is Powered off everything that is in temporarily in Memory is lost or erased from Memory.

Memory is referred to as Volatile Storage since it only holds it's data as long as the System is Powered on once the Power is turned off every thing that is stored in Memory is lost unless it has first been saved to Non-Volatile Memory like a Hard Drive or Thumb Drive etc.

So running a Computer off a Live CD/DVD means everything like the Browser's History and Cookies will be erased soon after you turn off the Computer, it will be like it was never there.

Now a VPN is a server that to make it simple, changes your IP address and some like the two I listed do not keep any Server Logs which means that if you registered on AWRM using a VPN which does Not Keep Logs and always used that VPN to post on AWRM your real location and identity would be protected. Of course you would also need to have registered for the Email that you used when you registered at AWRM using the same VPN otherwise you could be tracked down via your Email.

As to encryption if someone doesn't want to encrypt there entire Computer it is possible at least with Outlook Express and Thunderbird to change where the your Email is stored so what can be done is to use True Crypt to create an Encrypted File and to set the Email Application to store all the Emails in the Encrypted File.

If you do that all the emails you receive along with any attachments will be hidden from anyone who does not have the Password to that file where your Email is kept.

All you need to remember besides the password is to open and decrypt the file where the Email will be stored before you open your Email Application and to Turn off you Email Application and then to dismount the encrypted file before you leave your Computer unattended, or if your System is set up to Hibernate instead of completely shutting down.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Re: Attempted Set Up Of Stewart Rhodes & Dan Johnson With Child Porn #156535
10/25/2013 02:42 AM
10/25/2013 02:42 AM
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I do not speak Chinese geek speak nor understand algebra or trig. SPEAK ENGLISH or...Get a shotgun, get a shotgun!!

Grass fed's what's fer supper July 4th.

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